Saturday, October 5, 2024



"Such a function [the modular-interval] is obviously independent of the particular sound chosen in a particular case to interpret it (i.e., of which particular interval happens to be taken as 'modular'). Equally obviously, however, the choice that is made will have a strongly determining influence on the range of possible interval-relation structures within any such case. And whether or not the interpretation as a modular interval of some other sound than our empirically validated 'octave' is in fact empirically feasible, is determinable only by experiential test, not by theoretical postulation."

Benjamin Boretz - from Meta-Variations: Studies in the Foundations of Musical Thought



September 28, 2024

O Choruscans Stellarum - Hildegard Von Bingen - Sequentia [from Canticles of Ecstasy]

unaccompanied monophony
just the naked line 

clearly the strongest presentation

Geistliche Chor-Music, Op. 11, SWV 369-397 (1648), Volume 1: XVII. Das Wort ward Fleisch - Heinrich Schütz - Capella Augustana

is vertically inflected monophony
is commentary
horizontally inflected monophony
all enabled
by an ingenious homogeneity

Nun Komm, der Heiden Heiland, BuxWV 211 - Dieterich Buxtehude - Simone Stella

polyphonically supported monophony

Gottes Zeit Ist Die Allerbeste Zeit, BWV 106 - Johann Sebasian Bach - Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Choir, Ton Koopman

homophonically supported
monophonically supported monophony
homophonically supported
plural monophony 

for two flutes chorus and continuo
solo voice episodes
by polyphonic episodes
opens the text
to fill our persons withal 

cute little echoed amen

Triosieme Ordre (ut): Seconde Courante - François Couperin - Kenneth Gilbert

sequential episodes
provide a reset
and a respite
brings the scattered lines together
for a graspable cooperation

Keyboard Sonata in C Major, Kk. 243 - Domenico Scarlatti - Pieter-Jan Belder

an amusement

Keyboard Sonata in E minor, Wq. 65/39 - Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach - Miklós Spányi

fleet little spider fingers
for direct comparison
across moments
immediately available memory
the closely held immediate past

September 29, 2024

Symphony in B-flat Major, Hob. I:51 - Franz Joseph Haydn - Austro-Hungarian Orchestra, Ádám Fischer

our hero
full of action and industry
but a tender heart within
what's not to love?
minds the details 

difficulties do deter not them 

discreet with confidences 

the love-interest hero
closely held
in the parental household
it won't be easy to pry them loose 

the social occasion
a matrimonial show-room
fancy horn playing back there 

discoveries and negotiations
so many details
such a lot of work to do
before the big day

Sonata in A Major, K. 331 - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Alicia de Larrocha

articulated with weight difference
vocal thinking
the subtlest of agogic hesitations ahead of downbeats

Symphony in F Major, Op. 68 "Pastoral" (#6) - Ludwig van Beethoven - Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Bruno Walter

he doesn't stray from F Major
for quite some time
at what point
can it be said
to have been established?
reason enough to take the damn repeat Bruno! 

Karen says there was a hawk on our maple snag
had flown off 

here's the big scary storm scene

it occurs to me
that one branch of my family tree
(the Aisenbrey branch)
stems from podunk Germany
these simple country folk
are my progenitors
they were picturesque

Caprice in A Major, Op. 1 #21 - Niccolo Paganini - Salvatore Accardo

in a key
of particularly indexed intimacy
magnified micro actions of the body

September 30, 2024

Symphony in C Major, D. 944 (#7(#9)) - Franz Schubert - Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, Herbert von Karajan

full throated imperial majesty 

its officious workings
punctilious to the 32nd part
orchestrated in blocks
and blocks of parts of blocks 

travels in the countrywide
imbued with vigor 

all the cares of an Empire

trombone acts as the Prime Minister

Etudes de concert d'après les Caprices de Paganini pour le pianoforte, Op. 10: III. Etude in G Minor, vivace - Robert Schumann - Éric Le Sage

the beats get shuffled
so pay attention

Andante con Molto - Fanny Hensel - Beatrice Rauchs

a cut across severity
at an angle
or a fracture
or fissure

Waltz in A Minor (1843) - Frédéric Chopin - Peter Katin

a whole lost society
glows with life in this music
its sensibilities laid bare

Variationen über Eina Thema von Robert Schumann, Op. 20 - Clara Schumann - Susanne Grützmann

each variation
a recomposition of
(advanced hermeneutics)
never takes its eyes off the source melody

