Saturday, August 31, 2024


Kubota Garden, Seattle

"Rigdum Funnidos lamenteth, that there are, in this our day, among those who do seek to subvert the venerable usages of our ancestors, divers vauntings and boastings as to what they do most affectedly and erroneously term 'the growing intelligence of the age,' - 'the march of intellect,' and such-like absurd phraseologies. This irreverent spirit doth manifest itself in unseemly comparisons, between the times which are past, and those which are present, which do end in a preferring, to the wisdom of the olden time, their own newfangled and presumptuous theories. Ay, there be even those who do maintain, that what the lamented Francis Moore did, and other equally wise admirers of the by-gone past do, venerate as the olden time, is in very sooth, the juvenile time; inasmuch as time groweth older every day, and, as a necessary consequence thereof, every succeeding generation groweth wiser. It profiteth not to waste words on such manifest absurdity; and suffice it therefore to say, that Rigdum Funnidos hath, with much cost and travail, assemblaged what may be most worthily intituled, a fair sample of 'collective wisdom,' wherein will be found, most conspicuously shown forth, the worthiness of our ancestors to the designation of Wise."

from The Comic Almanack
an Ephemeris in Jest and Earnest, Containing Merry Tales, Humorous Poetry, Quips and Oddities, First Series, 1835-1843



Kubota Garden, Seattle
August 25, 2024

Klavierstücke D946 #3 - Franz Schubert - Alfred Brendel

a trio
of obscure corners
and sudden vistas
two slices
of circus fun

Mazurka in B-flat Major, Op. 17 #1 - Frédéric Chopin - Vladimir Ashkenazy

chromatic figure sequence
a reset
with a mischievous grin

Phantasie in C Major, Op. 17 (portions) - Robert Schumann - Charles Rosen

extracted as examples
for a book about the Romantics 

melodies singing from stages
constructed by figurations 

Busby Berkeley leg flowers

Romanze in G minor, Op. 21 #2 - Clara Schumann - Susanne Grützmann

a little opera for solo piano
I'm afraid one of the characters in it may have died

Slavonic Dance in F Major, Op. 46a #4 - Antonín Dvořák - The Cleveland Orchestra, Christoph von Dohnányi

light social music
such as this
avoids trip hazards
square and balanced
in twos and fours of groups
so as
not to call attention to itself
to jar promenaders
out of graceful display

Kubota Garden, Seattle
August 26, 2024

Symphony in F Major, Op. 90 (#3) - Johannes Brahms - Scottish Chamber Orchestra, Charles Mackerras

besotted by French Horns
a river journey
with the ghost of Schumann
through the eyes
of an earlier generation
memory floods back
folds of threes vanish behind the hills 

the shadows deeper back
rumors of distant war
but idyllic here
(closer to The Great War than to the Napoleonic)
the villages subside into slumber
long past  

a romance
from never ago
and never to be 

passion bursts into now
held in check
with phrase balance
and symphonic/polyphonic workings
feverishly refastening the stays
the storm subsides
under lullaby horns

In der Frühe - Hugo Wolf - Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, Daniel Barenboim

dawn arrives into night with no sleep

Das Orgel-Büchlein, BV B 27: No. 4, Nun freut euch, lieben Christen (After J. S. Bach's BWV 734) - Ferruccio Busoni - Wolf Harden

industrious and nimble

Symphonie in E minor, Allegro - Louis Vierne - David Di Fiore [from Grand Music for a Grand Castle]

clearly articulated spans of music
rarely are we between things
our figuration groups don't much fraternize
what would they mean?

Prelude, Op. 56 #1 - Alexander Scriabin - Michael Ponti

pulled and yanked
the solid final cadence
is merely a punctuation
not a destination

Rampart Ridge Trail, Mt. Rainier National Park
6 Bagatelles for String Quartet, Op. 9 - Anton Webern - Juilliard Quartet

the moveable type
has begun to interconverse
covert messages
passed through the type-net
under hush of night

L'Histoire du soldat - Igor Stravinsky - Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra, Gerard Schwarz

in a chamber cottage on a lake
groups congregate in various rooms
two here three there
our camera stays Jarmuschilly in each
just past taste
ones metrical bearings
are not ever allowed to settle
before moving on
to new calculations
a bespoke meter
of the feel
of the shifts
from metrical scheme
to metrical scheme 

a particularist slant
of just off kilter

Rampart Ridge Trail
August 27, 2024

Octandre - Edgard Varèse - Ensemble InterContemporain, Pierre Boulez

butoh bones blasted bare

Symphony in A Major (#3) - Franz Schmidt - Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Neeme Järvi

turns aside into itself
bathed in lush folds
immersed in dreamy hopes
brush so thick
there is no direction
that you don't find yourself
from any
to it
in spiralling fevers

