Saturday, May 18, 2024



"Finally, I always go to sea as a sailor, because of the wholesome exercise and pure air of the forecastle deck. For as in this world, head winds are far more prevalent than winds from astern (that is, if you never violate the Pythagorean maxim), so for the most part the Commodore on the quarter-deck gets his atmosphere at second hand from the sailors on the forecastle. He thinks he breathes it first; but not so. In much the same way do the commonalty lead their leaders in many other things, at the same time that the leaders little suspect it."

Herman Melville - from "Moby-Dick; or, The Whale"



May 11, 2024

Good Day Sunshine - A Tribute to The Beatles
The Seasons, Yakima

This five-piece band did pretty well, performing the entirety of Revolver and Rubber Soul plus a few singles. Karen and I appeared to be among the younger attendees. 


May 6, 2024

Alma Redemptoris Mater - Hildegard Von Bingen - Sequentia, Barbara Thornton [from Canticles of Ecstasy]

melodic arches
downward waft

Si Gioioso Mi Fanno | Dolor Miei - Carlo Gesualdo - Delitiæ Musicæ, Marco Longhini

melodic mazes
made of sonority
of combined melodic arches

Panis sancte, panis vive - Peter Philips - The Choir of Royal Holiday, The English Cornett and Sackbut Ensemble, Robert Gough [from Cantiones Sacrae Octonis Vocibus]

the heavens resound
layer within layer
opening inward

Ich bin die Auferstehung, SWV 324 - Heinrich Schütz - La Chapelle Royale, Philippe Herreweghe

reading the words of scripture aloud
in ones own tongue
through patterned imitations

Fuga, BuxWV 174 - Dieterich Buxtehude - Purcell Quartet, Suzie LeBlanc, Dame Emma Kirby, Clare Solomon


Kiwanis Park, Yakima
Médée, Act V - Marc-Antoine Charpentier - Les Arts Florissant, William Christie

fitting melodic arches
to dialog
intersection of music and language 


writing recitative libretti
a particular poetic form
must allow cooperative editing 

the chorus speaks slowly
enunciating each dire word
with exact duration
and pitch 

does a Greek chorus
speak to itself? 

does one ever stop
while listening to music
and ask oneself
how am I doing this?
what am I hearing
that I am making music of? 

an ability to hear sounds
as music
is what births music
is music the universal language
in the same way
that language
is the universal music?

Sonata in D Major - Daniel Purcell - Stanislav Surin, Ratislav Suchan [from Hudba v Trnavskej Katedrale]

brass became associated with church music
it could be so successfully used
as a spare organ stop
of special brilliance 

Invention in E-flat Major, BWV 576 - Johann Sebastian Bach - Edith Picht Axenfeld

a melody of misdirections and other distractions

Keyboard Sonata in C Major, Kk. 225 - Domenico Scarlatti - Pieter-Jan Belder

measuring spaces
by means of sequences of figures 

may be the universal language
in the limited sense
that we all recognize it
or do we?

Keyboard Sonata in G Major, Wq. 65/22 - Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach - Miklós Spányi

this music looks back
to consider
what it might be doing 

all insensible
gradations of introspection
pulling itself into knots

Kiwanis Park, Yakima
May 7, 2024

Symphony in E Major (#12) - Franz Joseph Haydn - Austro Hungarian Haydn Orchestra, Ádám Fischer

opens with a question
for every problem
a solution can be found
within the common framework
can be lined up with questions
based on
matching opening figures
short violin cadenza
to mark the last cadence
of the substantial middle phrases
constructed from figuration bricks

Rondeau la Pot - Jacques Duphly - Christophe Rousset

motor figures
a baroque vibe

Concerto in D Major, K. 175 - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner, Malcolm Bilson

galant concerti
designed specifically
to display the skills and taste of the soloist
in the latest style
to please the court
and paying public 

outer movements fill lots of measures
with big flashy cadential business

Sonata in E Major, Op. 14 #1 - Ludwig van Beethoven - Walter Gieseking

beyond the hinge
a new world
enter the workshop
understated clarity
explodes into offset meters

