Saturday, June 29, 2024


Cowiche Canyon, Uplands Trail

"'I take a great interest in her, Mr. Weller,' said Mr. Pickwick.
Mr. Weller coughed.
'I mean an interest in her doing well,' resumed Mr. Pickwick; 'a desire that she may be comfortable and prosperous. You understand?'
'Wery clearly,' replied Mr. Weller, who understood nothing yet.
'That young person,' said Mr. Pickwick, 'is attached to your son.'
'To Samivel Veller!' exclaimed the parent.
'Yes,' said Mr. Pickwick.
'It's nat'ral,'said Mr. Weller, after some consideration, 'nat'ral but rayther alarmin'. Sammy must be careful.'
'How do you mean?' inquired Mr. Pickwick.
'Wery careful that he don't say nothin' to her,' responded Mr. Weller. 'Wery careful that he ain't led avay, in a innocent moment, to say anythin' as may lead to a conwiction for breach. You're never safe vith 'em, Mr. Pickwick,  ven they vunce has designs on you; there's no knowin' vere to have 'em; and vile you're a considering of it, they have you. I wos married furst, that vay myself, sir, and Sammy was the consekens o' the manoover.'"

Charles Dickens - The Posthumous Papers of The Pickwick Club



Cowiche Canyon, Uplands Trail
June 23, 2024

Symphony in B minor, Op. 74 "Pathetique" (#6) - Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky - Leningrad Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra, Yevgeny Mravinsky

B minor or loneliness 

the open
is about how these notes move together
about the accumulation of tiny differences 

first segment
scales descending
second segment
scales ascending 

first segment
begins off the beat
and falls
second segment
begins firmly
and ascends 

emotive whammy?
but the whammy ought not to deafen us to crucial stuff behind the scenes
how it accomplishes said whammy
by a ritualized
highly structured
acting out
of emoting 

first segment
the waltz in five
second segment
the solemn procession
also in five 

a scherzoid march
cheering multitudes
streamers and gleaming buttons
bayonets and epaulettes 

garret or basement
humble quarters
apotheosis of emotive acting out

Das Orgel-Büchlein, BV B 27: No. 4, Nun freut euch, lieben Christen (After J. S. Bach's BWV 734) - Ferruccio Busoni - Wolf Harden


is Busoni transcribing Bach
any different
than a ritualized
highly structured
acting out
of emotiveness?
and certainly
to be asked of the Bach directly as well
is the piece
that is the acting out
a different piece
than that which is ritualized
or that which is highly structured?

Cowiche Canyon, Uplands Trail
4 Preludes, Op. 33 - Alexander Scriabin - Michael Ponti

among appropriate emotions to act out
cool reasoning
or liquid languish
or violent passion

I Ain't Had No Lovin' In a Long Time - Bob Roberts [from Turn Me Loose White Man]

adult entertainment
in the old days

5 Pieces for Orchestra - Anton Webern - London Symphony Orchestra, Pierre Boulez

speculated emotives

June 24, 2024

3 Etudes - Béla Bartók - Paul Jacobs

something nefarious emerges from a full rolling boil
piano is a percussion instrument school of thought 

heavy and slithery
obscured by dense growth 

massive stone
playful sprites

New Orleans Joys - Jelly Roll Morton [from Really The Blues]

quivers up
from hip to shoulder
shivers strum the ribs

Clarinet Concerto - Carl Nielsen - New York Philharmonic, Leonard Bernstein, Stanley Drucker

considered placement
of clarinet sound within the orchestra sound
always clear
never perfunctory 

in slow portion
horns and bassoons
to sound like horns and bassoons
rather than
like all horns 

excellent snare drum part

A Deserted Plantation - William Grant Still - Mark Boozer

a music based on a music
wears music on its sleeve
a vastly different vibe
than when Ives pastes musics in 

dotted rhythms
never had it so good
location evoked through song

Cowiche Canyon, Uplands Trail
Nice Work If You Can Get It - Billie Holiday [from Lady Day: The Complete Billie Holiday on Columbia]

introducing the band and its soloists
every song a showcase

Nesta Rua - Heitor Villa-Lobos - New York Chamber Chamber Symphony, Gerard Schwarz, Robert Bonfiglio

pretty tune to rend hearts with

Wrong Road Blues - Tommy Duncan and his Western All Stars [from That Devilin' Tune]

string band
with a bit of snare drum
hanging out with the double bass

Klavierstück 2 - Karlheinz Stockhausen - Aloys Kontarsky

drawing lines through dots

Scherzo - Berthold Goldschmidt - Kolja Lessing

witty and slight

Da Doo Ron Ron - The Crystals [collected from Dave Marsh's The Heart of Rock & Soul]

lets rhyme stuff

Barstow - Eight Hitchhiker Transcriptions - Harry Partch - The Harry Partch Ensemble

lost in Massachusetts
go to 530 East on Heron Avenue
easy hand out
object matrimony
every person on stage
is a character 

I'm mystified
as to why it's Partch's tunings
that get all the attention
for me
it's all bout theater
the tuning
is just one of the particularities of it

Sixty Minute Man - Clarence Carter [collected from Dave Marsh's The Heart of Rock & Soul]

drop the needle
heh heh heh heh heh heh

I Believe - Buzzcocks [from Nancy's Mix]

credo in my machine nature
as programmed
to program your credo
by repetition of slogans

Modern Love - David Bowie [from Let's Dance]

I am programmed
and oiled
to fit in 

drum sound 

like a clenched scrotum

I Can Shout All I Want - Banned Rehearsal [from Purple Stripe]

Neals' version of Aaron's sudden song
a few quasi chords and can drumming 

they're all for sure
going straight to Hell
but better them
than me 

unless I ring that little bell
this bus won't stop for me

back up
she bop de boo wop

String Quartet 6 - Milton Babbitt - The Fred Sherry Quartet

the axioms of hexachordal combinatoriality
are their own homogeneity
a machine
that deals with incoming messages
a polyreceptive reference
and dispatcher 

this music knows what it is 

where does this music take us
through what are we pulled 

an exquisite ecstasy
find a pitch
and hang on for dear life
catch the next one if you fall off

Banned Rehearsal 478 - Karen Eisenbrey, Keith Eisenbrey, Anna K, Aaron Keyt, Neal Kosály-Meyer [January 3, 1998]

we open our cases and begin to squeak and squawk
bringing a low string up to a tuning
each part distinct
no part front and center
the seed need not appear within the tree
behind it all
a distant simian chatter
in small voice
through small speaker 

begins drunken brass drinking song
crowded moorage
the beef boats bellow
rocking swells
a wandering mind passes through
on The Aaronsbundler
excitement building among the pilings

this sound has a reflective surface
but the angles matter

dragon hoard
mulling horns and bells
glance off each other 

a three sneeze night 

this music is a consistent re-morph
but slow at it
hold on...