Tampa Strut - The Georgia Browns [from Turn Me Loose White Man]

mouth harp floating above the guitar grid
which then floats above itself to dance

Quartet in C Major, Op. 49 (#1) - Dmitri Shostakovich - Fitzwilliam Quartet

this key has expanded in its old age
it calls freely
upon all the parts of all the others

Singin' In The Rain - Cliff Edwards [from That Devilin' Tune]

Jiminy Cricket!
pretty amazing
no lie

Rampart Ridge Trail, Mt. Rainier National Park
August 28, 2024

In a Landscape - John Cage - Stefan Husong

undulous hills
morning mists

Crying In The Chapel - Orioles [collected from Dave Marsh's The Heart of Rock & Soul]

a creature of amplification and recording technology 
a music inconceivable
prior to a specific technological time point

I'm So Young - The Students [collected from Dave Marsh's The Heart of Rock & Soul]

novelty record

Help Me - Sonny Boy Williamson II [collected from Neal Kosály-Meyer's Bo's Milieu]

the blues
to Rock & Soul
were an infusion
of an older tradition
a way out of teenybop novelty songs

Rampart Ridge Trail, Mt. Rainier National Park
Too Much Talk
- Paul Revere and The Raiders [from The Legend of Paul Revere]

stage-ready Beatles pastiche

Rockin' Roll Baby - The Stylistics [collected from Dave Marsh's The Heart of Rock & Soul]

spread out across a broad stage in the stereo field
feeding a commercial legend beast
part of the broader industry branding effort

The Pittsburgh Stealers - The Kendalls [collected from Dave Marsh's The Heart of Rock & Soul]

a country song doesn't need much in the way of lyrics
just a sad tale with a clever textual gimmick

Production Line Blues - Dan Sedia [recorded live at Bard College, March 18, 1983]

factory thinking favors a steady beat
now a hurry-up

Too Good To Be Food - U-Men

good feelings have degenerated
and gone sneery

Banned Rehearsal 328 - John E, Betty Eisenbrey, Dick Eisenbrey, Karen Eisenbrey, Keith Eisenbrey, Aaron Keyt [April 30, 1993]

tape goes round and round
sentences have emerged
play the plano
marks above letters
notation of pronunciation
an abomination
to any independent minded cuss of an English speaker
we will pronounce our vowels
the way we pronounces 'em
and spells 'em
how we spells 'em 

mixing up the rhythm
won't solve a too persistent presence 

John laughs well

my journal entry of February 2, 1998
cramming sounds onto tape
fill the airwaves
Too-Big Bundler
more noise! 

an up down sound
composed on the spot
all the sounds
are right in your ear
compression distortion
the sounds misshape each other under pressure

the sprout finds a mystery chord on the Sprite 

Bang Bang Boom!
one of the Funmaker's finer sessions
at its most blatant 

my Mom and Dad show up late in the game

Rosa Parks - Outkast [from Aquamini]

it may make verbal sense
but it seems almost superfluous to do so
the meaning is in the flow of the rhymes and rhythms

Rampart Ridge Trail, Mt. Rainier National Park
Gradus 36 - Neal Kosály-Meyer [January 14, 2003]

in which direction is down in the pitch experience?
is it a direction at all?
is pitch a space?
(in which a direction could be?)

for a bare location matrix
it certainly has some peculiar mathematics going on
and its distance from others
its gap-web
in a single continuous line
(sort of) 

Gradus makes an excellent sample
for Ben's Meta-Variations ear training excercise
"listening to . . . any 'instance of music' in terms of what can be perceived solely by means of the stipulated observables."