Via Crucis: Station V "Simon von Kyrene hilft Jesus das Kreuz tragen" - Franz Liszt - Reinbert de Leeuw

this music has wandered far
from anything like a home key

Etude en forme de variations, Op. 17 - Ferruccio Busoni - Wolf Harden

examined closely
the theme will reveal itself
it struggles
and must be restrained
it charms
it inveigles
it dresses up in military finery
it pensivates
it does the puppy eyes
it comforts gently
it struggles more

October 1, 2024

Violin Concerto in D Major, Op. 77 - Johannes Brahms - Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Carlo Maria Giulini, Itzhak Perlman

in my habits of listening
a metrical framework
is frequently laid
over the top of the music
(is this in two or in three)
many composers
Brahms among them
seem to be fond
of so configuring the figurations
and gestural inflections
as to problematize
the firm locations
of downbeats
and of internal subdivisions
against the tyranny of the bar
and all that
often regarded
as good compositional practice
evidence of sophistication
I'll cop to enjoying that game
as much as the next listener
I wonder
if my ability
to keep track
of where the downbeat is
to habitually transcribe
the ongoing experience
onto such a traditionalist grid
is to my ear's benefit
as though it mattered
to a perceived moment
it were a true
or a false downbeat
after all
is more true
about a downbeat
that matches the written meter
and one that doesn't? 

rhythms aren't in meters
(as denizens)
the meter
is a theory
about the rhythms in play
id est
there is no two
or three
for a music
to be in
it can't be in
what emerges from it
or can it? 

an oboe melody
above a homophony
Bach cantata territory 

the metrical grid
is made relatively explicit
in the opening statement
a drumming gesture
in the strings
the key
to the overlay
as helpful as any overlay might be
it still

Sonata in F-sharp minor, Op. 30 (#4) - Alexander Scriabin - Michael Ponti

wherein a meter
dreams of another key
within a dream
of another tonality

Holidays Symphony - Charles Ives - New York Philharmonic, Leonard Bernstein

a set of tone poems
on a theme
as a window
into a past America
we discover
what once signified that
to our progenitors
the prevailing
New England

some of it
falls out
like a PDQ Bach misfire 

is a marching band battle
in the streets
every storefront
is its own team
was not among the more lucid prose stylists

Jutish Medley - Percy Grainger - Percy Grainger, Lotta Mills Hough [from Percy Grainger plays Percy Grainger]

a mishmash extravaganza
played earnestly

Caprice - Ruth Crawford Seeger - Jenny Lin

attitude on the street
a black and white comic short
sad ending

Bolero - Maurice Ravel - Orchestre de Paris, Jean Martinon

I've had this recording
since before the brouhaha with Bo
these folks
could still take it seriously
the rhythm section
is counting measures like demons
the birth
of the just-follow-the-instructions school of orchestration
or its epitome

I Gotta Right To Sing The Blues - Lee Wiley [from That Devilin' Tune]

sounds like the movies look
it's all in frame

Mathis der Maler (excerpts): Vorspiel - Paul Hindemith - Kölner Rundfunk Sinfonie Orchester, Joseph Keilberth

good solid craftsmanship
just look at the stitching in that counterpoint!