Cowiche Canyon, Uplands Trail
{journal entry of February 11, 2006:

a fussy dense middle
and non-intra-extractable brass
blatting on top
like drunken sovereigns
on decaying thrones
drift off into slumber
while the court connives a dunking
too feebly inebriated
to resist the force -march into the moat
takes its time
about all getting on the same soundpage
big Wurlitzer sounds
help glue
then open
new spots
like a quick spin through the FM spectra
lots of taps played
a moment here
and we are outside at night
piercing stars with drone tones 

of shrill burning light}

Karen at Cowiche Canyon, Uplands Trail
June 25, 2024

Firecrackers in Metal - Christopher DeLaurenti

some musics are virtual worlds
some are wall mounted objects

Track 3 - Aaron Keyt [from 7(7)]

some are virtual worlds
of wall mounted objects

being virtual
it can't be like anything else
by virtue
of the virtualizing mind
it often
to seek
to be 

of a type not fully understood
by anybody

Marry The Night - Lady Gaga [from Born This Way]

dance hall
nightlife propaganda
tip your bartender

Banned Rehearsal 950 - Karen Eisenbrey, Keith Eisenbrey, Steve Kennedy, Aaron Keyt, Neal Kosály-Meyer [January 15, 2018]

some are virtual worlds
of virtual worlds
of hand wielded sounds 

public facing musics
use devices to attract attention
playing in tune
and in time
for instance

Totem 21 - Sascia Pellegrini [from Totem VI]

some music
is a virtual world
made of wind
and water
and earth
and fire

Cowiche Canyon, Uplands Trail
O Virtus Sapientiae (Antiphona) - Hildegard Von Bingen - Sequentia [from Spiritual Songs]

lifted up
floated down

Non Mirar, No Mirare - Carlo Gesualdo - Delitiæ Musicæ, Marco Longhini

some virtual worlds
seem to intend
to speak eloquently

Alma redemptoris Mater a 8 - Peter Philips - The Choir of Royal Holiday, The English Cornett and Sackbut Ensemble, Robert Gough

space translates music
music enables space
to stage virtual worlds

Geistliche Chor-Music, Op. 11, SWV 374, Volume 1: VI. Unser keiner lebet ihm selber - Heinrich Schütz - Capella Augustana

early baroque rejuvenation of meter
as a field for workmanship of intricate design

Jesu, meine Freude, BuxWV 60 - Dieterich Buxtehude - Purcell Quartet, Suzie LeBlanc, Dame Emma Kirby, Clare Solomon

the sonata that opens this cantata 
has some weird shit in the middle part 

in Lutheran circles
without the Mass to work off of
they zeroed in on the hymns
as backbone
then proceeded to construct a body of liturgical music
as impressive in its scope
as what the Catholics had
(for a time at least)

Quatrieme Ordre (fa): La Marche des Gris-vetus - François Couperin - Kenneth Gilbert

voices moving in accord with each other

Invention in E minor, BWV 778 - Johann Sebastian Bach - Edith Picht Axenfeld

left hand acts as a yes man
to the right hand
but backwards
in heels

Sonata in C minor, Kk. 230 - Domenico Scarlatti - Pieter-Jan Belder

juggling duet
Scarlatti is not about repetition
he is about play
he often plays with repetition

Sonata in F minor, Wq. 63/6 - Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach - Miklós Spányi

baring the melodic
of extraneous showy prolongations
by building the prolongations
into how it goes along 

Cowiche Canyon, Uplands Trail
Sinfonia in C Major, Op. 3 #2 - Johann Christian Bach - Camerata Budapest, Hanspeter Gmür

enlightenment and elegance
a mask of reason
is screaming itself hoarse
to convince itself
it is in charge

Allegro Molto in D Major, Hob. XVII.D2 - Franz Joseph Haydn - Christine Schornsheim

a game
to make the party laugh

Sonata in A minor, K. 310 - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Lili Kraus

in the middle of what they were saying
they notice a motion off to the side
best take the message
if prolongations are built into how it goes along
then vanity itself
will demand decoration

Sonata in G Major, Op. 37 #2 - Muzio Clementi - Howard Shelley

pieces of music
began to become things one did
in order to have them published
and sold
independently of the original occasion
if there was one

instructions in refinement
and cultural etiquette

Cowiche Canyon, Uplands Trail
June 26, 2024

Violin Sonata in A Major, Op. 47 "Kreutzer" - Ludwig van Beethoven - Nathan Milstein, Georges Plademacher [from Nathan Milstein: The Last Recital]

trading off the tune
sequential translation
in negotiation
embodied in the persons playing
but not contained by them
sets of
also sequential translations
but displayed serially
or generational
each begets the next

Caprice in E-flat Major, Op. 1 #8 - Niccolò Paganini- Salvatore Accardo

thinking about strings as tuned
in relation to the key in play

Music for 'Rosamunde' D. 797 - Franz Schubert - Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, Karl Bohm

the notion of first and second subject
as among the sines qua non of Sonata Allegro form
must have arisen
from its uses in operatic overtures
the form appears in far more varied a population of musics
than operatic overtures 

lyrical rather than epic

this music caricatures characters 


B Movie
B for Brilliant 

this music folds us into a warm blanket
so comfy 

our guide and friend
in this music
it's better
to not know
where you are within it
it is complete