Sonata in E-flat Major, Op. 41 - Muzio Clementi - Howard Shelley

opening phrase
fast forward through some fancy material
micro-variations proliferate
loves little phrase bending games

Caprice in C minor, Op. 1 #4 - Niccolò Paganini - Salvatore Accardo

we'll play with imitative entrances
in new positions
hiding behind the flashy bowing

String Quartet in E-flat Major, MVW R18 - Felix Mendelssohn - Emerson String Quartet

is it
that our adherence
to the past
is a symptom
of a need
to signify relevance
of some kind? 

is it possible
to be a scholar of the tradition
without being a part of that tradition
and subject to its weaknesses
(privy to its secrets)
((partaker in its puissance)) 

no generation
honors its antecedents
as sincerely as those who rebel against it
rebellion becomes a tradition
but here
music as a diversion
a hobby
a pastime
a club
the expansiveness
is that of hospitality
these musicians are our friends after all
a notion
that underlies the chamber music of Schumann and Brahms as well
Bartok not so much
Beethoven had trouble with being social
at that level of detail
that is
this magic is friendly
Beethoven's never is that

oh what fun!
a fugue
a Felixical fugue!

(Beethoven breaks his)

Mass in E-flat Major, Franz Schubert - Atlanta Symphony Orchestra & Choruses, Robert Shaw, Benita Valente, Marietta Simpson, Jon Humphrey, Glenn Siebert, Myron Myers

a large scale composition
with a modest budget for resources
strings and some brass and some winds
oboe and clarinet at least
no obvious flutes
not the full Beethoven contingent 

making the Ordinary extraordinary

a close reading of the text
a far cry from the theater of Berlioz 

we enter upon fugue
as our solemn duty 

definitely bassoon too
and timpani
all used in the most ordinary way 

nothing up this boy's sleeves

Nocturne in F Major, Op. 15 #1 - Frédéric Chopin - Cecile Licad

each harmony is a point of view
from which we understand the key
the opening tune circles itself eternally 

Albumblätter: Botschaft, Op. 124 #18 - Robert Schumann - Florian Uhlig

a stray thought worth writing down

Ich Stand in Dunkeln Traume, Op. 13 #1 - Clara Schumann - Dorothea Craxton, Hedayet Djeddikar

an art-epistle

Kiwanis Park, Yakima
May 8, 2024

3 Concert Studies - Franz Liszt - Jorge Bolet

a thread of tones an ear follows
any trace of a thread of tones an ear follows
a group of tones an ear recognizes
of figures and their traces
(might be)
a relation holding
between melodic and figurational
in some music

Sonata in C Major, Op. 1 - Johannes Brahms - Julius Katchen

impatient with its progress
it powers on
slashing brush and bulldozing trees
I want fame now! 

a ballade tells its tale
in measured syllables
and balanced stanzas 

and in this ring
the drolleries
and daring gymnastics
of Johannes the Honest
a chameleon clown 

we'll get there
with hard riding
through any weather
tearing across any terrain
it's struggle or nothing
thoughts of you
pulled me through
and here we are
fame at last
the crowd goes wild

Mefistofele, Act 1 - Arrigo Boito  - London Symphony Orchestra, Julius Rudel, Ambrosian Opera Chorus, John McCarthy, Norman Treigle, Plácido Domingo, Montserrat Cabeallé


orchestrational camera angles
long and close
flip flip
here we are
let's have more noise!
follow the music
follow the camera

extensive chorus work
precursing Mussorgsky? 

we are down to a dark small room
feebly candled
beyond time
colossal forces
invest with a shout
and a whislle
what fun!

a successful three martini lunch
the deal is struck!