Cold Hearted Woman - Vince Mira  [from The Cash Cabin Sessions]

we heard this gentleman at a cabaret in the Market
late one evening
on a whim
nice looking young man with a phenomenal country bass voice

Luke 6:20-26 - Keith Eisenbrey - Zach Buker, Karen Eisenbrey, Keith Eisenbrey

I still like this setting

A Guest House - Hanna Benn [from Divide]

a curated choir of one 

a polished sheen to it
as though in an impossible acoustic

Banned Rehearsal 1071 - Karen Eisenbrey, Keith Eisenbrey, Steve Kennedy, Aaron Keyt [February 27, 2023]

this sound doesn't cram
it prefers elbow room
and an ample shared work surface
plucks and plinks
some thumps and clangs
a sudden howl of feedback protrudeth

Rampart Ridge Trail, Mt. Rainier National Park
August 29, 2024

Instrumentalstück - Hildegard Von Bingen {?} - Sequentia [from Canticles of Ecstasy]

difference pertaining
betweeen pitches 

(what's the difference?) 

different than
name that interval
or count it
or measure it
what's the difference
between notes? 

presumes a spatial metaphor
presumes a mathematical metaphor 

(this piece is nowhere ma'am) 

the delta
the gap

Rampart Ridge Tail, Mt. Rainier National Park
Geistliche Chor-Music, Op. 11, SWV 369-397 (1648), Volume 1: XII. Also hat Gott die Welt geliebt Aria - Heinrich Schütz - Capella Augustana

music as a virtual mathematics
made of virtual concreta 

how does he cram all that music into such a tiny space?
angels on pins dancing jigs

Magnificat Primi Toni - Dieterich Buxtehude - Simone Stella

western music
pitch and interval
point and difference
pitch in a swamp
object in a field
what is the difference pertaining
between the red wing black bird
and the cat tail?
what is its gap?
its interval?
its dissonance?
its otherness? 

music is virtual thought
communicated in such guise
as such things are capable

Cinquieme Ordre (la), La Tendre Fanchon - François Couperin - Kenneth Gilbert

is what pitches are
just their intervals pertaining?
well, no,
well, yes. 

personally I cannot name them
they go by too quickly
they don't wear badges
Thisby Baby
Pyramus Maximus

Invention in F Major, BWV 779 - Johann Sebastian Bach - Edith Picht-Axenfeld

primly jaunty
a figure proceeds to transform itself
a self dis-figuring figure

Sonata in F minor, Kk. 239 - Domenico Scarlatti - Pieter-Jan Belder

this figure
disfigures itself
into its own self
a spiral
a mathematically generated difference 

(I've been fleeced)
(in F minor)

Rampart Ridge Trail, Mt. Rainier National Park
Keyboard Sonata in B-flat Major, Wq. 50/5 - Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach - Miklós Spányi

composing with intervals
just politely enough
to pass muster
with Meister Johann Sebastian Fussypants 

does it matter
that this music is tonal
and if it doesn't matter
is it? 

as the difference engine 

as a virtual
harmonious model
of society
made of gaps 

is a pitch
a quantity
because of what?
a bare quantity
a variable
we explain metaphors with metaphors
and other such beetle-like things
we construct the tonality
we put this in
as an indiscreetly
mock obsequious

Rampart Ridge Trail, Mt. Rainier National Park
Keyboard Sonata in C Major, Hob. XVI:21 - Franz Joseph Haydn - Christine Schornsheim

is the perceived value
of a game of differences
on our ability
to claim
to have scoped it out? 

is the coherence of a thing
as a mathematical object
as constructively designed
on its mathematical correctness
or truth value?

this music
doesn't follow the rules
it forces them into existence 

how might one adequately evoke this music
if one had the experience of
but not the word for
(or interval) 

can be conceived of
as locations
but intervals can't
but gaps can't
spins can't
slants can't
France can
(boy can they
those French
can sure can)

or difference constellations
as location constellations

In Session at The Tintinabulary

August 25, 2024

Illinois - Keith Eisenbrey

I believe I have two more of these to go
before exhausting the tunes in Long Meter (LM)

August 26, 2024

Banned Rehearsal 1106 - Karen Eisenbrey, Keith Eisenbrey, Steve Kennedy, Aaron Keyt, Neal Kosály-Meyer

on the patio
due to a user error (mine)
the only live microphones were pointed away from us.
still pretty nice.



Greg Short: Twenty-Four Tonal Preludes

Seattle composer Greg Short (1938-1999) left of copy of this score on my doorstep one day in the Summer of 1986, asking if I would play four of them at a program in December, which of course I did. The preludes were composed 1965-66, and revised in 1983, per notes in the score.

All but the last four of these recordings were made, four at a time, at various recitals between 2006 and 2018 at University Temple United Methodist Church, and at The Chapel Performance Space, both in Seattle. The last four were recorded at my home in 2022. I include at the end an "ossia" version of the G-minor Prelude (#22).

Selected recordings of my compositions can be found at

All are free for download or to stream.

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