Saturday, July 27, 2024


Yakima Greenway Trail

Wie nennst du dich?

Die Frage scheint mir kleine
Für einen, der das Wort so sehr verachtet,
Der, weit entfernt von allem Schein,
Nur in der Wesen Tiefe trachtet.


What is your name?

This question seems minute
For one who thinks the word so beggarly,
Who holds what seems in disrepute,
And craves only reality."

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - from "Faust", translated by Walter Kaufmann



July 20, 2024

Keith Eisenbrey plays Benjamin Boretz
in celebration of his upcoming 90th birthday
The Chapel Performance Space, Good Shepherd Center


(“…what I could hear, trying to crawl out from between the lines of your last ferocious Sonata...”)


for a pianist alone


Lament for Sarah


(" chart shines high where the blue milks upset...")


Unfortunately, Ben couldn't join us this evening, but he wrote some words for the occasion:

If you want to understand Keith’s relationship to my piano music you need to check out our many keyboard conversations and group playing sessions which followed our meeting and working together in the 1980s and 90s and beyond - they are all accessible as soundfiles on my website at

Most of the music Keith is playing dates from before this time, and Keith came to Bard to study with me after hearing Keith Johnston give the first performance of “…my chart…” at UW in 1978*. But Keith’s implacably stubborn musical (I won’t get into personal) individuality left a deep imprint on my own sense of the scope of musical possibility and whenever he plays my music I hear it as unmistakably he that is doing the playing - so his performances of these pieces always seem to me like a virtual collaboration, a music which only exists because we are both present therein.

I do wish I could be there Saturday night.

All the best to everyone who is.

Ben Boretz

{*not quite factual, but close -kee}



not real intimacy
but the
of its frisson


the two recorders
in the Sonatina of Gottes Zeit
shimmering seconds
with/against each other
as one but
necessarily in two
but still,
a pianist
initiates the shimmering frisson
the discoloring energy upward
a soundthought
taking forever
but conserving
the shimmering seconds
through itself
the seim anew
reemerging below
but always

the seim anew

utterance of ascent
simulacrum of motion
not feeling
each shimmer freezing
its way to the next
frisson by frisson
how could personhood
emerge within
this cold space?
the energy of utterance
just barely
a thread
no body but a shimmer
energy of
the shimmer
of intimate seconds
the frisson 
of personhood’s

and then

there is a wall.


there is
crawling up
the wall
and there is a top
of the wall
a top
having been
gone over
having emerged
within that soundthought
as that personhood
discovering itself
its being
if it has being
a frisson
born as a shimmer
a simulacrum
of an intimacy

a pianist alone


Yakima Greenway Trail
July 21, 2024

L'Histoire du soldat - Igor Stravinsky - Columbia Chamber Ensemble, Igor Stravinsky

thrust into trudgery
to make a ballet about soldiers in 1918)
(and certainly not
a gung ho army life for me
sort of ballet) 

a note is a note
and nothing more 

analog mechanical
this soldier is a puppet
in the service of mechanized violence 

this music
is a puppet soldier
trudge trudge trudge
they all walk   that way 

order barking

playing multiple simultaneous games
of contrapuntal Go
by the rules
of multiple simultaneities

a note
is a note
(don't emote

Symphony in D minor, Op. 104 (#6) - Jean Sibelius - London Symphony Orchestra, Colin Davis

remembering quietly
settling comfortably
but pondering
the forms of musical magic
cold zones in memory
this music
is traced dimly
on the soundscape
brush the dust off
sudden excitement
things can happen fast here
the string desks
are chattering at each other
across the orchestra
which spectates
and heckles
and supports

Palolo - Charlie Wilson [from Turn Me Loose White Man]

lots of vibrato play
in those plucked strings 


Yakima Greenway Trail
July 22, 2024

Concerto for Piano, Trumpet and Strings, in C minor, Op. 35 (#1) - Dmitri Shostakovich - Orchestre National de la Radiodiffusion Francaise, André Cluytens, Dmitri Shostakovich

the skeleton of Mahler
spinning fantasies of the underworld
and its clackety carnivals
and burlesque reviews
and scholarly garrets 

emergent qualia

all the world's a circus

a tender song
sung straight
an honest tenderness
not without rubato exactly 

this piano concerto
is not always about being one 

its soloists
without being all heroic 

{this rip is faulty, let me try again} 

seim anew 

the more it dances
the tighter its spring-crank is wound 

stepwise study
even the leapy bits trace scales
with their extremities 

an intermezzzo 

frantic to get it done
so much work
super paper stamper

An Outdoor Overture - Aaron Copland - Seattle Symphony Orchestra, Gerard Schwarz

the simple spirits
of the heartland dweller
our Edenic past
that never was

Symphony for Strings (#5) - William Schuman - Seattle Symphony Orchestra, Gerard Schwarz

sandpaper contrapuntal voices
rub on each other
to smooth their other out 

the voices
are against each other
not friendly really 

Shostakovich in on hand
and Copland in the other hand

weary old Romantics 

our version of business being efficiently done
soon these efficiency experts 
will o'errun the land
an efficient pestilence

Yakima Greenway Trail
Piano Concerto in G Major, Op. 36 - Howard Hanson - Seattle Symphony Orchestra, Gerard Schwarz, Carol Rosenberger

we'll open with a hymn
then get to work
music made of themes in arrangements
their notes don't jump themes
now we'll Bartok for a while
and transitions between themes
the other problem with this
is that the keyboard writing is bland
(derivative I can handle
but bland is a waste)

Fantasia Concertante on a Theme of Corelli - Michael Tippett - The Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra, Christopher Hogwood

slow strobe bowing
saw rhythm
so we know
which material we are in
and can follow the program notes
minute upon minute
of tenderly tasteful counterpoint
unwilling to disgorge
that chug chug back and forth continuity device 

the Midwest
unable to rely on the coast
looks to England
for propriety of Modernism
late entry in the sentimental neo-classics

Sweet Little Sixteen (live) - Chuck Berry

lively performance
nice bass playing too
whoever it is

Mickey's Monkey - The Miracles [collected from Neal Kosály-Meyer's Bo and the Beat]

must be a dance
to be
an all-the-rage
with the teens
this week

Tears of Rage - The Band [from Music from Big Pink]

everybody drags along unwillingly

Angel - Aretha Franklin [collected from Dave Marsh's The Heart of Rock & Soul]

the conceit of the song's text
involves the use of a manufactured object
(the song on the box)
as a short cut
to self-expression
on how
to properly consume
a hit record)

