Saturday, July 6, 2024


Cowiche Canyon, Uplands Trails

"Keeping his head well in the midst of this shower of riches, Psmith dropped the three letters with a sigh into the waste-paper basket, and opened the next in order. This was a bulky envelope, and its contents consisted of a printed brochure entitled, 'This Night Shall Thy Soul Be Required of Thee' - while, by a curious and appropriate coincidence, Number Five proved to be a circular from an energetic firm of coffin-makers offering to bury him for eight pounds ten. Number Six, also printed, was a manifesto from one Howard Hill, of Newmarket, recommending him to apply without delay for 'Hill's Three-Horse Special,' without which ('Who,' demanded Mr. Hill in large type, 'gave you Wibbly-Wob for the Jubilee Cup?') - no sportsman could hope to accomplish the undoing of the bookmakers."

P. G. Wodehouse - from "Leave it to Psmith"



June 29, 2024

When the Saints Go Marching In - Blind Willie Davis [from Goodbye, Babylon]

working song rhythm
tempo pressed forward

Quintet for Woodwinds - Johanna Beyer - Arizona Wind Quintet

we'll move as a bunch
so keep together
we'll take questions now
bassoon is the teacher in this classroom

Three Anti-Modernist Songs: "A Sharp Where You'd Expect a Natural" - Henry Cowell - Joel Sachs, Cheryl Seltzer

a complaint
about certain inanities in the music biz

Symphonic Metamorphoses on Themes by Weber - Paul Hindemith - Seattle Symphony, Milton Katims

I played percussion in this piece
back in High Scool days
which may be one of the best ways to experience it
to participate in its fun 

under some transformations
only some portions of the subject transform
other less so

Cowiche Canyon, Uplands Trails
June 30, 2024

Sonatas and Interludes: Sonata III - John Cage - Adam Tendler

a night alone with itself

Octet 1 for Eight Loudspeakers - Earle Brown

(as simulated by two)
assembled from tape fragments
the hard way
a blade
and some sticky tape

Stagger Lee - Lloyd Price [collected from Dave Marsh's The Heart of Rock & Soul]

the rhythm of the words
as they are sung
changes the sense we make
of the sordid tale
being told

Joy To The World - Academy of St. Martin-In-The-Fields, Lehman Engel, Walter Baker, Boy Choristers from the Church of the Transfiguration, New York, Stuart Gardner [from The Life Treasury of Christmas Music]

as propounded by a ponderous organ

Happening '68 - Paul Revere and The Raiders [from The Legend of Paul Revere]

the title says it all
I guess you had to have been there

Prime - Richard Swift

a tale set loose
to roam between the characters
hiding its tracks
inside a coherent pitch space? 

a saxophone concerto

Bip Bam Thankyou Mam - Ann Peebles [from Original Funk Soul Sister: The Best of Ann Peebles]

drawing the line

Cowiche Canyon, Uplands Trails
------- {mislabeled BAB KEE 830227}

{NB: Ben Boretz sent this file to me last year sometime, ostensibly a dub of our duo session from February of 1983, but it appears to be mislabeled. It is not the same as the session I have a dub of from back in the day, and I'm not sure who might be participating besides Ben.}

I had forgotten this session
a rather nice conversation between piano and Crumar

intertransformative pitch dance

this track puzzles me
I don't remember it
and I can't figure who might be playing which keyboard
and there may be more than two
I don't recognize me in the piano playing
and I don't think I'm playing any synths either
a puzzlement

(lovely session whoever is playing!)

July 1, 2024

Twenty Four - Mudhoney [from Superfuzz Bigmuff]

shifting up for maximum power
less a groove than a gear

Banned Rehearsal 324 - Karen Eisenbrey, Keith Eisenbrey, Aaron Keyt [March 12, 1993]

scratching at the door
enter the workshop
pump the bellows
lots of banging
to distress the surface
diligent banging
and plucking
and plunking 

a steady pulse
lends itself
to scrutiny and criticism
pertaining to its steadiness 

steadiness is not accuracy
nor is it inherently musical 

is an attribute of a sequence
not of the sounds of that sequence 

things clarify
once that steadiness gets out of the way 

try Gorgel Invariants?
reed aisle 
there was a wire loose
The Speaker of the House
and The Aaronsbundler 

we were sure loud back then 

comic quatrains
on the fictionalized death of old Bach

{journal entry of January 11, 1998:

fabulously luminous strings
positive playing
as though following a score
playing parts
to a point
we begin to talk
then we pick it up again