Symphony in F minor, "Polish" (#4) - Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky - Wiener Philharmonic, Lorin Maazel

the fortissimo conversational of beleaguered empire
start anywhere
follow any thread
hang on tight

oboe and some plucks
perhaps we'll be all right after all
we'll sing a song
all together
we'll feel better
I'm sure

we descend easily
from oboe and plucks
to bassoon and plucks
now to sleep
with our sweet dreams 

worried plucks predominate
the cleanup clowns do their dance
there's this whole little scene between them
with brass supervision
a dance with whirling skirts
and flashy boots 

ok folks
it's showtime
everybody in line
let's make this good 

battle lines have been drawn
even the clowns are ready
the battle joined
uh oh 
there's that loud brass thing
buck up boys
there's hope yet
a new hero has emerged
perhaps the day will be saved
at any rate
we'll get loud

Kiwanis Park, Yakima
Canon in D minor, Op. posth. - Alexander Scriabin - Michael Ponti

there is a secret to these steps
the steps chosen
choose the orientation

May 13, 2024

Symphony in D Major, "Der Titan" (#1) - Gustav Mahler - London Symphony Orchestra - Jascha Horenstein

timbres emerge
from pitch fantasy
sunny and bright
about their businesses
in the shadows
pitch continues to lurk
many possibilities may emerge from it
and night
walk in the sun
avoid engagement
behold the glittering palace 

stomp dancing
starting over is becoming a habit of this music
figurational head rhymes abound 

fourths rock
back and forth 

social music flavors appear
another pitch for emerging from 

big splash
sudden shelling 

a gentle scene
graceful and earnest 

the shadow
wherein lurks terror

happy ending
in the glittering palace
if we can just hold it all together

memories emerge from pitch
plot points
we follow this music
as though we were following a story

The Liberty Bell - John Philip Sousa - Philip Jones Ensemble, Elgar Howarth

self-congratulatory strut parade

Ten Chorale Preludes: Komm Gott Schöpfer - Feruccio Busoni - Wolf Harden

firm pillars
buttressed by rectitude

Poeme in F-sharp Major, Op. 32 #1 - Alexander Scriabin - Michael Ponti

lines float over times
lines within times
any time
begins anywhere 


Kiwanis Park, Yakima
4 Etudes, Op. 7 - Igor Stravinsky - Noel Lee

starting here
going anywhere
strapped to your seat
keep hands within 

|Mussorgsky, Scriabin, Stravinsky: tonal visionaries| 

weaving a polyphony
through a thornbush
standing hip deep
in muck and vegetation
on ice skates
in mid frolicsome folly

Milanga de dos hermanos - Carlos Guastavino - Teresa Berganzo, Juan Antonio Alvarez Parejo

this music is an act
that one might peddle
on a Vaudevillian stage
selling that fiery temperament

Seven Pieces for Piano: Székely keserves, Op. 11 #2 - Zoltán Kodály - Jenő Jandó

experiments from the fringe
full clean sonority

Chamber Concerto for Piano, Violin and Winds - Alban Berg - London Symphony Orchestra, Claudio Abbado, Peter Serkin, Isaac Stern

re-thinking tonality
was all the rage

here we attack
from a position of constant modulation
performing oddly
in far corners
distracting attention
free floating tonal charge
practicing for operaticisms

stand in for singer/characters 

slithering to all sides
two concerti meet in a dark alley
to plot 

Kiwanis Park, Yakima
May 14, 2024

An American in Paris - George Gershwin - Utah Symphony Orchestra, Maurice Abravanel

keep it moving along
clumsy charm may save the day
through a series of impressions and encounters
unable to see beneath
in order to understand
what the impressions are of
the exoticism of modernity
stage spectacular

Cello Concerto in D Major (after Monn) - Arnold Schoenberg - Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Robert Craft, Laurence Lesser

a modern sensibility
in period costume

Lenox Avenue: The Blues - William Grant Still - Mark Boozer

the blues
if they were polite

Mando Tiro, Tiro la - Heitor Villa-Lobos - New York Chamber Symphony, Gerard Schwarz, Robert Bonfiglio

a theme today
locally popular styles
(such as 18th Century music was in 20th Century Vienna)
dressed up for polite company