Cowiche Canyon, Uplands Trail
Etuden in Form Freier Variationen über ein Beethovensches Thema - Robert Schumann - Peter Frankl

story weaver
change scene
weave another
be quick 

variations as literary device
as in
on a theme of Beethoven's  |
treating the source as a literature

hands like spiders
Lisztian Reminiscences de Septieme Symphony

Waltz in F Major, Op. 34 #3 - Frédéric Chopin - Garrick Ohlsson

dances gracefully in all things

Ich stand in dunkeln Träumen - Clara Schumann - Dorothea Craxton, Hedayet Djeddikar

song writing
is the art of revealing the voice of the poem

Ein Deutsches Requiem, Op. 45 - Johannes Brahms - Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique, John Eliot Gardiner, Monteverdi Choir, Charlotte Margiono, Rodney Gilfry

edification carved into every brick and board
finds himself struggling to punch through the fugal mass he has brought forth
a plea for knowledge
of what we know
will knowing what we know
provide comfort 

free of weight and weightlessness
free of mass
cushioned on the contours of smoothly crafted lines 

the soloists don't stand in star power spotlights

Via Crucis: Station II - Jesus trägt sein Kreuz - Franz Liszt - Nederlands Kamerkoor, Reinbert De Leeuw 

an illustration with inscribed lesson

Cowiche Canyon, Uplands Trail
June 27, 2024

Symphony in E Major (#7) - Anton Bruckner - Philharmonia Orchestra, Otto Klemperer

a promise unfurls
every interior
root tips
and buds
in the dark
in the light
seed of promise
of the Holy Spirit

is without a doubt
Anton being devout
what it is all about 

at home
in one's being
healing immense kindness 

valiant and brave
in struggles untiring 

as though we awake from dream
but for now


Psyche - César Franck - Orchestre Philharmonique De Liege, Paul Strauss

another big piece about spirits
my favorite of Franck's symphonies
especially with the choral bits included 

floating bliss
effortless motion
no need for symphonical processes
to bog it down 

as tune birds go
this one is resplendent 

the hot housiest
of hot house flowers 

voluptuous in all its parts

Sea Pieces: A.D. MDCXX - Edward MacDowell - Fred Karpoff

this music sounds like how roman numerals look

Cowiche Canyon, Uplands Trail
Madama Butterfly, Act II - Giacomo Puccini - Coro e orchestra dell'Accademia di Santa Cecilia, Alberto Erede, Renata Tabaldi, Giuseppe Campora, Nell Rankin, Giovanni Inghilleri, Piero de Palma, Fernando Corena, Gianna Diozzi, Melchiorre Luise, Michele Calvino, Luigi Pizzeri

the essential story
only relies on the power-differential
between Butterfly and Pinkerton
(Donna Elvira and Don Giovanni?)
(and between Butterfly and her keeper)
(and between her keeper and Pinkerton) 

the particular nationalities
are immaterial
power is power 

lost in the voluptuous folds of exoticism
the exotic
signifies innocence

as much a novelty
as Japanese
(to Puccini) 

the big tune
lets us down gently

the Americanness of Pinkerton
is signified
by a European-derived Patriotic Tune
Oh Say Can You See 

public/private faces 

||"ooohhh. . . Marta!"
(John & Marsha?)|| 

this music
depicts the projected feelings
of the audients

this must be the famous humming chorus

Fig Leaf Rag - Scott Joplin - William Albright

a mechanically marvelous element
this music is about notes
in a unique way
the result
of a mechanical action
that it is programmed to perform

Preludes, Book 2: Brouillard - Claude Debussy - Walter Gieseking

intimating touch

Sirfelirat, Rubato, Op. 11 #4 - Zoltan Kodály - Jenö Jandó

picking up on Debussy's clarity of expression
a miniature drama for solo piano

Serenade, Op. 24 - Arnold Schoenberg - London Symphony Orchestra, Pierre Boulez

treating notes
as sound
made by prescribed gestures
of arm
and hands
and breath
and mouth 

axiomatic gestures
coy and clever
it B A C Hs us 

a little song persists
while being pelted by note stones 

cramped  molecular space 

what meaning does it have
to our experience of a music
to have it demonstrated
some aspect of it
is consistent
to certain axioms?

In Session at The Tintinabulary

June 23, 2204

Hamburg - Keith Eisenbrey



Keith Eisenbrey 19: 2021
Études d'exécution imminent - Acknowledgments
Rounds for Aaron (2021)
Rungs for Neal (2021)

The Acknowledgements form the last segment of my large-scale project "Études d'exécution imminent", which might be subtitled "studies in compositional listening".

Prior volumes are available at

All are free for download.

Skaldmud's Doodle Gallery

listening journal doodles from 2023

Saturday, June 22, 2024


Cowiche Canyon, Uplands Trail

"Nor was the pulpit itself without a trace of the same sea-taste that had achieved the ladder and the picture. Its paneled front was in the likeness of a  ship's bluff bows, and the Holy Bible rested on a projecting piece of scroll work, fashioned after a ship's fiddle-headed beak.

What could be more full of meaning? - for the pulpit is ever this earth's foremost part; all the rest comes in its rear; the pulpit leads the world. From thence it is the storm of God's quick wrath is first descried. and the bow must bear the earliest brunt. From thence it is the God of breezes fair or foul is first invoked for favorable winds. Yes, the world's a ship on its passage out, and not a voyage complete; and the pulpit is its prow."

Herman Melville - from Moby-Dick; or, the Whale.



Yakima Area Arboretum
June 15, 2024

Symphony in G Major, Op. 88 (#8) - Antonín Dvořák - Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Bruno Walter

preps for a royal visit
so much to do

in the meadow
the poets and millers' daughters
dream away 

wooden sword fights
make believe swashbuckling 

one of my favorites among Dvořák's symphonies
because it's having so much fun being all bucolic and all 

nicely voiced string writing
mechanical bird calls
story book land
not trying to be profound
mostly Antonín just wants to have fun 

ball gown
dance dream
negotiations delicate
all move together
happy town
street parades and commerce 

the king is trumpeted
and arrives
seated on a divan
unjostlingly transported
the crowd goes wild with excitement

dance symphony
concertina for flute
but now
the dreamers must back to sleep

Yakima Area Arboretum
June 17, 2024

Fantasy in A minor, Op. posth. - Alexander Scriabin - Michael Ponti, Robert Leonardi

the two-piano piece
with the great little tune
could be a sketch for a concerto movement
perfect simultaneities are problematic
with two piano music
doesn't matter so much
except in those places where it really does
and could be more correctly done
with one player

{from my journal of December 8, 1997:
that pretty little tune
is still very nice
even after all these years}