Yakima Greenway Trail
Long Song - Amy Denio - Die Knodel [from Tutto Bene]

rhythm entwining

Prelude in B-flat Major - Ken Benshoof - Keith Eisenbrey [recorded May 18, 2022]

the hymn resounds into the dome

Nina Nana Per Anna - Giya Kancheli - Paul Taub, Mikhail Schmidt, Natasha Bazhanov, Julie Whitton, David Sabee [from Edge - Flute Music from the Periphery of Europe]

the ghost of the last bedraggled tune-bird
wanders through some cinematic memory
of Rimsky-Korsakoff
lingers all night 

sempiternal ritardando
all coda all the time 

is forestalling
the inevitable

Luke 6: 20-26 - Keith Eisenbrey - Keith Eisenbrey [recorded March 21 and 26, 2017]

the bifurcated space
is strange
but the performance is pretty good

Cowiche Canyon, Uplands Trails
July 2, 2024

Bait and Switch - Tom Swafford [from Violin Improvisations]

charm and its complications

Banned Telepath 96 Tucson - Steve Kennedy [February 13, 2023]

equipments' complaint
delicate tones
in upper hearing

O Ignis Spiritus Paracliti - Hildegard Von Bingen - Sequentia, Barbara Thornton [from Canticles of Ecstasy]

music as lifted speech
inscribed upon voice

Questi Leggiadri Odorosetti Fiori - Carlo Gesualdo - Delitiæ Musicæ, Marco Longhini

inscribed upon passage walls
twisting our progression

Hodie nobis de caelo - Peter Philips - The Choir of Royal Holiday, Robert Gough, The English Cornett and Sackbut Ensemble [from Cantiones Sacrae Octonis Vocibus]

inscribed on a flowing fountain

Yakima Greenway Trail
Geistliche Chor-Music, Op. 11, SWV 369-397 (1648), Volume 1: VII. Viel werden kommen - Heinrich Schütz - Capella Augustana

this music narrows
to get through to the back side of the phrase
to breathe freely at the end

Cantate Domino, BuxWV 12 - Dieterich Buxtehude - Purcell Quartet, Suzie LeBlanc, Dame Emma Kirby, Clare Solomon

inscribed on a streaming melismatic ribbon dance

Premiere Ordre (sol): Second Courante - François Couperin - Kenneth Gilbert

as though the phrase might have forgotten where it was headed 

it hadn't

Invention in D Major, BWV 774 - Johann Sebastian Bach - Edith Picht Axenfeld

a tour guide patter
no room for questions
move along
there's a lot to cover

Sonata in C Major, Kk. 231 - Domenico Scarlatti - Pieter-Jan Belder

this music takes its tea
with pinky fashionably extended
especially when speaking seriously

Sonata in C Major, Wq. 63/1 - Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach - Miklós Spányi

with the sense of phrase balancing
as it discovers its fulcrum
in position preposterous

Sinfonia in D Major, Op. 3 #1 - Johann Christian Bach - Camerata Budapest, Hanspeter Gmür

no such tricks for JC
who plants his feet firmly
and stands solidly
content to be music
in a civilized

Yakima Greenway Trail
L'infideltà Dolosa, Act 1 - Franz Joseph Haydn - Orchestre de Chambre de Laussanne, Antal Dorati

the Overture establishes the ground rules
for stage and seats 

music as a medium of theater

is a character
the words they speak?
a thing of letters?
specified by their music

the singing
the singer
from the character
is a medium
and a barrier
this music
hangs out with us
one imagines
the backstage of a theater
in front
the whole house of it
in perpetual battle
for the upper hand

Adagio in C Major for Glass Harmonica - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Kristian Bezuidenhout

a tiny bit of novelty magic
but real magic ne'er the less

Sonata in D Major, Op. 37 #3 - Muzio Clementi - Howard Shelley

good natured
changes course frequently
bob and weave
always a delight

Symphony in F Major, Op. 68 "Pastorale" - Ludwig van Beethoven - Philharmonia Orchestra, Otto Klemperer

bright face of a pleasant morning
repetition is an allowance
to hang in there with it some more 

in the process of inventing a new thing for music to be
and to hold quite still 

each movement
an illustration 

is it getting dark all of a sudden? 

the sudden alarms of war and storm
wandering battles in the heavens

Cowiche Canyon, Uplands Trails
July 3, 2024

Caprice in E Major, Op. 1 #9 - Niccolo Paganini - Salvatore Accardo

a melody
is not just its notes
but also
the act
of playing it

Sonatina in D Major, Op. 55 #5 - Friedrich Kuhlau - Loredano Brigandi

but striving
and vigorous

Sonata in B-flat Major, D. 960 - Franz Schubert - Alfred Brendel

the first downbeat
doesn't arrive
we ascribe it
after the meter
has had a chance
to coalesce 

the meter
once established
takes a hike 

each new thought
a new coalescement of meter 

a persistent arpeggiated figure
time's clock

performing a piece of music
in a series of actions
in order
to communicate
what music communicates
something human
but of problematic rationality
it doesn't sing
in the rational tongue 

some meter
broke loose of its fellows
in the trio 

the accent figure that opens
stands outside the body
of its segment
(first subject)

Symphony in A Major, Op. 90 "Italian" - Felix Mendelssohn - Philadelphia Orchesta, Eugene Ormandy

youthful high spirits
with the Romantic
sensitivity to experience
to express said sensitivity
in full 

the world
all about them 

easily my favorite of his symphonies
it's not getting weird
trying to say something important
(Reformation, Lobgesang)
and it's more fun than the Scottish

Cowiche Canyon, Uplands Trails
Mazurka in G-sharp minor, Op. 33 #1 - Frédéric Chopin - Vladimir Ashkenazy

registration differentiates the puppets

Ich Hab' in Deinem Auge, Op. 13 #5 - Clara Schumann - Dorothea Craxton, Hedayet Djeddikar

how we feel
became important
to the aesthetic imagination

Album für die Jugend, Op. 68 - Robert Schumann - Peter Frankl

I'm trying to be good aren't I Mommy? 