Walk On By - The Stranglers [from Nancy's Mix]

Yakima Greenway Trail
July 23, 2024

covered as psychedelic sneer pop
to give it a cutting edge
for the jaded youth
of yesterday's today

Love, Peace and Harmony - Bow Wow Wow


some old troubadour songs recollected from around 1200 at the piano with interludes - J. K. Randall - Keith Eisenbrey [recorded live at The Chapel Performance Space, Good Shepherd Center, Seattle]

the gap
between episodes of music
needn't be any longer than required
to articulate a new activity 

these activity groups
are quite distinct
thank you 


this is not the first piece I had performed
with clapping and finger snaps
I played Greg Short's Knuckle Rag as a student
12 years old?
probably the first piece I performed
by a composer I had met in the flesh

Dukes - RockSalat [a Rescued Record]

punk rock
a life-style activity
bona fide fashion accessory

Banned Rehearsal 480 - Karen Eisenbrey, Keith Eisenbrey, Anna K, Aaron Keyt, Neal Kosály-Meyer [January 17, 1988]

we were beginning to record on DAT
and we thought we could put out a CD
so for a while
most of our sessions were only 30 minutes long
(so that we could fit two of them in)
(45 minutes was the default yet for a while)
we were trying to be presentable 

it was odd for us
to be outward facing 

our group-improvisational tactic
for making a chamber symphony 

as such
this is an enjoyable session
full of focused playing from everybody
20 minutes in
and it would been just fine for the eventual CD
if it didn't ultimately make the cut 

figurations are activities
hence our proper development mode
is an activity of their realm 

they are doing something
(by immediate comprehension)
they develop
by means of doing something
to them
or with them
that is
a doing something
(by immediate comprehension) 

the Mighty W
in a fine moment

{journal entry of February 20, 2006:

almost Elgarian
Banned Rehearsal color play
at its loveliest
down dim. to a lusciously rich sonic PP space
- flute (ocarina?) - trombone,
low piano - light percussion.

militarism threatens.
as the blattboofbone. 

The Blutstürm passes
lovely peace
sonic treasures.
marvelous transparency}

Clear Creek Falls Overlook
Invention - Benjamin Boretz - Michael Fowler [from Open Space 18]

I just played this last Saturday!

7(7) Track 4 - Aaron Keyt

plays with connections across gaps
between discrete sound bursts
cut short
in not adding up

At Least (feat. Lena Simone and Charlie Smith) - Dawn Clement [from Tempest/Cobalt]

we heard some of a set that Ms. Clement was playing
ages ago
at The Reverb (or Macefield) Festival in Ballard
an able soprano
performing completely adult arrangements

Gradus at Cornish (continued) - Neal Kosály-Meyer [January 20, 2018]

the weird effect on the signal
is as though
it were recorded
on compromised media

digitalized image
of analog distortion
timed time-outs
(to fulfill some proportional prophecy?)
potential possibilities

back to distortions
our own attention being unstable
is a distortion upon the signal
even the signal
is a creature of neurons

Bee & Be - Anna La Berge, Tom Baker [from Sand]

these sounds
are sehr fleissig
at something
in an alien time

Instrumental Piece - Hildegard Von Bingen (?) - Seqentia [from Spiritual Songs]

this sounds more ancienty
than ancient
of course
I may be mistaken
I'm no expert
on 12th Century practice

Son Si Belle Le Rose - Carlo Gesualdo - Delitiæ Musicæ

what does the poem tell us differently
by being shared among these voices
just so?
does the just-so-ness
of how the voices recite the poem
overwhelm the poem
being so abused?

Verleih uns Frieden genädiglich, SWV 372 - Heinrich Schütz - Capella Augustana

the prayer becomes congregational
ritualized invocation

Praeludium in E minor, BuxWV 143 - Deiterich Buxtehude - Stella Simone

back when Praeludes had an A in 'em
oh so Greek 

if inclusive of a second group of material
then they contain within themselves
as a coming-before-sounding sort of piece
an internal coming-before sort of thing
(praeludial presagement)
(as structural tactic)
of course
we know what these big organ preludes came before
they came before the service of worship
sometimes they still do

Clear Creek Falls Overlook
Quatrieme Ordre (fa): La Pateline, Gracieusement - François Couperin - Kenneth Gilbert

never fussily binary and balanced
as to how repeats work with each other

Sinfonia in A minor, BWV 799 - Johann Sebastian Bach - Edith Picht-Anxenfeld

the balancing answer
is fitted over the repeat
of the question
to be balanced
by an answer 

they have to work it out

Keyboard Sonata in G minor, Kk. 234 - Domenico Scarlatti - Pieter-Jan Belder

more invertible counterpoint
but in a more freewheeling keyboard space
no transitions

Sonata in E minor, Wq. 52/6 - Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach - Miklós Spányi

no-nonsense chug chug accompaniment figure
nobody gets away with much
this is awesomely weird
has he lost track of where he needs to go?
I have 

but fundamentally of a sunnier disposition 

keeping a positive outlook
as best can

Symphony in C Major, Hob. I:56 - Franz Joseph Haydn - Austro-Hungarian Orchestra, Ádám Fischer

and considerate 

string tremolo
as a go-to special effect
strumming with a bow 

slowly developing
metrical indexing
homage a CPEB
but the weirdness
tucked into an internal movement 

a game of quick wits 

En garde!

Yakima Greenway Trail
July 24, 2024

Flute Concerto in G Major, K. 313 (#1) - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, Neville Mariner, James Galway

a concerto for display
rather than for concerto-ness
in the older sense
about the play of sound-worlds 

the accompanying orchestra
supports and amplifies
but doesn't play much
on an equal footing
with the flautist
when the flute plays
the orchestra fades into the background 

Mozart's concert music
is operatic
not because it seems to have a plot
but because it seems to have characters
and scenery

Symphony in C minor, Op. 67 (#5) - Ludwig van Beethoven - Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood

press through the fermati
no lingering or loitering here
momentum carries us through
to the ever so brief abeyance of propulsion 

here we take our time
to consider the matter from many angles 

worries in the dark
troubles mulled
industrious doings
to pull us through
we could take it apart ---> 

something approaches
a parade!
glorious victors
reacquaint themselves
with village life
have the worries truly departed? 