Das Orgel-Büchlein, BV B 27: No. 4, Nun freut euch, lieben Christen (After J. S. Bach's BWV 734) - Ferruccio Busoni - Wolf Harden

a given line
encased in ornateness
now newly refurbished 

the piano
as used here
is a considerably more intimate instrument
than a pipe-organ
which changes the feel of the piece
as to its immediate relation to us

Pelleas und Melisande - Arnold Schoenberg - CBC Symphony Orchestra, Robert Craft

tendrils accumulate
entwine themselves
into the form of a body 

as a silent movie does
it mimes personal interactions
an operatic model
the music as a freely re-configuring stage of action
relies on us following it
like a drama is happening
in front of it

Cowiche Canyon, Uplands Trail
4 Etudes, Op. 7 - Igor Stravinsky - Nikita Maaloff

quick cuts
hovering in a key's vicinity
or running circles around it

Syrinx - Claude Debussy - Roger Bourdin

repetition of first figure throughout
new paragraph

3 Poems of Fiona MacLeod - Charles Griffes - Boston Symphony Orchestra, Seiji Ozawa, Phyllis Bryn-Julson

in the first person
talking to itself
we listen in
the stage
is within the song 

as though heard from across a distance
or in a dream 

twilight or dawn
bowers and vines
golden light

House of David Blues - Midway Dance Orchestra [from That Devilin' Tune]

stage stroll dance
long liquid legs
slow frame rate

Wang Wang Blues - Sam Ku West Harmony Boys [from Really The Blues]

interesting guitar playing
steel or lap?

Yakima Area Arboretum
June 18, 2024

Wait for Me - Harold and Hazel [from Turn Me Loose, White Man]

another lost or obscure set of vowels
suddenly yodeling

The Incredible Flutist - Walter Piston - Howard Hanson

one of those Modernist ballets?
orchestral instruments are line players
they play musical lines
it was considered rude
to provide them
with only a bit of something
or with not enough of a line
to understand
as a part of the piece the orchestra is playing
treating instrumentalists like factory workers
part of the reason
the later pointillism rubbed some folks the wrong way
notes to play
but no way to easily understand those notes
as a part of anything in particular

They Say - Billie Holiday, Teddie Wilson and His Orchestra [from Lady Day; The Complete Billie Holiday on Columbia]

lazy shuffle groove
cushioned beats

In a Landscape - John Cage - Melissa Walsh [recorded live at the Chapel Performance Space May 25, 2012]

late stage Modernist exoticism?

Need Somebody - John Lee Hooker [from The Legendary Modern Recordings]

drum stomp
beat beat beat beat

John & Marsha - Stan Freberg [from The Very Best of Stan Freberg]

tour de force of voice acting and script-writing

Moon Child - The Ventures [from Walk Don't Run]

simple lines one could learn to play for yourself
offered accessibility to participation

The Son of Hickory Holler's Tramp - C. O. Smith [a Rescued Record]

American bona fides
I'm folks
just folks
and right proud about it

Space Is The Place - Sun Ra [from Space Is The Place]

comes on like alarms going off
bloop! bleep!
pay attention 

layers of messages
coming through a cramped stereo field
singlehandedly renders Stockhausen's Sirius thingy

Sun Ra had better space ships
than Karlheinz had 

this music is having too much fun to want to stop

Straight On - Heart [from Greatest Hits]

completely believable as a thing to play on a porch
with folks
foot tapping tempo

BAB KEE - Benjamin Boretz, Keith Eisenbrey [February 27, 1983]

that's me fighting off
my own dispositions
clinging to through-lines 

found a well-spaced chord

any little move will set it off

compositional role playing
as an exercise
continuity freak
time to change the subject?
rarely a good idea
talks incessantly
not clear
on the concept of shared spotlight
but that's because
I still hear this as a lesson
and so
I impulsively pathologize
what would this be
if I didn't know the players?
piano heavy duet with Crumar commentary
the pianist's obsessions have stoppered his ears
afeared to stop now
through-lines are for clinging to
every cranny stuffed with sound
fast-forward manually
shout down
to play piano
to play
as though a soloist on stage
stuck on a vamp
broken record

Burn It Clean - Mudhoney [from Superfuzz Bigmuff]

role playing as a captured animal
attacking past their cage
a straining energy
chain dragging

Banned Rehearsal 323 - John E, Karen Eisenbrey, Keith Eisenbrey, Aaron Keyt [Mary 3, 1993]

starts with a racket
seems to have settled down
we hear these sounds
as if our ears were right up to each of them
no sound is further off than a few feet 

is the first-person possessive
a common form of pronoun
to learn and speak first
when learning from infancy? 

Funmaker stops
were so much fun
the guitar has not always been there
but now it has 

Cowiche Canyon, Uplands Trail
pushing cassette tape
past its capacities
our trademark
shouting like a pirate
Bunny of Doom is back
Funmaker makes the mics rattle against their platforms
there's the Aaronsbundler idee fixe

the problem with idees fixe
and leitmotifs
is that
representation and assigned meanings
restrict their movements

a Bickleton limb
you've left me with

{journal entry of December 31, 1997:

another fine session
full of sound and space
an essay in Funmaker solemnity

Walt Whitman's Niece - Billy Bragg and Wilco [from Mermaid Avenue]

between the accent and the echo
a story about a book of poems

5 Duets for Solo Piano - Keith Eisenbrey - Keith Eisenbrey [recorded live at University Temple United Methodist Church, June 21, 2003]

the range of the originally conceived instrumentation (two clarinets)
keeps the keyboard writing under control in these transcriptions
other than being obsessively musical
these are pretty sharp little pieces
and pretty well played by past me

Yakima Area Arboretum
June 19, 2024

Triptych for Kelly - David Hicks - Hideo Kikuchi, Julia Hsu [from Open Space 39]

naming images
belittles them 

a function played out
creates an image of its playing out
to name that played-out image
by its generating function
is aesthetic robbery
id est
the realization of T3 is not T3
not really
the function of identity 

this music rewards paying close attention
not because of the functions at play
but because they are alive in this to experience

Luke 6: 20-26 - Keith Eisenbrey - Zach Buker, Karen Eisenbrey, Keith Eisenbrey [recorded live at University Temple United Methodist Church, June 25, 2017]

a through-composed setting
of the less commonly heard version of The Beatitudes
(from Luke)
by the Woes Unto Y'all