Robert reveals more than he expresses
as does any pianist
who ventures to play 

a primer
in how to listen to Schumann
How To:
think like a Romantic Artist
(not be be studied lightly
without due consideration
of the risks involved) 

Yakima Greenway Trail
Songs of Innocence and Experience
a long poem
of simple verses
of all Bach's teaching pieces
for the instruction of the greater public 

a precis
or manifesto
or mission statement 

he misbehaves
even in trying to be good
such is a mischievous creative mind 

confounding puzzles
for youngsters 

pulls you in
resistance weakens 

a Concept Album
not as haphazard as the Anna Magdalena Notebook
Schumann knew how to group things
for maximum pow 

even figurations
have poetics
changes of pace

a universe of next episodes
even finds places to quote himself 

to a lively one
when things get too intense

Mefistofele, Act IV - Arrigo Boito - London Symphony Orchestra, Julius Rudel, Ambrosian Opera Chorus, John McCarthy, Norman Treigle, Plácido Domingo, Montserrat Cabeallé

visions of loveliness appear animatronically 

miracles and wonders
portents and warnings 

the dead speak 

chorus of the living and the dead 

ecstatic vision fades
curtains close

Yakima Greenway Trail
July 4, 2024

Variations on a Theme by Joseph Haydn, Op. 56 - Johannes Brahms - Concertgebouworkest, Amsterdam; Bernard Haitink

viscous innards limit mobility
each variation in its own paddock
solid German citizenry
chooses to convince itself
it lacks for nothing

Symphony in F minor, Op 36 - Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky - Leningrad Philhamonic Symphony Orchestra, Yevgeny Mravinsky

main line
and supporting structures
normatively clear
as to which is which
restful transitions
brings the tone down
to something like calm 

if we build it twice
it will topple over
into the next thing 

relative stability
with instability
with attenuated

accelerating push and shove
events transpire
without apparent motivic necessity
the coherence
is at the service
of a dramatic scene

Moderato, Op. 16 #3 - Ferruccio Busoni - Wolf Harden

behind the wheel
of a hot new figuration vehicle
just around the block once

Sobre las Olas - Juventio Rosas, arr. by Johanna Lundy - Borderland Ensemble [from The Space In Which to See]

a familiar late-period waltz
favorite light classics

Sea Pieces: Starlight, Op. 55 #4 - Edward MacDowell - Fred Karpoff

the difference
between a tone-poem
and a tone-painting
is the modality
of its asserted reference 

this music has no sharp edges

Poeme in D Major, Op. 32 #2 - Alexander Scriabin - Michael Ponti

high strung nervous passion

4 Etudes - Igor Stravinsky - Nikita Magaloff

it sounds as though Busoni had gotten loose in a Scriabin Sonata and redecorated with extreme prejudice 

which points
to what was Modernist about Busoni:
the first Neo-Classical

Yakima Greenway Trail
Hermano - Carlos Guastavino - Teresa Berganzo, Juan Antonia Alvarez Parejo

sophisticated harmony
demotic melodic style
like jazz
but not jazz

Tranquillo, Op. 11 #5 - Zoltán Kodály - Jenö Jandó

depictic music
whose asserted reference
is music 

Modernist reflectivity
Debussy plus Satie

Les Noces - Igor Stravinksy - English Bach Festival Percussion Ensemble, Leonard Bernstein

were all about tribal ritual
when it involved the sacrifice of a virgin
or virginity
in the interest
of fertility 

as strange as the dialog music is
it comes across
as perfectly believable dialog
of real characters 

I guess we're all percussion now

In Session at The Tintinabulary

June 30, 2024

Harmony Grove - Keith Eisenbrey

I've been at this project for a year now! I listened last evening to the 26 I made since the beginning of this year and was gratified in how clearly they are all and each the product of a single mind

Banned Telepath 106 Pinehurst - Jennifer Chung

July 1, 2024

Banned Telepath 106 Tintinabulary - Karen Eisenbrey, Keith Eisenbrey, Steve Kennedy, Aaron Keyt

Banned Rehearsal 1102 - Jennifer Chung, Karen Eisenbrey, Keith Eisenbrey, Steve Kennedy, Aaron Keyt

the desire to be part of the evening's sounds



Keith Eisenbrey 19: 2021

Études d'exécution imminent - Acknowledgments
Rounds for Aaron (2021)
Rungs for Neal (2021)

The Acknowledgements form the last segment of my large-scale project "Études d'exécution imminent", which might be subtitled "studies in compositional listening".

Prior volumes are available at

All are free for download.

Skaldmud's Doodle Gallery

listening journal doodles from 2023

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