but vanquished
over-ridden with heavy boots
and ground-in 

cadential stomping
delayed by a coda

Clear Creek Falls Overlook
Caprice in A-flat Major, Op. 1 #12 - Niccolo Paganini - Salvatore Accardo

quick seesaw figuration
necessarily offsets one polyphonic meter
from another

on pulse voice
off pulse voice

Semiramide, Act 2 (start) - Giochino Rossini - Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, Mark Elder, Opera Rara, Albina Shagimuratova, Daniela Barcellona, Mirco Palazzi, Barry Banks, Gianluca Buratto

the synopsis in the wikies
is nearly a novella 

a succession soap 

each line
a shot
a camera on each face
they needn't have been in the studio at the same time
except per the terms of their contracts 

I'm growing fond of these chug chug chug chug accompaniments
they have possibilities 

duets and trios
require rehearsals and cooperation
but the audience loves 'em 

an off-stage chamber orchestra
must be night-time
now they're playing dark music
must have needed time for the scenery to be changed 

an evening-long orgy of plot points
liberally seasoned
with melismas 

the chorus enters
and says things
to articulate the scene

Klavierstück, D. 946 #1 - Franz Schubert - Alfred Brendel

some float
some run and leap 

a multi-movement work
integrated into a single piece
as though
one movement

an arch design
A to B
B to A
is it symmetrical
as experience in time?

Études de concert pour le Pianoforte d’après des Caprices de Paganini: Étude in G minor, Op. 10 #2 - Robert Schumann - Eric Le Sage

the surging passion of it
is sung between the voices
where the duet flows
transformation of an existing music
a Lisztian trick

Prelude in C Major, Op. 28 #1 -  Frédéric Chopin - Garrick Ohlsson 

the pulse flows up
through the figure

Geheimes Flustern, Op. 23 #3 - Clara Schumann - Dorothea Craxton, Hedayet Djeddikar

the meters flow
through the figure

Variations on a Theme by Haydn, Op. 56a - Johannes Brahms - Sinfonie-Orchester des Norddeutschen Rundfunks, Wilhelm Furtwängler [recorded live in Hamburg, October 27, 1951]

the binary-form repeats
accent the theme's essential inertness
the variations begin
by separating
the parts of the theme
that hold it down
those that move
in it 

this variation is scary 
in a slow and viscous way 

this one interrupts itself
and spills its words
over each other
on the way out 

this one dances
so gracefully! 

wisps of mists 

this variation
is a Passacaglia

Yakima Greenway Trail
July 25, 2024

Violin Concerto in D Major, Op. 35 - Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky - Concertgebouworkest, Amsterdam; Bernard Haitink, Henryk Szeryng

balanced melodic
goes quickly rhapsodical
day dreams distract
lots of energy spent in expectancy
symphonic workings out between

solo bits
must be difficult to execute
and written to make it obvious 

fall back to the balanced melodic
and its accretions of technical display
harmonically induced suspense
doing all in its power
to not get to the finish line 

the opening theme group
is lovely string writing
I wish he'd thought more
about getting to the second
or whether it were necessary 
but brief
an articulation
before returning to the first group 

jump right in
so bracing
then turn on the expectancy
getting back in tempo
is a relief
chromatic shifts
gently downward

performance instruction:
the suggested attitude of the performer
towards the act
to be enacted
id est
treat this bit sweetly
this bit passionately
take your time here 

and so
the piece becomes
not just the notes to be played
a prescribed
towards those notes

Clear Creek Falls Overlook
Khovanshchina, Act IV - Modeste Mussorgsky - Sofia National Opera, Atanas Margaritov, Dimiter Petkov, Todor Kostov, Lyoubomir Bodourov, Stoyan Popov, Nikola Gyuzelev, Alexandrina Milcheva-Nonova, Milen Paounov, Maria Dimchevska, Dimiter Dimitrov, Nadya Dobriyanova, Verter Vrachovsky

a threat to succession
an interloper
a Napoleon wanna-be
(or, I suppose,
a would-have-wanted-to-be)
the successful pretender
no wonder he had trouble
with censors
in a dynastic regime
this big melody stuff
might have been inspired
or suggested
by Rimsky-Korsakov
who could have never done so well 

the singers
jump and shout
in surprise
must have been the stabbing thing

the conspirators
get their deservings
we're sad about it
Woe is Russia
trumpet and bell
(not what they were expecting) 

it gets worse:
a history of politics

3 Gymnopédies - Eric Satie - Frank Glazer

my recollection
is that there is only one Gymnopédie
we hear it three times
what might as well be
the same notes
each time
impervious to distinction 

the prettiness of them
is a red herring
to their essential radical thought:
as an existential puzzlement 

one could generate
an infinite chain of Gymnopédies
trailing off into Everland
each uniquely
obtusely decorative

Sea Pieces: Nautilus, Op. 55 #7 - Edward MacDowell - Fred Karpoff

these pieces
at the sea
at sea 

a lovely time
our little cottage

4 Preludes, Op. 39 - Alexander Scriabin - Michael Ponti

packs his preludes
with other preludes
they fight it out
this one
cleans up the mess
a stern lecture
law laid down
big two-armed chords
full of notes
and strict voice leading

Clear Creek Falls Overlook
Symphony in A-flat Major, Op. 55 (#1) - Edward Elgar - Royal Philharmonic Orchestra - André Previn

first scene:
in a church
at prayer
for the strength of the Empire 

new scene:
a threat is coming!
stiffen those lips chaps
we are civilization's
last and best hope
we venture into strange lands
to bring them
naught but civilization
in payment for which
we extract wealth 

we will be already bewitched
by the strangeness of it all
but the prayers
in the church
for the strength
of the Empire
must be answered
charming memories
of frolicking children on the lawn
playing with ribbands
forth we must struggle
against savagery

this movement gets lost in its story telling 

has it all been a dream?
(a nightmare to some!) 

so it's to battle then?
dream of home far away
thoughts fly hither and thither
remember the ribbands!
that patch of sod!
we've been through a lot
and we're only one movement along
we drift into somnolence
threats of more plot intrude
we may be able to drift from them
think on the pious prayer!
you will be transported
back to thoughts
of English gardens 

we're in the third movement
no breaks
we may survive yet 

the manor slumbers secure
our duty
is to guard our lives in comfort
back home
go forth
in the service of bravery and fortitude
such a Justly Placed National Pride we have 

Lawrence's England

In Session at The Tintinabulary

July 21, 2024

Rockingham - Keith Eisenbrey

July 22, 2024

Gradus 397 - Neal Kosály-Meyer

we move our bodies
through the grounds
of the effect our posture has
on the shapes
of the space
we scope out
its extremities

does naming an activity
deafen us to it?
or ostinato
do they continue to be heard

stepping stones
guide our motions
we find positions
within patterns of partitions 



Keith Eisenbrey 19: 2021
Études d'exécution imminent - Acknowledgments
Rounds for Aaron (2021)
Rungs for Neal (2021)

The Acknowledgements form the last segment of my large-scale project "Études d'exécution imminent", which might be subtitled "studies in compositional listening".