Intermezzo in Midi: 3. (Pno.) - J. K. Randall [from Open Space 22]

dynamic temporal exactness

Banned Telepath 96 Tintinabulary - Karen Eisenbrey, Keith Eisenbrey, Aaron Keyt, Neal Kosály-Meyer [February 13, 2023]

the primer coat is thin
appearances unimpeded
ancient midi keys
phone speaker
wrecked kora
and percussion 

paths of intention
guide attention 

what is it about music
that this would want to be it?
somebody else's anxiety
not its

Cowiche Canyon, Uplands Trail
Spiritus Sanctus Vivificans Vite - Hildegard Von Bingen - Sequentia, Barbara Thornton [from Canticles of Ecstasy]

reading contour by touch

Mentre Mia Stella, Miri - Carlo Gesualdo - Delitiæ Musicæ, Marco Longhini

masses move
landslide slope
spread easingly

Beata Dei genitrix a 8 - Peter Philips - The Choir of Royal Holiday, The English Cornett and Sackbut Ensemble, Robert Gough

mother of God
God's matrix
an elder god
the Goddess of Elderness
of substratification

Geistliche Chor-Music, Op. 11, V. Gib unsern Fürsten (Anderer Theil) - Heinrich Schütz - Capella Augustana

not a scale model
but a model scaled to fill its space

Herr, wenn ich nur dich hab, BuxWV 38 - Dieterich Buxtehude - Purcell Quartet

singing in
or as
a character

Cinquieme Ordre (la): Seconde Courante - François Couperin - Kenneth Gilbert

keeps saying what it just said
until it comes back around on itself

Sinfonia in B-flat Major - Johann Sebastian Bach - Edit Picht-Axenfeld

now retrace your steps
you remember how you got here
don't you?

Sonata in B-flat Major, Kk. 229 - Domenico Scarlatti - Pieter-Jan Belder

music wonders at itself
it is the sound worth hearing

Sonata in E-flat Major, Wq. 63/5 - Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach - Miklós Spányi

a guided tour
of how it's all done
goes by quick 

fond of his laments
master of the sudden cessation
held in suspense 

you'd almost think
that was a normal sort of period
back there
but you'd be mistaken

Cowiche Canyon, Uplands Trail
Symphony in F Major (#40) - Franz Joseph Haydn - Austro Hungarian Haydn Orchestra, Ádám Fischer 

ends of phrases
trade figurations with each other
like clothes 

utterly at home in these tonalities
built like a palace 

we follow a simple servant
on their servile rounds
dull check points 

the dance of table service
to a long full table
conversation of the genteelestest 

ah the fugal chores must now be done
careful with that it's tippy

La de Drummond - Jacques Duphly - Christophe Rousset

folk song directness
to the setting
relatively unadorned melody
an easily pluckable accompanimental figure
street music

Symphony in B-flat Major, K173dA(182) - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood, Jaap Schroder

pronouncements and repercussions

Sonata in D Major, Op. 10 #3 - Ludwig van Beethoven - Paul Badura-Skoda

from within every wee seed
sprouts grow
ideas just everywhere
out of everything 

yet to the grave all go
but comfort is offered
stern comfort
but it's what's available 

a stroll in the fresh air
will do a world of good
for you
put some vim in your vigor 

an inquiry is made
an insistent inquiry
no use shouting
it will inquire again
no use stopping your ears
inquiry will be made

Caprice in A minor, Op. 1 #7 - Niccolò Paganini - Salvatore Accardo

behind the octave leaping
is a street-music directness to his lyricism
which anchors the whole

Sonata in A minor, D. 784 - Franz Schubert - Vladimir Ashkenazy

opens onto the inside
bewail we our anguish and woe
the only line
is straight through
battle heroically 

nagging thoughts
with every balanced phrase
hears where they live
to ply the balanced seas 

good horses
let's ride out into the lanes

Yakima Area Arboretum
June 20, 2024

Waltz in G-flat Major, Op. 70 #1 - Frédéric Chopin - Peter Katin

three tonal areas
each no bigger than it need be

Bunte Blätter, Op. 99 (Excerpts): No. 7, Albumblätter - Robert Schumann - Florian Uhlig

the steps down
aren't always the same
a dark thought

Der Mond Kommt Still Gegangen - Clara Schumann - Dorothea Craxton, Hedayet Djeddikar

in the midst of the incipient musical gargantuanism
of the 19th Century
still made delicate miniatures

Ein Deutsches Requiem, Op. 45 - Johannes Brahms - Philharmonia Orchestra, Otto Klemperer, Elisabeth Schwarzkopf, Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau

picks up at the moment
the suffering of one ends
and the grief of the others begins 

mortal dread
blessed comfort
triumphal entry 

prayer to be taught
awareness of mortality
brawny morality
the full fugal monty
with timpani 

oh it's nice here! 

a lullaby

reality sets in
as we march grimly reaperward
to shout it down

there's always time for a fugue! 

back to blessed assurance
the firm foundation of hope
in bliss
even the billowy vapors
know proper voice-leading

Cowiche Canyon, Uplands Trail
Eugene Onegin, Act 2 - Pyotr Ilyitch Tchaikovsky - Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra and Chorus, Boris Khiakin, Yevgeniy Belov, Sergei Lemeshev, Galina Vishnevskaya, Larisa Avdeyeva, Valentina Petrova, Yevgeniya Verbitskaya, Ivan Petrov, Andrey Sokolov Igor Mikhaylov

hot heads quarrel at a dance
shots are fired 

male chorus gets a say
female chorus gets a say
society's whirl 

the engineering on this recording
is truly weird creates
an impossible stage experience
the soloists must be in isolation booths
miniaturizes the orchestra and chorus
the soloists sit next to you
make you jump
when they suddenly enter
in full size
keep low in your seat
shots will be fired
begin scene two
with the mirror image
of the end of scene one

the one guy gets all soulful
with bassoons and all 

the field of honor
surely those two should be at opposite ends
not singing right at each other's mouths 

