Saturday, September 28, 2024



"{March} 31st. - Two days' rain, without ceasing; planning with Isaac on the large kitchen table covered an inch thick with mould - laid down gravel walks of red garter, and stuck up skewers for fruit trees.
April 1. - Rain falling, river rising, cellars filling.
2nd. - Ducks swimming into the parlour - moved to the first floor for safety - Musical Tom (my youngest) splashing about bare-legged in the kitchen, and shouting 'four feet water in the hold.' A leak sprung in the next onion field - all my land under water. Dick, perched on window-sill, angling for roach in the garden. Isaac says we shall get used to it, and the waters always go off again. Daughter Julia tells me the people of Egypt would think it quite a blessing - beg to differ."

from The Comic Almanack
an Ephemeris in Jest and Earnest, Containing Merry Tales, Humorous Poetry, Quips and Oddities, First Series, 1835-1843



September 22, 2024

O Tu Suavissima Virga, Ave - Hildegard Von Bingen - Sequentia [from Canticles of Ecstasy]

the words emerge from the page
or from speech
lifted into the architecture
or lifted directly
into architecture

Geistliche Chor-Music, Op. 11, SWV 369-397 1648), Volume 1: XVI. Ein Kind ist uns geboren - Heinrich Schütz - Capella Augustana

spreading the word
polyphonic model
of community interaction

Fuga in B-flat Major, BuxWV 176 - Dieterich Buxtehude - Simone Stella

playful fantasia in the middle

Cinquieme Ordre (la): La Bandoline. Rondeau. Legerement, sans vitesse - François Couperin - Kenneth Gilbert

the bass line has its own pattern of figures

Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227 - Johann Sebastian Bach - Concentus Musicus Wien, Bachchor Stockholm, Nikolaus Harnoncourt

this chorale lesson
is first presented plain
interpreted for gestural clarity
we start to think about it all
it is discussed at length

September 23, 2024

Keyboard Sonata in C Major, Kk. 243 - Domenico Scarlatti - Pieter-Jan Belder

what went up
goes down
an interrupted balance
is an emphatic balance

Sonata in F Major, Wq. 55/2 - Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach - Miklós Spányi

suspended balances
elided cadence points
no break between 1 and 2
2 becomes a strange side adventure
an outgrowth
a private garden
a reverie

Sinfonia in B-flat Major, Op. 9 #1 - Johann Christian Bach - Camerata Budapest, Hans Gmür

an introduction to the evening's musical entertainment
and an interlude
between other numbers
its only necessary movement to movement relation
to be broadly plausible
not disruptive
of the main show
to bring it
to a satisfying finish

Symphony in G Major, Hob. I.54 - Franz Joseph Haydn - Austro-Hungarian Orchestra, Ádám Fischer

a slow introductory segment
so we know the environs
the eventual key
will be in
toward which
it may veer 

I wonder
if the composers of the time
thought of slow songish second movements
as opera scenes
of intimate domesticity
id est
the lead's love interest 

this one has a fine violin duet in it 

a menuet
is an arena
for all sorts of balancing acts 


Symphonie in D Major, 1st Version, K300a(297) (#31) - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Academy of Ancient Music, Jaap Schroder, Christopher Hogwood

this music has a plot
things happen
the stage is filled with action 

a discussion at table
a stern character
and a gracious character
hash it out politely 

finish with the excitement
fleet and vigorous
make the orchestra sound good
so there will be enthusiastic plaudits

September 24, 2024

Symphony in C minor, Op. 67 (#5) - Ludwig van Beethoven - NBC Symphony Orchestra, Arturo Toscanini

for many radio listeners
this was Beethoven's Fifth 

is not directing for defnitivity
he is aware of the limitations
of any performance
and of recording and broadcast limitations
he puts it across
as best he can
in tune
with a forward thrust
even in the slow bits
gets on with it
no dramatic moment milking here
oboe honking
no use being subtle about it
sophisticated orchestration
in the old (pre-Berlioz) practice
chamber ensembles
and structured doubling
seems to

Caprice in D Major, Op. 1 #20 - Niccolo Paganini - Salvatore Accardo

the solo violin's superpower
its open strings
they open a door

Symphony in C Major, D. 944 (#7(#9)) - Franz Schubert - Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, Karl Böhm

open with a hymn
stately and proper
strong bones
a sturdy foundation
(we dig deeper)
forth from the abyss
spirit of nationhood
nothing that can't be cured
with some ceremonial celebration
(a celebration of ceremony)
deeds of ancestors
annals of lore
(I'd turn back
if I were you)
triumph is certain 

just not here
fond memories?
and yet
we trudge along with the rest 

excitement in the front lines 

sing a pretty song 

society and its perils
society is
occasions of human intercourse
the more ceremonial
the more fraught 

the cheerful routine
of daily village life
everybody puts their back into it 

habitually wander dark paths

Romance variée in C Major, Op. 3 - Clara Schumann - Dorothea Grützmann

distinct protagonists
singing the same tune
in their own way
now someone's all aflutter