This album is free for download.

Prior volumes are available at

All are free for download.

Skaldmud's Doodle Gallery

listening journal doodles from 2024

Saturday, July 20, 2024



"Nothing exists in itself. If you flatter yourself that you are all over comfortable, and have been so a long time, then you cannot be said to be comfortable any more. But if, like Queequeg and me in the bed, the tip of your nose or the crown of your head be slightly chilled, why then, indeed, in the general consciousness you feel most delightfully and unmistakably warm. For this reason a sleeping apartment should never be furnished with a fire, which is one of the luxurious discomforts of the rich. For the height of this sort of deliciousness is to have nothing but the blanket between you and your snugness and the cold of the outer air. Then there you lie like the one warm spark in the heart of an arctic crystal."

Herman Melville - from "Moby Dick; or, the Whale"



July 13, 2024

Croquis et agaceries d'un gros bonhomme en bois - Erik Satie - Frank Glazer

short pieces made of scraps

Székely nota. Poco Rubato - Zoltan Kodály - Jenö Jandó

strong pronouncements with emphatic underlining
digging into the paper

Symphony in D minor, Op. 104 (#6) - Jean Sibelius - Finnish National Orchestra - Georg Schneevoigt

light descends
a blanket of feathers and air
earth quickens
queries met with silence

a problem
develop an incantatory regime
taking turns building on each other
leaps of logic
the village builds together

this music is intent on its parts
everybody has a job to do 

what it will make
when it all gets together
is hard to guess
from within any one moment
an open question
even when its done

Mississippi Jailhouse Groan - Rube Lacy [from Really The Blues]

a report from low in life

I Gotta Right to Sing the Blues - Charlie Parker, Dizzy Gillespie [from That Devilin' Tune]

and to enjoy doing it too

Three Anti-Modernist Songs: III "Who Wrote This Fiendish 'Rite of Spring'?" - Henry Cowell - Continuum, Joel Sachs

the words are an expression of honest bafflement
the setting doesn't quite deride it

Sweet Georgia Brown - Charlie Parker, Dizzy Gillespie [from That Devlin' Tune]

I'm sure the song is in their heads the whole time
but they have run far ahead of it

Partita for Wind Quintet - Irving Fine - New York Woodwind Quintet

each movement keeps its focus narrow
internal contrasts are used sparingly 

small stage
local to its habitual haunts

Yakima Greenway Trail
July 14, 2024

Fifth Sonata - Lockrem Johnson - Lockrem Johnson

Lockrem takes this at a much faster clip than I like
and seems to tone down some of the dynamics in spots
(not a bad idea)
the quick pace
to my ear
rushes through a lot of potent stuff
we don't get a chance to really sit within it
before we're on to the next thing

Meditation on Orpheus, Op. 155 - Alan Hovhannes - Seattle Symphony Orchestra, Gerard Schwarz

bedraggled and defeated
the hosts trudge toward home 

timpani glissandi
the effect
(but not the affect)
is more like upspeak in sound 

a cold wind recurs
colder each time

The Lonely Surfer - Jack Nitzsche [collected from Dave Marsh's The Heart of Rock & Soul]

fabulously engineered
to make everybody sound great
including the electric bass and the drums
the machined pristinity
of 20 years later

People Got To Be Free - Rascals [collected from Dave Marsh's The Heart of Rock & Soul]

there is a time to be ironic
but then
wasn't that time

Mind Games - John Lennon [from Mind Games]

start with the chorus?
did they cut the first verse?
and then we'll have another chorus
all chorus
on and on 

we'll certainly remember the name of the song

there is a time for slogans
and this was it

Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird - Lukas Foss - Foss Festival Players

I played the piano part in this piece once at the UW ca. 1980
so really
when it was practically hot off the press

Yakima Greenway Trail
July 15, 2024

BAB KEE 840306 (Ben's dub) - Benjamin Boretz, Keith Eisenbrey [March 6, 1984]

impatient piano (me)
to get things going
where is it already? 

obsessive continuity
thinking anchored by ostinato
a figurational
music making gimmick 

hearing how music can be made
in an ordinary way
to drown
how something other
might arise 

Crumar hangs back
till the piano gets it out of its system 

hiatus taken 

to clear the air

tentative new beginning
sharing pianissimo singles and chords
I must have picked up a little hand drum
(settle down)
(or you'll trap yourself into a continuity) 

lack of a steady pulse
a pale substitute
for considered listening
too easy
and ineffective to boot
choosing to play a thing
that extends over a span
but missing
any one sound
in its moment
working at it
suppressing urges to get going
with occasional success
back to piano
through the drumming door 

the strategy of doing two activities at once
is not bad
overload the motor impulse circuits
better perhaps
to override them
with considered listening

The Bishop's Dance (Max's Kansas City 1973) - Bruce Springsteen [collected in Neal Kosály-Meyer's A Springsteen Miscellany]

a jumble of words
to play with rhythms and rhymes
telling a story
without connection

July 16, 2024

Banned Rehearsal 325 - John E, Karen Eisenbrey, Keith Eisenbrey, Aaron Keyt [March 19, 1993]

get up Toad
it's May 

so soon? 