Hitchcock suspense

Horn Concerto  - Richard Struass - Cleveland Orchestra, George Szell

could be a passable Mendelssohn piece
though he orchestrates with a lighter touch than Felix generally did
and modulates more freely 

the noble horn hero
shines in the end
adulation to follow entry
then supper

Symphony in D Major (#1) - Gustav Mahler - Symphonie-Orchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks, Rafael Kubelik

buoyed by youth
and a bright new day
but the world is vast
and the forest deep
littered with past battles
and crushed bones 

outing the domestic exotic
our own little picturesque
country and town 

back deep in the backwoods
a caricature of grimly processing

apparently the forest critters play klesmer 

sudden attack of terror
fighting on all sides
fallen in a heap
to dream
an angelic dream
by returning consciousness
battle surrounds us
but victory will be ours
we worry
such a long journey
only to end in defeat
but no worries
we see the castle approaching now
how glorious

In Session at The Tintinabulary

June 16, 2024

Quito - Keith Eisenbrey

I've been at this weekly project for almost a year now
this was number 50

June 17, 2024

Banned Rehearsal 1101 - Karen Eisenbrey, Keith Eisenbrey, Steve Kennedy, Aaron Keyt



Keith Eisenbrey 19: 2021
Études d'exécution imminent - Acknowledgments
Rounds for Aaron (2021)
Rungs for Neal (2021)

The Acknowledgements form the last segment of my large-scale project Études d'exécution imminent, which might be subtitled "studies in compositional listening". 
Rounds for Aaron are formed from sequences of notes successively trading off forms of each other, each form pulled from within each other's orderings.
Rungs for Neal are four pages with sets of notes on them, tones in common among those pages on the left and all the rest to the right, to some extent circling the whole cycle of etudes back to its beginnings - literally as to row form, and expressively as to this realization, but eschewing hard and fast sequence in all but the page layout.

All tracks were recorded in 2022.

Prior volumes are available at

All are free for download.

Skaldmud's Doodle Gallery

listening journal doodles from 2023

Saturday, June 15, 2024


Drinking to Mr. Pell

Hablot K. Browne (Phiz) - from "The Posthumous Papers of The Pickwick Club"



June 8, 2024

Track 1 - Richard Rorex, Reid Merryman [from Mood for Richelle]

light jazz for background decoration
no payoff for following every move from the start
no penalty for missing any of it
a homogenous texture on all fronts
guitar and bass

24 Preludes: 5-8 - Ken Benshoof - Keith Eisenbrey [recorded live at University Temple United Methodist Church, March 17, 2007]

simple lines
that move down multiple tonal slants

ars antiqua: 2 with piano - J. K. Randall [from Open Space 22]

a bit of nose thumb taunt to this
in its plain-as-dirt unfanciness

Banned Rehearsal 829 - Karen Eisenbrey, Keith Eisenbrey, Steve Kennedy, Aaron Keyt, Neal Kosály-Meyer [February 4, 2014]

lay down a primer layer
through which we fill out the space 

a skin to touch
it spreads itself slowly
flood in tide
line ascending
ripple lap
by ripple lap 

low pedal tones
slumbery snores

Shiinto - Yuji Takahashi - Takashi Matsudair, Shinya Hashimoto [from Open Space 43]

ritualized conversation
two poems
in a common transformational relation

Gradus 377 - Neal Kosály-Meyer - Neal Kosály-Meyer [February 20, 2023]

ideas within a circumscribed field
might be infinite in extent
within that circumscribed field
such as human language 

between rungs we wait
but not to clear the air
the wait is too full of intent to clear anything

June 10, 2024

Spiritui Sancto Honor Sit (De Undecim Milibus Virginibus, Responsorium) - Hildegard Von Bingen - Sequentia [from Spiritual Songs]

leaps up to launch
and fly in effortless billows 

ends as though cut off
missing a page or two

Tirsi Morir volea: Freno Tirsi il desio - Carlo Gesualdo - Delitiæ Musicæ, Marco Longhini

European written-down music
is a technology 

music appreciation
in that sense
is a process
of familiarization
with the forms
that technology
as fashions
and mind-sets

Gaudens gaudebo - Peter Philips - The Choir of Royal Holiday, The English Cornett and Sackbut Ensemble, Robert Gough

the meter shifts itself
resets downbeats freely

Verleih uns Frieden genädlich - Heinrich Schütz - Capella Augustana

borne aloft on many arms
a weighty fabric of tones

Yakima Area Arboretum
Canzonetta in A minor, BuxWV 225 - Dieterich Buxtehude - Simone Stella

to dance
with the cathedral dome
chirp birds

Deuxieme Ordre (re): Sarabande la Prude - François Couperin - Kenneth Gilbert

the rubato
(small-scope tempo fluctuations)
from the negotiations required
to be sure
every ornament
sings clearly
that the line
with grace

Sinfonia in C Major, BWV 787 - Johann Sebastian Bach - Edith Picht-Axenfeld

three voices
three entrances
one right after the other
they then proceed
to bewilder us

Keyboard Sonata in B-flat Major, Kk. 228 - Domenico Scarlatti - Pieter-Jan Belder

he hides the most remarkable things
by allowing them to appear naked

Sonata in B minor, Wq. 63/4 - Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach - Miklós Spányi

this music poses puzzles
with remarkable resolutions 

ornamented pointing
masquerading as a non-sequitur 

this music
makes a point of pointing
but subito elsewhere man 

I would not want to play cards with this guy

don't interrupt
this music is asking itself questions
and needs to pay attention

Sinfonia in G Major, Op. 3 #6 - Johann Christian Bach - Camerata Budapest, Hanspeter Gmür

the superior Handel
just as clear
but infinitely more sophisticated

Symphony in D minor, "Lamentation" (#26) - Franz Joseph Haydn - Le Petite Band, Sigiswald Kuijken

leans in to the tininess of the orchestra
an almost chamber music intimacy
brings out the intensity of the composition
the near Beethovenian urgency
Haydn does it all with less than you 

musical utterance
is necessarily
under suspicion
after all
it can't be understood
at least
not in any adequately explainable notion
of the meaning
of understanding 

tactical sequiturs

Symphony in E-flat Major "Lanassa" K. 161a(184) - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Academy of Ancient Music, Jaap Schroder, Christopher Hogwood

excessively theatricalized gestures
this music is a great actor
don't bother this music
it's thinking
acting out thinking