Kiwanis Park, Yakima
I Hear a Rhapsody - Dave Brubeck Quartet [from That Devilin' Tune]

polite sophistication
arising from within a locally popular style
this music is still native to a dance hall

Klavierstück 1 - Karlheinz Stockhausen - Aloys Kontarsky

the task:
to strenuously remove
all trace of softness
these are facts being played
Gradgrindian data-points

Hang Up My Rock And Roll Shoes - Chuck Willis [collected from Dave Marsh's The Heart of Rock & Soul]

shoop bop
do your chores

In Dreams - Roy Orbison [collected from Dave Marsh's The Heart of Rock & Soul]

creepy candy colored clown
go to sleep

Jumpin' Jack Flash - The Rolling Stones [collected from Dave Marsh's The Heart of Rock & Soul]

brag I'm bad
and grew up bad
a bit of a plod

Watch That Man - David Bowie [from Aladdin Sane]

the engineers start to spend some resources
the money starts to show
fill the dance floor

The Prisoner - The Clash [from Nancy's Mix]

strip down the sound
dial up the attitude

Waltz Across Texas - Merle Haggard, Leona Williams [a Rescued Record]

country manners

Banned Rehearsal 128 - Karen Eisenbrey, Keith Eisenbrey, Anna K, Aaron Keyt, Neal Kosály-Meyer

It's eleven oh three
let's make a tape
and draw a picture 

The Meysenbreyers find Keyt 

squeally from the Mekosályers 

both sides
say bran' new year 

forgotten law 

guitar goes crazy
as Keyt is found
Neal scrubs the sound 

Aaron and Keith get brassy
after-the-fact telepathy 

when it really doesn't matter
which space a sound was from
we conjoin
in a celebratory singing 


we wind up our toys
and they chatter back for us

Plektó - Iannis Xenakis - ST-X Ensemble

blindfolded tones
are let loose
in an empty space
on an empty stage
they begin to find each other
but their clinging
is troubling to them
they have their say

Minute Etudes Book I: Lonely - Emily Doolittle - Keith Eisenbrey [recorded April 13, 2022]

thinking vocally
means singing each line

Organism 4 - Christian Asplund - Tom Baker [from Sounding The Curve]

lengths of the same strings

Jesu Thy Boundless Love To Me - Keith Eisenbrey - Keith Eisenbrey [recorded March 23 and 29, 2015]

the art of discombobulating squares

With Respect to George - Benjamin Boretz - Sascia Pellegrini [from Open Space 33]

the strangeness of parallel play

Selections from Music for Wallace - Aaron Keyt - Aaron Keyt [recorded live at Seattle Composers' Salon, January 5, 2018]

specificity of attention
to each attack and release
easy to get your fingers on
and difficult to get one's mind around

Kiwanis Park, Yakima
May 15, 2024

Sonata on Themes by Thomas Commuck: III - Jeremiah Lawson - Jeremiah Lawson

canon across the strings

La Marche de Gris-vetus - François Couperin - Kenneth Gilbert

an homogenous whole

Tous Les Bourgeois de Chatre - Claude Balbastre - Marie-Claire Alain

a piece is a singularity of purpose
variety is fine
if the singularity of purpose
is plain
in this case
the single purpose
is to vary a melody 

Sonata in B-flat Major, Op. 17 #6 - Johann Christian Bach - Bart van Oort

melodies have distinguishable parts
figurationally organized

a piece's homogeneity
is like unto the distinguishable parts
of its figurationally organized melodies 

homogeneity of structure
behind it all
is the binary format
||:I to V :||: (x) to I :||
formal homogeneity