John says please 

Yakima Greenway Trail
the smallness of the room
is in front
we are digging around in  a pile of stuff
to make noise with 

even smaller sounds
fill the aural space of the recording's projection
its stereo image
being metaphorical
as applied to music 

aural hallucination

is the objectification thus accomplished
also metaphorical? 

an aurage
is an experience
not an object 

we bang along to Burana
on the Speaker of the House 

that's a mallet 

we pack our sounds
right up to analog distortion
press it in
revel in it 

the contingencies and capacities
of the recording medium
and process 

an anarthrous phrase
is not
an anarthrous phrase 

an arthrous phrase
is not
an arthrous phrase 

got them two year blues
John recognizes Jingle Bells
on a music box
and tells us what it is 

fragmented attention path
a compositional device
going to town on the bug guitar
working that Hidden Damage lick

Yakima Greenway Trail
{journal entry of January 15, 1998:

two year blues
the problem
is in those gestures
that strive neither for Apollo
nor Dionysus neither
compose deep in thought
of Cage and Feldman
nor over the top celebratory theatrics}

Lost Ones - Lauren Hill [from The Miseducation of Lauren Hill]

jump into the drum beat
at an unexpected moment
epilogue about love

Prelude in D minor - Ken Benshoof - Keith Eisenbrey [recorded July 14, 2022]

it may not be a composer-approved performance
but I think I nailed it
almost as if Thelonious were playing it
or so I self-flatter

ars antiqua - J. K. Randall [from Open Space 22]

old school like the no school 

we'll organize our notes
here are mine
listed out in orders
loops not to be looped
we will adjust to fit
but not the way intended
change of pace
change of tactics
the junkier the sound
the more believable the composition
not to follow

committed to exact
each step

this music is far beyond
beard stroking
or chin scratching

it's all
in how
one divvies up
the givens 

why electronic means serves this music so well:
any emoting
even if inadvertent
and even if well-meant
would obscure its internal emoting

might we be serious here
for a moment

Luke 6:20-25 - Keith Eisenbrey - Keith Eisenbrey

I was having some trouble keeping the parts together
but the sound isn't bad

String Quartet 4 - Craig Pepples - Mivos String Quartet [from Open Space 42]

every bit gets their bit
density not uniform
completely engaged all the way

Banned Rehearsal 1070 - Karen Eisenbrey, Keith Eisenbrey, Steve Kennedy, Aaron Keyt [February 3, 2023]

behind the quiet opening
the bass in the band at Growler Guys
is discernable
probably near the end of their set 

and beneath that
some wind noise
from one side of the telepath 

cheesy synth sounds
in their native lands
among friends 

the Tucson gate
fits right in 

recorded sound
comes on
like signal
and impervious 

best to keep it fragmented

serendipitous pitch collection matching

I'm pleased with the success of my mix
the Tucson contribution
sounds like one of us 

screaming sheep
yelling folks
roaring folks
bleating folks

Yakima Greenway Trail
July 17, 2024

Caritas Habundat in Omnia - Hildegard Von Bingen - Sequentia, Barbara Thornton [from Canticles of Ecstasy]

stations of the muse
neither begins nor ends
an icon in text

Felice primavera: Danzan le ninfe oneste - Carlo Gesualdo - Delitiæ Musicæ

propulsion through to resting place

Es ist erscheinen die heilsame Gnade Gottes, SWV 371 - Heinrich Schütz - Capella Augustana

clear distinction
between strong and light beats
occasional syncopation of durations
to deepen the metrical field

Christ, unser herr, zum Jordan kam, BuxWV 180 - Dieterich Buxtehude - Stella Simone

chorale prelude
in contemplation of hymns
with unsung words
a meditational mnemonic

Premiere Ordre (sol): Sarabande la Majestueuse - François Couperin - Kenneth Gilbert

each step deliberately turned
the fabric spills in heavy layers

Sinfonia in D Major, BWV 789 - Johann Sebastian Bach - Edith Picht-Axenfeld

beneficence flows from one
through the measure

Sonata in E minor, Kk. 233 - Domenico Scarlatti - Pieter-Jan Belder

a voice dance
two about an axis
that dances with them

Yakima Greenway Trail
Sonata in D minor (alternate movement), Wq. 51/4alt - Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach - Miklós Spányi

how it keeps its head
through change after change
from seq to seq
non or not
at least
we hope it does
I got lost several tonalities ago 

and there we are
all better again

Symphony in D Major, K. 162b(181) #23 - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood, Jaap Schroder

this D Major
has some dark alleys 

a galante modulation
the pitches transform themselves
into other parts
of the new key
the key
shifts around the notes 

(modern pop modulation:
the notes are shoved bodily
into the new key) 

lovely little oboe cavatina

Klaviertrio in G Major, Hob. XV.25 - Franz Joseph Hayden - Beaux Arts Trio

full of the pleasure of making a music with others
essentially social
a cooperative activity 

song movement in the middle
announcement movement
song movement
(dance movement)
(wrap-it-up movement)

Sonata in E Major, Op. 14 #1 - Ludwig van Beethoven - Paul Badura-Skoda

the pedal on this fortepiano
has a light touch
allows heavier use 

great use of the dynamic potential
of the new instrument Beethoven had
no song movement

Caprice in C Major, Op. 1 #11 - Niccolo Paganini - Salvatore Accardo

duet for a violinist alone

Yakima Greenway Trail
Semiramide, Act 1 - Gioachino Rossini - Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, Mark Elder, Opera Rara, Albina Shagimuratova, Daniela Barcellona, Mirco Palazzi, Barry Banks, Gianluca Buratto

trouble comes in
sneers at the cadence
hinting darkly
at wonders to come
pizzicato portentato 
parade approaches!
(just a teaser)
here they are)
stick sword battles
but that's off in the future
we're still at the beginning
the triumphal curtain rises
where are we?
with the lungy bass
thence to the comic relief
without transition
and of course
the chorus crowd
a tenor emerges
from the stern drums
and promptly melismates
quite pompously melismating
with the best of them
now they'll all melismate together
(and in public!) 

||new scene! new lighting! new orchestra!
chorus crowd
an edge
a new baritone (?)
has arrived
with companion of the soprano persuasion
is that the same old baritone
with a pleading
it's the whole lot of them
all the voices attack the soprano
thunder from heaven!
if it isn't
thunder from heaven
she sure can melismate!
takes 'em all for a ride
tenor pokes his nose over the top of the chorus
the male melismators
do obeisance
this must be the ballet bit
to attend to the chambers and toilet of mistress soprano
we descend further into the plot of her troubles
ceremony intrudes on peace of mind
a bass joins
adding to trouble
public speaking
the exchange heats up
new partner
the tenor woos at length
at last
a horn summons the end of all
that soprano stretches her tessitura uttermostwards
has words with a mezzo 

this act is long and drags considerably
too many big melismatic solos
everybody gets one
some get several
chorus breaks it up now and then
but not enough
at last
some nice ensemble singing

a time to worry over the future
beyond the act's end
big splash to finish it up

Yakima Greenway Trail
July 18, 2024

Klavierstück in E-flat Major, D. 946 #2 - Franz Schubert - Alfred Brendel

on the rim of the abyss
its hidden source
at the shimmering surface

Études de concert pour le Pianoforte d’après des Caprices de Paganini: Étude in A-flat Major, Op. 10 #1 - Robert Schumann - Eric le Sage

the crowd in the understory
busy like bees in lavender

Allegro Molto Vivace Ma Con Sentimento - Fanny Hensel - Beatric Rauchs

passionately within bounds

Nocturne in F minor, Op. 55 #1 - Frédéric Chopin - Alfred Cortot [15.X.1947]

pulse bends to meet melody
sudden event intrudes from outside
or inside
turned aside
with a glance