Yakima Area Arboretum
Sonata in E Major, Op. 14 #1 - Ludwig van Beethoven  - Paul Badura-Skoda

this music
is laying out an argument
with confounding terms
worry wears a circular track

Caprice in G minor, Op. 1 #6 - Niccolò Paganini - Salvatore Accardo

clearly he could play
but was he civilized?
or not?

finding the demonic in the demotic

Die Schöne Müllerin - Franz Schubert - Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, Gerald Moore

a playfully folksy word repetition scheme
puts us off our guard
each frame completely filled
completely blind
poets making hay
out of the erotics
of country life 

time passes
between songs and verses
never during 
if there is music
time does not pass
if there is no music
time passes

Yakima Area Arboretum
June 11, 2024

Grand Fantasia on Polish Airs, Op. 13 - Frédéric Chopin - Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, Charles Mackerras, Emanuel Ax

at the open
we alternate
between being firmly planted
and slipping away
to some-uncertain-elsewhere 

the point of modulation
is to index the key
where we may have landed
as having been arrived at
through a particular aperture 

also acts as a chaperone
between the keys
leave room
for a few chromatic sequences
to unfold
or who knows what might happen
should they touch
or commingle

Karen at Yakima Area Arboretum 
Impromptus on a Theme of Clara Wieck, Op. 5 - Robert Schumann - Florian Uhlig

a book figure
with odd inclusions
he keeps to his key
as if it weren't the same anymore 

the theme appears
within the figurations
as if
by some unfingerable magic
as if some packets of it
went through different servers
and only came back together
well enough
to be noted

6 Character Pieces: Largo con Espressione - Fanny Hensel - Beatrice Rauchs

weighs every word and phrase to balance

Liebeszauber - Clara Schumann - Dorothea Craxton, Hedayet Djeddikar

it does its thing to us
and leaves us with it

La Traviata, Act 3 - Giuseppe Verdi - Orchestra del Teatro alla Scala di Milano, Antonio Votto, Renata Scotto, Giuliana Tavolaccin, Gianni Raimondo, Franco Ricciardi

a silver light enters
before the curtain 

pitch black 


story-book cartoons
graphic novels
if music were graphic 

they are rejoined at last
and their voices embrace 

happy ending
lovers reunited
elders reconciled 

but the patient died 


Yakima Area Arboretum
Rinaldo, Op. 50 - Johannes Brahms - New Philharmonia Orchestra, Claudio Abbado, James King, Ambrosian Chorus, John McCarthy

thick with plot points
at first
but gets rather bogged down
by duty
and enchantment 

it's a lot of male voices
and low strings
engaged in gooey polyphonic games
like vigorous heroes 

we love to be morally instructed 

knightly blueprint
for a man of position in the community

Variations on an Original Theme (of an Exceedingly Dismal Nature) - Ethel Smyth - Liana Serbescu

working with figurations
to project an orchestral piano
and a heavy dreary thing it is too 

it keeps finding itself
back at the same old variation
clearly likes Brahms' pianism

6 Etudes, Op. 16: Allegro Moderato (#2) - Feruccio Busoni - Wolf Harden

circus waltz
master of ceremonies
your host

Russian Easter Overture - Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov - Seattle Symphony Orchestra, Gerard Schwarz

heavy use of soloists within the orchestra
concertino for trombone there
and little duets 

orchestration from the Russian school
taking Berlioz to heart

Piano Concerto in E-flat Major, Op. 75 (#3) - Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky - New Philharmonia Orchestra, Lorin Maazel, Emil Giles

starts with a mid concerto movement
gets all the finale stuff over with right away
then sets in
to find this movement
what it is 

two-fisted tempest tantrum
storms and peace

Yakima Area Arboretum
Sea Pieces: From a Wandering Iceberg (#2) - Edward MacDowell - Fred Karpoff

music must depict
or express emotion
or heart
or whatever
or else what?

Cakewalk - Anonymous [from Turn Me Loose White Man]

minstrel show oompah
mechanical music box
black-face cockadoodle

Dèsir, Op. 57 #1 - Alexander Scriabin - Ruth Laredo

the key
at a tangent point

Prelude - Maurice Ravel - Vlado Perlemuter

if depiction
or sentiment
is the requirement
at least we can be coolly civilized about it
no need to get tawdry

Shepherd's Hay - Percy Grainger - Percy Grainger [from Grainger plays Grainger]

two-fisted clown music
jolly old England

Yakima Area Arboretum
June 12, 2024

Viola quebrada - Heitor Villa-Lobos - Teresa Berganzo, Juan Antonio Alvarez Parejo

use of low-brow stylings
in high-brow music:
Villa-Lobos, Gershwin, Weill, Satie 

an early Modernist thing

Georgia Stomp - Andrew & Jim Baxter [from Turn Me Loose White Man]

seems to be calling a dance

K. C. Railroad Blues - Riley Puckett [from That Devilin' Tune]

throw in any trouble in the book
use one of the standards if you like

regional pronunciation
blow/before (be-faux)

Billy the Kid (Ballet Suite) - Aaron Copland - New York Philharmonic, Leonard Bernstein

music composed
so that action can occur along with it
(to it)
and they will somehow match
must allow space within it
for the dancers
to make their fancy moves
the music
must allow
for the rhythms
and tempi
of human motions 

to stage ballet
is to demonstrate their relations 

a Western
for the silver screen
of the ballet stage

Yakima Area Arboretum
Four Transcriptions from Emerson: (tracks 1 & 2) (1933) - Charles Ives - Charles Ives [from Ives plays Ives]

getting his elbows into the murky murky

Violin Concerto in A minor, Op. 77 - Dmitri Shostakovich - BBC Symphony Orchestra, Colin Davis, Dmitry Sitkovetsky

in anguish of soul
we modulate without moving
this dark room exists nowhere
nowhere surrounds it

awareness bubbles
music expands them
(or can) 

bowing blowout
factory line hurry-up
all the fuss
that makes the circus go 

big boss
pronounces judgments
from on high 

sadness and wistfulness
mess up each others thinking 

this is the scene
where all the hearts get poured out 

the cadenza
is a whole other movement

and now
for the circus itself
never a slack moment

Yakima Area Arboretum
Kontra-Punkte - Karlheinz Stockhausen - London Sinfonietta

this piece takes me back
or brings a memory forward
into awareness bubble 

listening library

every piece
had its cloud of pronouncements
in manifesto baldness
there is something strange
in the idea
of thinking
that whatever cockamamie thing
one came up with
would be
ought to be
and will be
publicly announced
to be
the absolute next thing
creating and riding
the cutting edge
in ones own mind