Mosé in Egitto, Act 1 - Gioachino Rossini - Philharmonia Orchestra, Claudio Scimone

these ta das
were from a very very very very long time ago
barely an overture
but we're in mid act
there is a story by Balzac
that features a fictionalized discussion
of the merits of this opera
particularly extolled
was the exact perfection of his expression
that's not what he's doing
he's providing a colored background
exactly capable
of taking on
any expression you allow it 

in its technicolor costumery
and stagecraft
was just another format for opera
wallowing in pictorial lushness

the cartoonishly overdrawn villain
practically twirls his mustachios

orchestration/tempo follows the point-of-view character 

we are within
and privy to
an individual's doings 

friend of over-actors 

firm scene finales
for simple re-arrangements
as required
(take the intermission
wheresoever it might be convenient) 

the singer
is the character's mech-suit
part armor
part puppet 

fill the stage
so the scene can end 

a gentle domestic set
for the female lead's solo 

in listening to opera
I prefer to know nothing of who the singer actually is

Sonata in in G Major, Op 55 #2 - Friedrich Kuhlau - Loredana Brigandi

the sonatina
is perhaps the purest galant format
especially in the hands of a late practitioner
such as Friedrich
the whole point of them
seems to be politic
lessons in modest bragging

Sonata in C minor, Op. 4 #1 - Frédéric Chopin - Garrick Ohlsson

seems uncertain
whether to wake its key
out of a deep slumber
with clear determination
we will refrain
from establishing anything firm
it isn't
that he has trouble with the large form
of the sonata
that he has an original concept
of what that form is about
sincerely operatic

6 Melodies: Allegro Molto, Quasi Presto - Fanny Hensel

gets to a height
to view distant glories
of balance and rectitude

In Session at The Tintinabulary

May 5, 2024

Augusta - Keith Eisenbrey

continuing my project of arranging a shape-note tune every Sunday. I missed last week while traveling back from Yakima, so I'll try to do two of them tomorrow.

May 6, 2024

Banned Telepath 105 Tintinabulary - Karen Eisenbrey, Keith Eisenbrey, Aaron Keyt, Neal Kosály-Meyer

May 7, 2024

Sinfonia 12 (midi) - Keith Eisenbrey

I made a small adjustment since I posted this a few weeks ago. 

Banned Telepath 105 Tucson - Lisa, Steve Kennedy

Banned Rehearsal 1099 - Karen Eisenbrey, Keith Eisenbrey, Lisa, Steve Kennedy, Aaron Keyt, Neal Kosály-Meyer

May 13, 2024

Gradus 395 - Neal Kosály-Meyer

music and verbal language
use the fact
that the human ear
is capable
of sensing minute and rapid fluctuations
in air pressure
that the volumes of air
we occupy
are capable
of sustaining those fluctuations
in detail
(sub-psychic presumably)
we perceive them
as sound
but sound
is a psychological category
we see a piano
an object in our visual field
in the form
that objects in our visual fields are imaged
we hear a piano
as an object
in our audial field
in the form
that objects in audial fields are imaged
how might visual forms
relate to audial forms?
objects in different kinds of fields 

if timbre
is a quality of sound
determined by its acoustic
its mix of overtones
of what timbre
are those overtones?
if overtones
don't have overtones
do they
in some sense
not have timbre?

when the overtones ripen
into their own pitch
do they cease to be part of the timbre
of their incitement?

May 14, 2024

Sinfonia 12 (clavichord) - Keith Eisenbrey - Keith Eisenbrey

and I managed a pretty good recording on clavichord hoorah!



Keith Eisenbrey 17: 2017-2018

Études d'exécution imminent - Illustrations

In this segment of the Études d'exécution imminent I combined existing musics with settings derived from mod-17 row forms treated as sequences of interval-classes rather than as sequences of row-classes. Ghosting is an accordion piece by Amy Denio that caught my fancy. The Chorales' melodies were extracted from the Bach-Riemenschneider volume of harmonized chorales, and Frankie and Johnny was formed from the traditional American song.

Ghosting Doubles were recorded live at The Chapel Performance Space, Good Shepherd Center, Seattle, on March 24, 2018. The melody "Ghosting" is used with the kind permission of Amy Denio, (copyright by Spoot Music). "Chorales" and "Frankie and Johnny" were recorded at my home in 2021 and 2019 respectively. The words for "Frankie and Johnny" are traditional.

Prior volumes are available at

All are free for download.

Skaldmud's Doodle Gallery

listening journal doodles from 2022

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