Saturday, June 8, 2024


Yakima Area Arboretum

"'I never did see such a addle-headed old creetur!' exclaimed Sam irritably. 'Old Baileys and Solvent Courts, and alleybis, and ev'ry species o'gammon alvays a runnin' through his brain! You'd better get your out-o'door clothes on, and come to town about this bis'ness, than stand a preachin' there, about wot you don't understand nothin' on.'
'Wery good, Sammy,' replied Mr. Weller. 'I'm quite agreeable to anythin' as vill hexpedite business, Sammy. But mind this here, my boy, nobody but Pell - nobody but Pell as a legal adwiser.'
'I don't want anybody else,' replied Sam. 'Now, are you a'comin'?'
''Vait a minit, Sammy,' replied Mr. Weller, who, having tied his shawl with the aid of a small glass that hung in the window, was now, by dint of the most wonderful exertions, struggling into his upper garments. 'Vait a minit Sammy; ven you grow as old as your father, you von't get into your veskit quite as easy as you do now, my boy.'
'If I couldn't get into it easier than that, I'm blessed if I'd vear vun at all,' rejoined his son.'
'You think so now' said Mr. Weller, with the gravity of age, 'but you'll find that as you get vider, you'll get viser. Vidth and Visdom, Sammy alvays grows together.'"

Charles Dickens - from "The Posthumous Papers of The Pickwick Club"



Yakima Area Arboretum
June 1, 2024

Gradus 325 - Neal Kosály-Meyer [January 8, 2018]

apparent or purported continuity of thought
we know by our experience how music goes
recognizing it immediately
nothing between our hearing how it is going
and our hearing of it as music 

gets a right good roar going with some block chords

we take a break to change our thinking

Heat in a Cold Heart - Steve Layton [from Bedtime Stories]

we follow the ship into the atmosphere
vapor clouds and traffic
a thickening descent

June 2, 2024

Ave Maria, O Auctrix Vite - Hildegard Von Bingen - Sequentia, Barbara Thornton [from Canticles of Ecstasy]

a tone
a rising figure in thirds
a sequence of windings
to consider that tone
and that rising figure in thirds

Tirsi Morir Volea - Carlo Gesualdo - Delitiæ Musicæ, Marco Longhini

the arts
of poetry
and calligraphy

refined disciplines
for the leisure class

Veni Sancte Spiritus - Peter Philips - The Choir of Royal Holiday, The English Cornett and Sackbut Ensemble, Robert Gough

music as icon

a florid figure prefaces the plain presentation of the hymn
a structured span
within which
the text is read
or remembered

Karen at Yakima Area Arboretum
Es ist erscheinen die Heilsame Gnade Gottes - Heinrich Schütz - Capella Augustana

the intricacy of the polyphony
echoes the intricacy of theological systems 

making the text itself beautiful

Ich halte es dafur, BuxWV 48 - Dieterich Buxtehude - Purcell Quartet, Suzie LeBlanc, Dame Emma Kirby, Clare Solomon

a dance with delicate foot work
light on its toes

Deuxieme Ordre (ré): Second Courante - François Couperin - Kenneth Gilbert

ornaments to grace them 

at which juncture
the notes are figured
so as
to grace the ornaments

Sinfonia in D minor, BWV 790 - Johann Sebastian Bach - Edith Picht-Axenfeld

this music sounds like a lesson to be learned

Sonata in B minor, Kk. 227 - Domenico Scarlatti - Pieter-Jan Belder

each repeating primary section
contains a narration
in figures
and patterns of figures

Concerto in D minor, Wq. 23, H.427 - Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach - Miklós Spányi, Opus X

is of at least three minds
concerning the goings on

the forte-piano in this
is clearly the star of the show
it has not lost its sense of being a part of the continuo
a function within the ensemble that accompanies it 

opens with unresolved melodic bursts
in tones of lament
passed down the line to the bass violin
which grumps harrumph 

history of the disappearance of the continuo
as the core of orchestras 

that part of orchestral music
that represents the core functions of music 

this orchestra is a bit of a scold
forte-piano scolds back

Yakima Area Arboretum
June 3, 2024

Sinfonia in F Major, Op. 3, #5 - Johann Christian Bach - Camerata Budapest, Hanspeter Gmür

the so-called Mannheim Crescendo
if I remember correctly from music history 

a market for pieces to perform
if one should have such a need 

there must have been enough opportunity
to make some extra cash
from such a need 

music to decorate time and space

La Victoire - Jacques Duphly - Christophe Rousset

which battle?
circa 1768
or just victory in general?