Trouble Trouble - Betty Roché [form Turn Me Loose White Man]

trouble every time I speak my mind
sad truth

Canteyodjaya - Olivier Messiaen - Martin Zehn

in harsh lighting
no reason for theory of the whole
pasted on scraps
sharp quick cuts
absurdist rage

Tempus Fugit - Miles Davis [from Turn Me Loose White Man]

a show-off cut

String Quartet - Arthur Berger - Lenox String Quartet

chipmunk battles
in the low brush
stealthy waits the tiger
under the fragile cover of night

Pipeline - The Chantays [collected from Dave Marsh's The Heart of Rock & Soul]

beach party cool
California vibe

October 2, 2024

Thelonious - Thelonious Monk [from Underground]

tapped out
in pitch inflected Morse code rhythm

Funeral for a Friend (Love Lies Bleeding) - Elton John [from Goodbye Yellow Brick Road]

prog left a door open
and glitter got in
to spruce up its pretense
songs extended
to allow for solos
a social gesture
for stadium sized shows
but not a need of the song

Symphony #9 - Roger Sessions - American Composers Orchestra, Dennis Russell Davies

concert music culture
clings most tightly
to its accustomed forms
to the largest budget
anything old or new
must be in the form
of the old
the essence
of what is conserved
in a conservatory
these instruments play weary tunes
cloistered toil
5000 notes
trapped in a symphony box
that might also have a cat in it
serious compositions
need to be understood
by board members
to be taken seriously
there are signs
in board-member code
program notes
as they have come to be
for the benefit
of the budget
and its caretakers

R.P. Williams Blues - Dan Sedia [recorded live at Bard College,  March 18, 1983]

my playlist
is designed to take me through time
in five year increments
an interesting shift of perspective occurs
in the 60s and 70s
as the music I'm hearing
that music
that is
and has been
with my musical awareness

Arc for String Quartet - Robert Morris - Jack String Quartet [from Robert Morris at 70]

I play a note
I play another
the first
was played from nothing
the second
was played
from the first
is the whole sense of interval
summed in that 'from'?
there is a connection
between 'from'
the location of interval in music 

is a class
of flavors
of 'from'
the glue
of seriality
the forces
between pitches

Liebeslied - Benjamin Boretz - Keith Eisenbrey [recorded live at University Temple United Methodist Church, Seattle, May 14, 1993]

I'm coming back to this tempo-feel recently
hadn't quite got my hands into those chords yet
nor my weight to flow through my shoulders
no reason to hurry into the repeat
I was being quite free with the tempo
not ineffectively at all

Smoking - Goodness [from 1995 - 1998]

the come-on of coolness
inhabiting the in-crowd vibes
a report
from within the enchantment

Banned Rehearsal 646 - Karen Eisenbrey, Keith Eisenbrey Neal Kosály-Meyer [February 7, 2003]

the idea was
that for a group of sessions
everybody would choose an instrument
and we'd stick with it
I probably lost interest first
this instance
has us plucking things
electric guitar
washtub bass
we are become
a strummy sort of hum
what something is sounding like
what something is going like
they are different somethings
is primordially
is the essence
of the interval
the motion
the difference

3 Translations of The Works of Maurizio Morchetti: 1. Arrow - Alvin Lucier

difference over time
pitch dismatching
it wears its severity honorably
and integrally
an aid
to the liberated understanding
of intonation

Banned Rehearsal 832 (Aaron's recording) - Karen Eisenbrey, Keith Eisenbrey, Steve Kennedy, Aaron Keyt, Neal Kosály-Meyer [recorded live at The Chapel Performance Space, Good Shepherd Center, Seattle, February 22, 2013]

live at the Chapel!
how exciting!
we sound great
a personal tour
of what we do
this session
concerns itself
with the bangclank equipment
a song is sung
by a brass instrument
of unknown shape
one of Aaron's no doubt
we transform the chapel
into a large wooden shelled rattle
that time we brought the chimney
low brass
and xylophone bars
strewn across the floor
a magnificent closet you've got there Fibber
shall we peek inside?

some artifacts of the file copying process in this dub
a pity
but not too bad

Watercolors - Craig Pepples - Julia Hsu [from Open Space 47]