Die Veilchen - Clara Schumann - Dorothea Craxton, Hedayet Djeddikar

is part of what is being sung
fully integrated with the melody

Yakima Greenway Trail
Variations on a Theme by Joseph Haydn, Op. 56b - Johannes Brahms - Arthur Gold, Robert Fizdale

the intermingled box resonances of two pianos
efface something in their projected sound
as though two-pianos
is an essentially smaller instrument
than the single device
some of these variations work much better
as keyboard music
than they do in the orchestration
which tends to trade a magic for color
Brahms's orchestration 
has a tendency to explain
rather than illumine
my beef about two-piano sound notwithstanding
this is much more fun as a two-piano piece

Violin Concerto in D Major, Op. 35 - Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky - Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Fritz Reiner, Jascha Heifetz

doesn't stay small long
so we know we'll get the whole high emotional show later
and here we have it
the payoff military triumphal music
the flattered court
fashionable among all the best people
our hero will surely flourish
song movement
melody modelled after a certain value of folk melody
common to a locale
the ideal of one
calling card
of a National Hero composer
we'll wrap it up
with diligently efficient dispatch
and restful domestic interludes
(and performed)
to be light on its feet

Khovanshchina, Act III - Modeste Mussorgsky - Sofia National Opera, Atanos Margaritov, Dimiter Petkov, Todor Kostov, Lyoubomir Bodourov, Stoyan Popov, Nikola Gyuzelev, Alexandrina Milcheva-Nonova, Milen Paounov, Maria Dimchevska, Dimiter Dimitrov, Nadya Dobriyanova, Verter Vrachovsky

built on a foundation of liturgical chant
incantatory formula
petras ecclesias
a different
value of folk melody
on the bones of hymnody
a people's soul music
this music seethes with unrest
astonishing duet of musics
logical in two directions
these characters drag their orchestration behind them
like Marley's chains
value of folk melody
certain coding
for character and their statements
a voice is heard
calling from reality
outside the stage
alarm! alarm!
even messages have their orchestrations
joined at the 

ankle proto-modern
looks forward and down
music from church and street
that observes
but doesn't partake
of the court

Yakima Greenway Trail
Symphony in G Major, Op. 88 (#8) - Antonín Dvořák - Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Bruno Walter

always ready with a new song 

his orchestrations are born with their musics 

there's your big churchy tune
to vanquish doubt and dismay
we dance our cares within loops 

try a coda
that's a good trick
trumpet call
to trumpet heroics 

we'll build solidly contrapuntal adventures in Variationland
French Battle-Elephant Horn
everybody loves a rousing finish

Sea Pieces: From the Depths, Op. 55 #6 - Edward MacDowell - Fred Karpoff

we bob about on the surface
nose up to the breeze
glean what lies below
by what escapes to our sphere

Fugue in Four Keys on "The Shining Shore" - Charles Ives - Saint Louis Symphony Orchestra, Leonard Slatkin

what is the sense of "key" at play here?
that any one voice is "in a key"
by the tonal context
created by the other voices 

Yakima Greenway Trail
Pine Apple Rag - Scott Joplin - Kenneth Albright

formulaic root progression
in a popular idiom
(not court)
(not church)
(not academy)

Le Festin de L'Araignee (fragments symphonique) - Albert Roussel - Orchestre National de France, Georges Pretre

such a pleasant morning
to flit from flower to flower
little suspecting
a subtle web 

exotic realm
of the lives of bugs 

it occurs to me
that one might find a performance of this ballet
on the webs
{NB: I was hoping to see the dance, but couldn't find one}
we leave our hero happily digesting

In Session at The Tintinabulary

July 14, 2024

Uxbridge - Keith Eisenbrey

July 15, 2024

Banned Rehearsal 1103 - Hayley, Karen Eisenbrey, Keith Eisenbrey, Anna K, Steve Kennedy, Aaron Keyt, Neal Kosály-Meyer



Keith Eisenbrey 19: 2021
Études d'exécution imminent - Acknowledgments
Rounds for Aaron (2021)
Rungs for Neal (2021)

The Acknowledgements form the last segment of my large-scale project "Études d'exécution imminent", which might be subtitled "studies in compositional listening".

This album is free for download.

Prior volumes are available at

All are free for download.

Skaldmud's Doodle Gallery

listening journal doodles from 2024

Saturday, July 13, 2024



{The Cold Water Cure}
George Cruikshank - from "The Comic Almanack. 1st Series, 1835-1843"



July 11, 2024

The Last Milonga
Mark Hilliard Wilson, with Leanna Keith, Kristine Rominsky, and Peter Nelson-King
Chapel Performance Space, Good Shepherd Center, Seattle

I didn't really try to keep up with what was what
as it went by
here's what I wrote down 

sprout from the earth
rhythm drum
entangled cowboy music
ensorcells from the motion
it will be true
draped from melody
softly to the ground
a passacaglia follows
march of the troops
silence in the night
evening falls
and settles
the earth rhythm
reclaims its floor
Darius Milhaud with Leanna
earth and air
a bit of that old metrical modulation
with Kristine
whither it blows
it goes
a pleasant morning
happy breeze
the history of the Tango
Piezzola? {NB: nope, Piazzola}
like Chopin waltzes
this depicts
an actual
or several
mid movie
sad montage
with time
comes resignation
and long experience
time now for decadence
and dissolute doings
a song
of dialogue
from an opera
with Peter
a prayer
Ravel Habanera
dancing around the end of nothing
with trumpet

a lovely healing concert thanks to all involved!


Yakima Greenway Trail
July 6, 2024

The Black Maskers (Orchestra Suite) - Roger Sessions - Eastman-Rochester Orchestra, Howard Hanson

this music opens
without regard for the American West 

is from the East
from across the pond 

(I wonder if Emerson Lake & Palmer
ever considered trying this

it shares some of the same square-jawed phraseology
on occasion

2 Episodes - Arthur Berger - Robert Helps

this music has no skin
entirely interior to itself 

|| I was introduced to Arthur Berger once back at Bard || 

it can't be heard from outside

3 Anti-Modernist Songs: "Hark! From the Pit a Fearsome Sound" - Henry Cowell - Continuum, Cheryl Seltzer

lifted from a hostile review?