Symphony in C Major, K. 162(162) - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Academy of Ancient Music, Jaap Schroder, Christopher Hogwood

brightly lit up establishment triads
key areas all fenced in and clearly marked 

there are rules
about moving through them
proper and improper paths

Keyboard Sonata in A-flat Major, Hob. XVI:43 - Franz Joseph Haydn - Christine Schornsheim

pertly vain
flirting with the rules of passage
knows the twisty turns through the back galleries

Sonata in D Major, Op. 10 #3 - Ludwig van Beethoven - Arthur Schnabel

the key established in a fist fight 

figures break apart
if they persist
they have half lives
decay on a dime 

transform all parts together 

roisterous below
pacifying above 

doing a bit of that Clementi puppet show in the second movement 

{journal entry of December 5, 2005:
we discuss the dialogue
among things that go go go
and things that start and stop]

Yakima Area Arboretum
June 4, 2024

Mosé in Egitto, Act 2 - Gioachino Rossini - Philharmonia Orchestra, Claudio Scimone

musically punctuated sung speech 

scenes have trajectories
(might be recitative to duet)
and scenes have voice sets/characters
(might be soprano to bass)
or dynamic voice sets
(might be entrances or exits or the stage might flood with chorus)
scenes have affect trajectories
(might be quiet to boisterous)

an act
is a composition made of scenes 

a scene's opening attracts attention
(might be with suspense) 

the drama is coming to a distinct point
the stage is filling
do we sense a finale
to close the act excitingly?
wake up the sleepers in the balcony?

not so soon
there's some sopranobatics to catch first

Sonatina in C Major, Op. 55 #3 - Friedrich Kuhlau - Loredana Brigandi

modulates like a scamp

Yakima Area Arboretum
Symphony in C Major, D. 944 - Franz Schubert - Philharmonia Orchestra, Otto Klemperer

the new century awaits at the horizon
beckoning or warning
message unclear results may vary 

this is sometimes called "The Great"
or more literally
"The Big"
but were I to name it
I would think
"The Troubled"

this melody amends its key manually 

a nocturne
glances nervously over his shoulder

orchestrates like a patterner 

daydreams of a foot soldier
nearing the lines always 

throws a life preserver into the abyss
always catches it 

nothing in his material
demands that it ever come to an end 

even here
at the country dance
troubles worry our hero 

the promised land! 

the second movement
makes a big deal
out of a two-note repetition
the third
of a three-note
and the fourth
of a four-note

Nocturne in F-sharp Major, Op. 15 #2 - Frédéric Chopin - Garrick Ohlsson

a romantic moment
exquisitely staged
immaculately filmed 

passionate declarations
blurted out 

the aperture is pulled in at the kiss

Yakima Area Arboretum
Sonata in G minor, Op. 22 - Robert Schumann - Wilhelm Kempff

this music is unhinged
impelled by powerful currents
scherzo in search of an unambiguous meter

Sie Liebten Sich Beide - Clara Schumann - Dorothea Craxton, Hedayet Djeddikar

sensitive to the ends of lines

La Traviata, Act 2 - Giuseppe Verdi - Orchestra del Teatro alla Scala di Milano, Antonio Votto, Renata Scotto, Giuliana Tavolaccin, Gianni Raimondo, Franco Ricciardi

heightened emotions
are a requirement to be seated
if it isn't heightened
it doesn't make the cut
nothing heightened
that can't be be goosed up a notch or two 

a purpose of opera
became to make stars out of singers
favorites of fortune 

a scene at a ball
allows us
to show off the size of our stage
and the opulence of our company 

this scene bounces along to the beat 

the drama erupts from within it
in waves of soaring legato

Yakima Area Arboretum
June 5, 2024

Ronde de lutins - Franz Liszt - Mikhail Rudy

figurational image
of the particular attack envelope
of a plucked lute
the T
of the Twang