Fantasiestück, Op. 12 #9 (1958 version) - Robert Schumann - Florian Uhlig


Ballade in F minor, Op. 52 - Frédéric Chopin - Garrick Ohlsson

when within any span
does this begin
are we
so far in
wherever it is
we have been
how long
has it been

Via Crucis: Station IV - Jesus begegnet seiner heiligen Mutter - Franz Liszt - Reinbert de Leeuw

something besides a key center is at work
or in lieu of 

a moment
of unimaginable intimacy

Er ist's - Hugo Wolf - Dieterich Fischer-Dieskau, Daniel Barenboim

doth protest too much

Das Orgel-Büchlein, BV B 27: No. 7, Durch Adams Fall (After J. S. Bach's BWV 637) - Ferrucio Busoni - Wolf Harden

a piano arrangement
of a piece for organ
it invites us
into its space

Poeme in D-flat Major, Op. 41 - Alexander Scriabin - Michael Ponti

these chords are unstable
they seem clear
from a few steps back

Canto Seriosa - Carl Nielsen - Athena Ensemble

piano and horn
the title is plausible

September 25, 2024

A kekszakallu hercog vara - Béla Bartók - London Symphony Orchestra, Antal Doráti, Mihaly Szekely, Olga Szonyi

four groups
four low notes
produced by
across four taut strings
curtain opens
on the last note 

and logics
of the new exotic realm:
the unconscious 

partitioning regularity
with variegated key structures 

there's that sound effect
but not amplified
praise the Lord 

patterns of reappearance
across co-determinate spans of times
the numbers
reduce themselves

the Duke's castle
how many doors?
(eight, counting the front door) 

scalar/arpeggiated figures:
gestures of convenience
(and convention)
they can be registered
as singularities
on a path
from note
to melody 

cadential formulae

Couldn't Hear Nobody Praying - Jubilee Quartette [from Turn Me Loose White Man]

pretty impressive first tenor
stretchy tempo

Don't Get One Woman On Your Mind - Willard Hodgin [from Turn Me Loose White Man]

banjo ukulele?

a pocketful of stock complaints and prayers

Hambone Am Sweet - Southern Singers [from Turn Me Loose White Man]

but they sing
cultural coloration
(so that
we will know
they're black?)

My Man (with Teddy Wilson and his Orchestra) - Billie Holiday - from Lady Day, The Complete Billie Holiday on Columbia]

what the words say
as she sings them
over the chord changes
they live there

Symphony #2 - Bohuslav Jan Martinů - Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, Václav Neumann

composing with count
as patterns break up
to signal
that something
is happening
signification of reference
a means
of enwrapping a span
into a moment
enwrapping moments
from spans
is a function
within signification
and thus
within reference
within their processes

reference is a process
there are steps
also sprach Henry Ford 

does music
partake of rhetoric
by metaphor only
does rhetoric
make use of music
as a carpenter might a hammer? 

add to scalar/arpeggio:
crescendo builds to big

Boogie Chillen - John Lee Hooker [from The Legendary Modern Recordings]

the rock solid blues meter
seems to have more than one location
of the downbeat
within the same moment

Ritual Dances from The Midsummer Marriage - Michal Tippett - BBC Scottish Symphony Orchdestra, George Hurst

are we going to sacrifice another virgin?
that seems a strange thing to do
in post-war Britain
perhaps a ritual rescue? 

this ritual
has a raft of plot points 

what manner of theatrical production
might this be a plausible part of?
is this its own ballet 

a system
can be passé
and still work
just fine 

collect index store
read retrieve listen
record transcribe broadcast 

this is a strange enough animal
a virgin sacrifice
would not surprise

Black Pearls - John Coltrane [from Turn Me Loose White Man]

lookitim go!