Selections from "A Ceremony of Carols" - Benjamin Britten - University Temple Chancel Choir, Chris Vincent

I am in this choir
knowing the voices intimately
Chris did some truly amazing things with us

Composition for Twelve Instruments - Milton Babbitt - Erik Carlson [from The Slowly Expanding Milton Babbitt Album]

interparty gestural sharing
these are gestures
they require several to accomplish
they are gestures of travel between instruments
continuous strands

Bear Cat - Rufus Thomas [from Sun Records Definitive Hits]

complete with cat-fight sounds right into the mic

'Round and 'Round - Chuck Berry [from The Best of Chuck Berry]

with almost no bounce

It's All Right - The Impressions [collected from Dave Marsh's The Heart of Rock & Soul]

great band back there
even the vamping
has character always

Spiral (Version Elektrochord) - Karlheinz Stockhausen

a blippy bloopy synth sound
associated with schlock sci-fi films
then as now? 

wanders into spectacle 

pretty fun Stockhausen actually

Yakima Greenway Trail
July 7, 2024

Quartet in F-sharp minor, Op. 142 (#14) - Dmitri Shostakovich - Fitzwilliam Quartet

at first they get along
then they begin to snipe 

a series of soliloquys follows
punctuated by episodes of figure-chains 

a small room
obscurely furnished
displaced from the possibility of outside its walls
a song
to the empty stars
quick words spilt
pieced together
with heightened care 

a refreshing zephyr of memory

Arkansas Traveler - Gordon Tanner, Phil Tanner, Art Rosenbaum, Larry Nash [from The Art of Field Recording, Volume 1]

straight man
comic man
with string band scribbles

July 8, 2024

Greeting - Ellen Taafe Zwilich - Claudia Stevens

a formula
a handshake
a hailing signal

Banned Rehearsal 130 - Karen Eisenbrey, Keith Eisenbrey, Aaron Keyt [January 1, 1988]

we make coffee
to a low trombone pedal
we enter with noisy bluster
soon subsided
Gourmet Irish Lutheran Coffee
for when Neal performs Finnegans Wake in Wisconsin
recollections of Eliza
the animal magnetism of a dead body
proceeds at a slant
Hi Ho
readings from Vonnegut and Faulkner
drink coffee out of sugar bowls
Aaron vamps on the Bundler
while I try to cue up Eliza for some reason
let's go and see what's going on in the other Act
the Overture
being the best part of Eliza
and Shirley the bass trombone
time flies
you can't
they move too quickly
the Overture is over
David's Basemundler March
the tape we made of the Unnamable
we were clearly too tired to focus this session
we reverted

String Quartet 6 - Milton Babbitt - Erik Carlson [from The Slowly Expanding Milton Babbitt Album]

agents move slowly among our scattering thoughts
I hear notes in lines
as parts of a melodic experience
their pointillist natures
by the context of their places
within the fabric 

a dense and intricate weave of lines of notes

Banned Rehearsal 479 - Karen Eisenbrey, Keith Eisenbrey, Anna K, Aaron Keyt Neal Kosály-Meyer [January 10, 1998]

one wonders whether beginning has begun
before unmistakable clarinet squeaks
and upright pokes confirm the worst
voices enter
by several means
from several times
wanders without seeming to
this was a "round robin" session
wherein only a subset of us was in the studio at any one time
each thread of intent
independently skewing our experience
of the other threads of intent that embody this
if sounds
have a body
what kind of thing
would it
might it
could it

the 'sound itself'
has the body
of a collaboratively improvised puppet
we metaphorize it
as a body 

personality of the puppet
changes with personnel 

each segment of a culture
culture objects
are idio-cultures
a token of the subsuming culture
as well as a model of it
bee whispering
in parallel conceptions
of getting the issue out in the open

Yakima Greenway Trail
{Journal entry of February 19, 2006:

sounding careful if not composed
a roundrobin
interrupted by knock on door
recorded conversation
(brought in from the house, I think)
shrill clarinet
by a time-depth rich rhythmic accompaniment
in percussion and prerec
lots of banging and honking
hang in there
but not much else
objet d'kitsch
on mic
musicy piano
thankfully out of tune
two separate questions
what is the smallest moment useful
in hearing this in context
what might be the smallest moment useful
in hearing this
not in context
how large a thing
must I find
for satisfaction
how much of this
hang together
Aaron attempts to frighten Holden
at long distance
a problem with roundrobin sessions
because of comings and goings
communal engagement is low
there is too easy an out
given a strong incoming agenda
or a sensitive ear to joining}

Serves Him Right - Betty LaVette [from A Woman Like Me]

our troubling thoughts
of others' vengefulness

Theme and Three Variations - Sean Osborn - Keith Eisenbrey [recorded live at The Chapel Performance Space, Good Shepherd Center, Seattle, June 5, 2010]

a string of notes
played through
in rhythms new and various
carefully damper pedaled
a suitable piece for me
suits me to a T

Freddy - Sage [from Forked]

the status of this harmonic rhythm
is less like that of chords in changes
as it is
in voices
in fluctuating relationships

Gradus at Cornish (beginning) - Neal Kosály-Meyer [January 20, 2018]

a Prelude to check the levels
eventually this will begin properly
I presume
as it is
I listen to nothing at all 

a note
when it appears
is a whole 

the recording has some filter
that messes with it
not uninterestingly
something like:
signals above a certain amplitude
are stripped off into a . . .
or better 
are instantly seared away
by focused heat
laserly trimmed

KLIV - The No Ones [from My Best Evil Friend]

high end wash

Yakima Greenway Trail
July 9, 2024

O Lucidissima Apostolorum Turba (De Apostolis, Responsorium) - Hildegard Von Bingen - Sequentia, Barbara Thornton

impetuous forward press
rapturous relaxed fall

Felice Primavera - Carlo Gesualdo - Delitiæ Musicæ, Marco Longhini

phrases linger toward their cadences

Er wird sein Kleid in Wein waschen, SWV 370 - Heinrich Schütz - Capella Augustana

flowing past cadences
spilling over the lines of verse

Praeludium in F Major, BuxWV 144 - Dieterich Buxtehude - Stella Simone

sets the key in place
top to bottom
and dusts off its workings
with a fugue

Quatrieme Ordre (la): Les Baccanales - François Couperin - Kenneth Gilbert

overlapping harmonic interjections 
a performance practice
that privileges the notes on the beats
by increasing their relative length
so that
the back of beat notes
seem light
so that
the whole dances