Di Schöne Magelone, Op. 33 - Johannes Brahms - Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, Sviatoslav Richter

this fellow
is a solid citizen
has a job
keeps a household
owns luggage
steps firmly on his grounds
chests his way through difficulties
and can get quite sentimental about it
irony bounces right off
ran headlong into a material setback 

in a doldrummy mood
much better in the morning
a sequence of soliloquys
from which
the story might be pieced together
should you care

Slavonic Dance in E minor, Op. 46 #2 - Antonín Dvořák - The Cleveland Orchestra, Christoph von Dohnányi

to display the elegant costumery in attendance

Yakima Area Arboretum
Symphony in E Major (#7) - Anton Bruckner - Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Georg Solti

a light shines in the darkness 

traveling by thirds
it is easy to lose track
of whether we're headed towards the sharps
or towards the flats 

is toward the flats
a downward motion
is toward the sharps
an upward motion? 

seeking out the hidden old-school practice
in the newfangled senses of up and down
motions up
and motions down

if our intuition of up and of down
in matters of pitch
were deliberately counterfacted?

for instance
it is easy
I think
to imagine a geometrical surface
within pitch space
such that
high notes
as they go by
are in the up area of that surface
and vice versa
not so easy
to reverse the terms
a metaphorical bias?
now try it
in a polyphonic environment
that plays with various ups and downs
across registers
fun eh?

Scheherezade - Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov - The Philadelphia Orchestra, Riccardo Muti

violin solo
climbs the ladder of strings
bottom to top 

patron saint of driving material relentlessly to slaughter 

if you didn't catch it the first time
you'll get a bunch more chances 

practically vid-game music
in its incessant stasis

Danse gothiques - Eric Satie - Frank Glazer

remembrance of places between
going and staying
the sempiternal inflection field

Yakima Area Arboretum
June 6, 2024

Sea Pieces: To The Sea, Op. 55 #1 - Edward MacDowell - Fred Karpoff

with empire in our hearts

{journal entry of December 7, 2005:
piano writing that is difficult and impressive
without being amazing or delightful}

Sonata in F-sharp, Op. 30 - Alexander Scriabin - Ruth Laredo

if this key is established here
it is in the form of a gauzy dream 

suddenly excited
striving to realize
the said gauzy dream
at last done! 

big two-fisted root position tonic triad

Fireworks, Op. 4 - Igor Stravinsky - Seattle Symphony Orchestra, Gerard Schwarz

one of the SSO's earliest CD-recordings
with Schwarz
and one of the first ones I bought as well
early marriage

Die Glücklicher Hand - Arnold Schoenberg - Columia Symphony Orchestra, Robert Craft, Robert Oliver

high Ängst sitch

every moment
has an emotional whammy
holds you in your seat
and makes sure you get it
a theater of expressioning

Seven Pieces for Piano, Op. 11: No. 3, Il pleure dans mon coeur, comme il pleut sur la ville. Allegretto malinconico - Zoltan Kodály - Jenö Jandó

post-Satie clarity

Yakima Area Arboretum
Jubilee Blues - Belle Baker [from That Devilin' Tune]

vaudeville or night club

Symphony on a Hymn Tune - Virgil Thompson - Eastman-Rochester Orchestra, Howard Hanson

here's how the thinking went
or so I surmise
hymnody is among our indigenous musics
we should base our high-class music
on hymnody
all well and good
but why make symphonies out of them? 