Smoke Gets In Your Eyes - The Platters [collected from Dave Marsh's The Heart of Rock & Soul]

singer controls not just his production
but also his relation to the microphone
we hear only what the mic did 

(if that)

Be My Baby - The Ronettes [collected from Dave Marsh's The Heart of Rock & Soul]

all about the sound as a whole

Back In The U.S.S.R. - The Beatles [from The Beatles "The White Album"]

takes on whole new layers of associations these days
it's a different song than it was

Turn On The Radio (mono) - Jerry Tawney [a Rescued Record]

road song
country vibe
a song
in search of a cheap screen play

I Just Wanted to Have Something To Do - The Ramones [from Road to Ruin]

to not!
to not!
well all rot!

Girls Just Want to Have Fun - Cyndi Lauper [collected from Dave Marsh's The Heart of Rock & Soul]

the 80s desperate bid
to be the 50s again
but kinkier

Bickleton Burger - Banned Rehearsal [from Purple Stripe]

no pickles
no mustard
no ketchup
no buns
no meat 

it's a Bickleton Burger
Bickleton Burger
have 'em away
yes it's a Bickleton Burger
have 'em away 

no relish
no special sauce
no sesame seeds
no bacon
no cheese 

just a side-order of fries
on my Bickleton Burger
Bickleton Burger
Bickleton Burger
have it away
have it away
just a side-order of fries
on my Bickleton Burger
have it away 

those are the officially doubly-cross-checked original lyrics
everything else is a sham

A Single Woman - Nina Simone [from A Single Woman]

ritzy joint orchestration
spot lights and sight-lines and everything

Minute Etudes Book 1: Playful - Emily Doolittle - Keith Eisenbrey [recorded February 8, 2023]

oh yeah
this is that one
with the absolute bear of a two-handed note-collapse in it

Organism 2 - Christian Asplund - Tom Baker [from Sounding The Curve]

melting clock pots

Track 2 - Aaron Keyt [from 7(7)]

sounds spaced out on a rigid grid
punch the button
get a sound
buttons may only be pushed
at times marked on the master schedule 

why might it matter to me
to know when it is over
or not?
about what?

Desiderata - Jon Forshee - Zara Rivera, Matt Barbier, Luke Storm [from Open Space 36]

knows its way through the pitch thicket

Selections from Second Thoughts - Keith Eisenbrey - Keith Eisenbrey [recorded live at Seattle Composers Salon, January 13, 2018]

my box of parts
the sensual experience of thinking

Gotta Mean Kind of Love - Star Anna [from Love Shades, streamed February 14, 2023]

says Star
Happy Valentine's Day 

some talk then a song

Yakima Area Arboretum
June 13, 2024

La du Buq - Jacques Duphly - Christophe Rousset

trading statements
back and forth
moving by step
sharing accomplishments

Sonata in C Major, Op. 37 #1 - Muzio Clementi - Howard Shelley

with witty asides 

phrase/structural use
of figurational busy-work
viable material for development 

first the key is explained
its pertinent parts
pointed at 

chasing greased oinker downbeats

Mosé in Egitto, Act 3 - Gioachino Rossini - Philharmonia Orchestra, Claudio Scimone

the sea parts
right there on stage
time is given
for the spectacle to unfold

Sonatina in F Major, Op. 55 #4 - Friedrich Kuhlau - Loredana Brigandi

makes feints to the side
but keeps to the straight path

Yakima Area Arboretum
Symphony in A Minor "Scottish" (#3) - Felix Mendelssohn - San Francisco Symphony, Herbert Blomstedt

this works best
when it isn't trying to be symphonic
and work things out
with development
and tonally manufactured drama
and a storm depiction 

like a Scottish Billy the Kid music
not a bad thing
any pretense evaporates
vigorous and noisy lads

Mefistofele, Act 3 - Arrigo Boito - London Symphony Orchestra, Julius Rudel, Ambrosian Opera Chorus, John McCarthy, Norman Treigle, Plácido Domingo, Montserrat Cabeallé

with a killer passacaglia line
Donizetti X Chopin X Goethe 

the scene is Margaret's to steal
uh oh!
who's that devil with you?

Via Crucis: Station I - Jesus wird zum Tode verdammt - Franz Liszt - Nederlands Kamerkoor, Reinbert De Leeuw

all those piano octaves baldly pounded
an unfinished vocal line

Yakima Area Arboretum
Symphony in E Major (#7) - Anton Bruckner - Philharmonia Orchestra, Otto Klemperer

as might emerge from nothing
beats count
as a nudge of time going 

nudging time along
we follow
into this narrow darkness
chambers of peril
to pass through 

this music
proceeds neither symphonically
nor dramatically 

holy Sehnsucht thoughts 

how confusing
nothing proceeds
nor recedes
all of it
simply waits
it's all stuck
yearning without motion
full glorious fruition
blessed assurance
rest in peace 

our daily toil and torture
struggle and torment
every day
a new trial
seven times seventy
some days
better than others 

a quick recap
of the story so
far perseverance perseverance
no end
just a stop

In Session at The Tintinabulary

June 9, 2024

Effingham - Keith Eisenbrey

the 49th of my arrangements of tunes from an 1843 shape-note song-book

June 11, 2024

Invocation for alto horn (performed on clavichord) - Keith Eisenbrey

I wanted to see how this would go on a non-sustaining instrument



Keith Eisenbrey 18: 2021

Études d'exécution imminent - Exercises
Anybody's Fingerbook

What set of etudes would be complete without finger exercises? Anybody's Fingerbook (number 14 of Études d'exécution imminent consists of 38 perverse note lists that become progressively more fiendish to play. They mark a particular ebenezer of acerbicity in that still-expanding back 40 of compositional doohickies that contains my oeuvre. The 38 are gathered into eight groups of finger twisters. Try these at home kids!

All tracks were recorded in 2021 and 2022.

Prior volumes are available at

All are free for download.

Skaldmud's Doodle Gallery

listening journal doodles from 2023