Yakima Greenway Trail
Invention in D minor, BWV 775 - Johann Sebastian Bach - Edith Picht Axenfeld

about the size of the first part of a binary form

Sonata in E minor, Kk. 232 - Domenico Scarlatti - Pieter-Jan Belder

finding methods to slow our progression from A to B
after first demonstrating
how short the distance could be

Sonata in D minor, Wq. 63/2 - Carl Philip Emanuel Bach - Miklós Spányi

stripped back to the strictly necessary
each twitch tells
cadences with delayed deceptions

Keyboard Sonata in E Major, Hob. XVI:22 - Franz Joseph Haydn - Christine Schornsheim

once stripped back
new games can be played
without being tripped up
by the undergrowth
worlds can expand
that might otherwise become mired
by de riguer contrapuntal estuarities 

all the spaces are clearly marked
there are no dead-end pathways to distract

Sonata in A minor, K. 310 - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Mitsuko Uchida

two musics on stage
what the piano announces in public
and what it says to the wings
theater magic 

alone in a quiet room
fourth wall firmly intact
when in doubt
articulate clearly
when not it doubt
articulate clearly anyway
Couperin decorates beats
Mozart mostly decorates the back ends
fancy courtesies
Mozart's characters are intensely present to our sympathies
we care what they are saying

Sonata in D Major, Op. 10 #3 - Ludwig van Beethoven - Wilhelm Kempff

I think a valid claim could be made
that the modern piano is a better instrument for Beethoven Sonatas
but rather
that the Beethoven Sonatas
made a necessity of the modern piano 

imagine the perversity of switched-on Beethoven 

the modern piano
is optimally designed for Beethoven Sonatas
and exists
because they do
full stop 

the material of the music
is the whole incarnation of a character singing
it sings from within us

knowing where one is
distracts from immediacy 

Ludwig's not letting on
he may not know entirely himself 

does the familiarity
with repetitions of the first segment of a binary form music
affect our sense
that the third iteration in a line
will always be a new thing? 

immediate gratification of short-term memory banks
adult swim Clementi puppet show

Yakima Greenway Trail
Caprice in G minor, Op. 1 #10 - Nicolo Paganini - Salvatore Accardo

ornaments on the beat back
and full of notes
metrical marker
pattern token

Sonatina in C Major, Op. 55 #6 - Friedrcih Kuhlau - Loredano Brigandi

this music never does the wrong thing
a paragon of virtue
Sir Lancelot
or Galahad
(modest too)
or Do-Right 

an extensive sonatina as they went back then
everything was getting bigger

Quintet in C Major, K. 956 - Franz Schubert - Vellinger Quartet, Bernard Greenhouse

this music wonders
and has hopes
about where it will land 

intertransformation of scenes
and other stage magics 

phrases with internal existential crises

clarity of lyrical design
allows an expanse
in which to let it play out 

shadows across the imagination
dance movements with dungeons still and deep 

a mocking danse macabre
even that
with a darker side
and doubts
and hopes

Variations brillantes on Je vends des scapulaires from Hérold's Ludovic in B-Flat Major, Op. 12 - Frédéric Chopin - Garrick Ohlsson

but first
an extensive preambular flourish or three
before we can present anything like a plain theme
but then
it is as if he lost interest in it

Phantasie in C Major, Op. 17 - Robert Schumann - Alicia de Larrocha

melody borne on clouds
descends toward our sphere
we struggle to attain it
quick angular cuts
working hard
brick by brick we build

Die Stille Lotusblume, Op. 13 #6 - Clara Schumann - Dorothea Craxton, Hedayet Djeddikar

moral instruction
by means of close poetic observation

Yakima Greenway Trail
July 10, 2024

Mefistofele, Epilogue - Arrigo Boito - London Symphony Orchestra, Julius Rudel, Ambrosian Opera Chorus, John McCarthy, Norman Treigle, Plácido Domingo, Montserrat Cabeallé

a conversation at cross-purposes
the couple
of Faust and Mefistofele
sunders irretrievably
with celestial chorus assist 

the whistles are strange
more sound-effect than music part

String Quartet in A minor, Op. 51 #2 - Johannes Brahms - Budapest Quartet

figures pass through the tonalities they engender
all of them must be active
or at least
under only temporarily delayed consideration
no figure will let you forget it for long
memories do crowd in desperately

Eugene Onegin, Act III - Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky - Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra and Chorus, Boris Khiakin, Yevgeniy Belov, Sergei Lemeshev, Galina Vishnevskaya, Larisa Avdeyeva, Valentina Petrova, Yevgeniya Verbitskaya, Ivan Petrov, Andrey Sokolov, Igor Mikhaylov

high society ball
spectacle of our proud depravity
full employment for costumers
conspicuous opulence
we sing in extensive dissertations
with footnotes

Piano Piece in E Major - Ethel Smyth - Liana Serbescu

music box figures
dance when their crank is turned

Scheherezade - Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakoff - Philadelphia Orchestra, Eugene Ormandy

will open sternly
crib a few measures from Mendelssohn
then the violin will work its magic

this is one of the recordings my mom had when I was a kid
it got played a lot

Sea Pieces: Song, Op. 25 #5 - Edward MacDowell - Fred Karpoff

a bit of the shanty to it
but cleaned up considerable for polite company

4 Preludes, Op. 37 - Alexander Scriabin - Michael Ponti

sizeable as Scriabin Preludes go
that last one is determined to avoid meeting its key

3 Klavierstücke, Op. 11 - Arnold Schoenberg - Paul Jacobs

a triumph of specificity

In Session at The Tintinabulary

July 7, 2024

Creation - Keith Eisenbrey

I venture into the second year of this discipline, writing weekly arrangements of the tunes found in an 1846 shape-note song-book



Keith Eisenbrey 19: 2021

Études d'exécution imminent - Acknowledgments
Rounds for Aaron (2021)
Rungs for Neal (2021)

The Acknowledgements form the last segment of my large-scale project "Études d'exécution imminent", which might be subtitled "studies in compositional listening".

Prior volumes are available at

All are free for download.

Skaldmud's Doodle Gallery

listening journal doodles from 2023