1 Caddisfly
acupuncture with oomph behind it 

2 Smoke
there cannot be a generic interval here

Improvisation - Tom Baker, Keith Eisenbrey [from Subvector Colloquy, recorded live at The Chapel Performance Space, Good Shepherd Center, Seattle, March 2, 2023]

this is quite sweet
my accompanist nature enabled

October 3, 2024

Sinfonia in E-flat Major, Op. 9 #2 - Johann Christian Bach - Camerata Budapest, Hanspeter Gmür

differentiated iterations
a multi-faceted partitioning
to set the music spinning 

the establishing span
establishes the base line
and time-span duration 

the social graces

String Quartet in D Major, Op. 44 #1 - Felix Mendelssohn - Emerson String Quartet

impatient with the whole establishing business
eager to get ahead of the game
but still playing by the rules 

the Romantic impulse:
to recreate the universe
from mankind outward

Slavonic Dance in D Major, Op. 46a #6 - Antonín Dvořák - The Cleveland Orchestra, Christoph von Dohnányi

how might one mime a music?
or music a mime?
a dance
is a society
in a music
(miming the motions
of bodies
in music) 

no terms
for it
to be
in terms

Jägerlied - Hugo Wolf - Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, Daniel Barenboim

and what is music to do
with a poem
of all things?

Madama Butterfly, Act III - Giacomo Puccini - Coro e orchestra dell'Accademia di Santa Cecilia, Alberto Erede, Renata Tebladi, Giuseppe Campora, Nell Rankin, Giovanni Inghilleri, Piero de Palma, Fernando Corena, Gianna Diozzi, Melchiorre Luise, Michele Calvino, Luigi Pizzeri

an attempt to domesticate Wagner
for Italian taste
off-stage sailor chorus?
they must have spent their off hours
studying harmony
they cadence right proper
a strange mix
symphonic techniques ala Wagner
but a close first-person sensibility
to the music
can't give up the set pieces
the singers must have their songs

why would any singer
want to play Pinkerton?
Hi there
I play the cowardly cad 

a system
based on cycles of integers
is subject
to all the difficulties
of numbers
and their theories
to speculative tweaks to the universe

Mi Vina de Chapanay - Carlos Guastavino - Teresa Berganzo, Juan Antonio Alvarez Parejo

the keyboard writing is pretty interesting
especially for the type of song it is

Jazz Deluxe - Earl Fuller [from That Devilin' Tune]

sidestep from sophistication
at the service
of anything but

Les Noces - Igor Stravinsky - Orquesta del Teatro Nacional de la Opera de Paris, Pierre Boulez, Jacqueline Brumaire, Denis Scharley, Jacques Pottier, Jose van Dam

jumps right in at weird
with unavertible gaze
we don't change to these tempos
we just tune in
to where they have always been
on coordinated
but discrete channels
he even found the old Mussorgsky channel
still there after all these years

In Session at The Tintinabulary

September 29, 2024

Dunfield - Keith Eisenbrey

and this is the last of the Long Meter tunes

September 30, 2024

Gradus 402 - Neal Kosály-Meyer

back to the old counting
groups of figurations
explore the registers
is an action of thought
in the wild
the adventures
of any a group of figurations
on their explore
could partition
a span of experience
into the shape
of a piece of music 

does the announced fact
that they all share a common matrix of pitches
bind them
into an event
or is that overkill? 

as such
is not an earmind state
every pitch

all that
and one more
(find the new pitch in the pizza)
a voice descends in good time
shares fare thee wells
with ma and pa

October 3, 2024

Liebeslied - Benjamin Boretz

It was Ben's 90th birthday, so I recorded this 1974 "unfinished" work, the original pencil score of which resides in the pine box under my piano

October 4, 2024

Fifth Sonata - Lockrem Johnson

close, so close



recordings of my compositions (and more!) can be found at - free to download or stream

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