part of the charm of hymn tunes
is their self-containedness
they really don't need anything extra
to make them palatable
thrive on open-ended extension
they are strange universes
to mash together like that 

problem aside
this is actually a pretty fun piece to hang out with
one of Virgil's solutions
is an old one
just make a movement out of a chorale-prelude
like papa Bach did 

another major plus
this isn't any kind of National (or Ethnic) Pride symphony
and yet
it is quite a strange animal 

||compare Appalachian Spring|| 

has a bit of that Lou Harrison good feeling to it

Es regnet - Kurt Weill - Diane McNaron, Shari Boruvko

closer to the cabaret
than to the salon
but brings them closer

Deep Color - Henry Cowell - Cheryl Seltzer

another way to work on hymnody
using block chords upon the lower strings
to imitate the clamorous
(or clangorous?)
of a spinet or forte-piano 

the piece

Yakima Area Arboretum
Sonata for Clarinet and Piano - Aaron Copland - Sean Osborn, Blair McMillen

this music
is satisfied with itself
knows its place
so plays nice 

similar to Thompson
and more sophisticated in its usage of hymnody
than Appalachian Spring
but here
Copland seems to be showing off his eddication 

fabulous playing Sean!

Hard Times Will Soon Be Over - Blue Ridge Quartet [from Turn Me Loose White Man]

a word of hope
to the suffering multitudes
but the reason stated
is that we're all going to die
and soon

Too Much Boogie - John Lee Hooker [from The Legendary Modern Recordings 1948-1954]

warning against something that's going to happen
and may be less a warning
than just advice
from the Boy Scout song book

Reelin' and Rockin' - Chuck Berry - [from The Best of Chuck Berry]

opening guitar strokes
are in another kind of time 

who's playing keys back there?
(Johnnie Johnson
the Johnnie of Johnny B. Good)

Land of 1000 Dances - Chris Kenner [from Land of 1000 Dances]

dance song about dance songs

I Wish It Would Rain - The Temptations [collected from Dave Marsh's The Heart of Rock & Soul]

climatic dysphoria

Love Music - Paul Revere and The Raiders [from The Legend of Paul Revere]

early cheesy electronic keyboard
let's do soul music
on the eve of disco

Wavelength - Van Morrison [collected from Dave Marsh's The Heart of Rock & Soul]

we got a synth too!
and just as cheesy!
(the keyboards have changed
but they are still emasculated
their dials have been twiddled)

Intermezzo 4 - Keith Eisenbrey [recorded October 13, 2007]

a study in betweens
the motions of the whole distance
an image
of resonance
as a line-drawing

Haec Dies - The Cambridge Singers, John Rutter [from Brother Sun, Sister Moon]

Anglican for Everyman

Banned Rehearsal 322 - Karen Eisenbrey, Keith Eisenbrey, Aaron Keyt [February 26, 1993]

journal entry of December 29, 1997
we gather our strums
and our drums
a guitar
a dulcimer
and a talking drum
which is insistent
really trying hard
thumping and droning
tom tom and cymbal
a digeridoo
hard-won focus
now that the tad is asleep 

the Jaymar
was still an intact device

this music is not prone
to amend the essential center pitch
though that may change
of its own accord 

the session's open strings 

oh yeah man 

the frog croaks 

I know what I know where I'm at
and I know how I got here
and I know where I'm going
and I know that I know 

this side up 

In Session at The Tintinabulary

June 2, 2024

Portugal - Keith Eisenbrey

June 3, 2024

Banned Rehearsal 1100 - Karen Eisenbrey, Keith Eisenbrey, Aaron Keyt



Keith Eisenbrey 18: 2020
Études d'exécution imminent - Exercises
Anybody's Fingerbook

What set of etudes would be complete without finger exercises? Anybody's Fingerbook (number 14 of Études d'exécution imminent consists of 38 perverse note lists that become progressively more fiendish to play. They mark a particular ebenezer of acerbicity in that still-expanding back 40 of compositional doohickies that contains my oeuvre. The 38 are gathered into eight groups of finger twisters. Try these at home kids!

All tracks were recorded in 2021 and 2022.

Prior volumes are available at

All are free for download.

Skaldmud's Doodle Gallery

listening journal doodles from 2022

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