So Much In Love - The Tymes [collected from Dave Marsh's The Heart of Rock & Soul]

are those maracas
on two and four?
the soprano in the back row
is no slouch

Everybody's Got Something to Hide (Except for Me and My Monkey) - The Beatles [collected from Neal Kosály-Meyer's Bo and The Beat]

just five years after the Tymes

If You've Got The Time - Red Steagall [a Rescued Record]

you too
can be a throwback
to the time of the Tymes

Symphony 38, Op. 314 (III and IV) - Alan Hovhaness - Seattle Symphony Orchestra, Gerard Schwarz, Hinako Fujihara

we wallow without working
the music has no intention of leaving
no thing like a reason
for things to happen for 

now we're on the other bank
of the same river
seeing the same things
as before
with nervousness
on edge
the systems of awareness
on the state of unawareness

October (Love Song) - Chris & Cosey

this song
was distributed
on a 12 inch
45 rpm
vinyl disk
containing four different mixes
of the same song
as it 

how 80s is that?

September 26, 2024

Banned Rehearsal 132 - Karen Eisenbrey, Keith Eisenbrey, Aaron Keyt [January 6, 1988]

in the Greenwood Big House
we had our sessions
in the main living room
where the big piano was 

in a chordal mood 

someone is playing the blue toy accordion
I believe
I was playing
in session
just this last Monday 
{NB: Karen says it was the red toy accordion
which renders the grouping of words above

Karen must have been undecorating
and dismantling the Christmas Tree
I cop
to not helping much 

Anarchy under the tree
sticks with it
through stretches
to try
to get something going
trying too hard 

Aaron and I
with dijeridu
and horn of some kind
make a droney din

{journal entry of December 5, 1991:

squeaky accords to begin
now dulcimer
soft piano chords
warm sleep chord
sappy chordchords
piano stops
and dulcimer
a tape
Aaron sings}

J'ai vû le loup - Anonymous - The Baltimore Concert [from La Rocque'n'Roll]

I could believe the melody
and the words
not convinced by the arrangements

Banned Rehearsal 485 - Karen Eisenbrey, Keith Eisenbrey, Anna K, Aaron Keyt, Neal Kosály-Meyer [February 21, 1998]

are the captains
of a jettisoned polyphony
in the pitch dark sea 

distortion issues
unfortunate artifacts
lacunae in the signal 

some sessions
are sketchpads
crammed within notes 

what is missing
from finished
presented work
the glory
of the mishmash
from whence it sprang 

upon palimpsestuations 

the pitch dark sea
goes all the way down 

is the sound
of five earminds
thinking stuff up 

vigorous crosshatching

that must be me on the Kingsbury
I recognize my chord voicings and rhythm

{journal entry of March 7, 2006:

Romantic opening
has more of a balance problem
than a playing problem
some issues possibly
with the transfer
keep ear open for that
get a bit silly 

a problem
with loud sounds
if they are featureless
and of no endearing timbre 

how close can we be to this music?
and what is it
we are trying to get close to? 

a collection of agenda complexes
or simply
how the personalities behave
in their environment
at first this collective
seems only variously geared
toward each other 

many an autonomy 

they seem unconcerned
with us
and only now and again
with each other 

muttering into our beards
dissipating blats 

how close can we be
to a collective
that is partly sulking
partly seething
and partly attempting to ignore it
into something else
excuse me
your dysfunction is showing}

Seven Light in a Stone Box - Tom Baker - Tom Baker [from Sounding The Curve]

a set of figurations
that might be variants of each other
for some set of tactics 

in terms of the architectural space
that music can occupy
much electronically enabled music
has replaced
or seeks to replace
actual spaces
with virtual
free from pollution
and other obscurations
a pure space

Track 8 - Aaron Keyt [from 7(7)]

we'll put our pure spaces
with their impure sounds in them
in a null space
securely sequestered 

a menagerie
of leitmotifs
for the discerning ear

The Duality of Nostalgia - Jared Miller - Latitude 49

a strand of modernity
to duplicate
or digitally-filtered music
with real
('scuse me,
with acoustic)
exploiting the potentials
by constructing a virtual space
within a solid space
the piece
is a constructed
a common definition
of what music is
shows its colors
dab of this
dab of that
abstract depictionism
this music
is what it is
it does
as it is told
to do

Banned Telepath 59 Lake City - Aaron Keyt [January 30, 2018]

a massacre of crows caw in Lake City

Sinkhole - Dead Bars [from Sinkhole]

the trappings of the punkpop genre
are the proper bindings
for some poetics

In Session at The Tintinabulary

September 22, 2024

Tilden - Keith Eisenbrey

For real this time, just one more Long Meter melody to arrange then it will be on to the Common Meter tunes.

September 23, 2024

Banned Rehearsal 1109 - Karen Eisenbrey, Keith Eisenbrey, Steve Kennedy, Aaron Keyt, Neal Kosály-Meyer

back in the studio for the season



recordings of my compositions (and more!) can be found at - free to download or stream

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