Saturday, July 27, 2019



"Skin to skin with sound, emerging in the act of utterance, inceiving a genuine, a genuinely desired conversation with fellow soundmakers, givers of sound to ourselves for ourselves as one does in real not-staged conversations, conversations cumulating temperatures and colors and sensibilities by way of their ostensible subjects and stories and attitudes and opinions, all evolving in the language under immediate construction, its own self-language, saying untranslatably what it is that that language says, can say, finds to say, is the only language in which those things are ever said. That is what happened when, sometimes, it truly happened; habits are hardwired; they usurp the ground of authenticity, masquerade as reality, obtrude between you and your perhaps contaminated hope to achieve transparency with your partners, all of you separately struggling with the same impediments to being actually together, sensing that too much effort to get there imposes the dreaded conscious-of-selfness, but that it takes far more effort than that to tunnel in past the inevitable ennui-boundary at which nothing more is possible but whose surpassing is the moment when everything might possibly become possible. And, then, if it rises, it speaks, becomes the it that speaks, within whose speaking we absorb, not knowing that it is us, us the listeners, us the speakers."
Benjamin Boretz - (un- or not yet published text 2019)



July 23, 2019
Fuck A War - Geto Boys [from We Can't Be Stopped]

Those who have failed to be convinced tell us so.

Sanctus - Maurice Duruflé - Atlanta Symphony and Chorus, Robert Shaw [from Robert Shaw Master of the First Art]

Prefigurations of the later wordy-bit-pulse pulsate within the pulse of the unfolding of the pulse of the word "sanctus."

It is seamless to a fault, though I'm not sure a smaller, more intimate ensemble would not have been more luminescent.

Gradus 104 - Neal Kosály-Meyer [September 2006]

The simple details of articulation are made plain. The not equal, but inter-commensurate time-span-durations of pitch-articulation-episodes and listening-to-the-space-articulation-episodes operate within a bifurcating field, potentiating a careful articulation of two modes of listening.

aggressively world engulfing

one highish A in particular sets the zither strings to responding - the unstruck strings remembering the struck string

July 24, 2019
Things Are - Eleanor Cory - Jane Rosenfeld, Stephen Gosling [from Milton Babbitt: A Composers' Memorial]

experimental modes of conversation:

Let's play dress up
(but more like armor).

I could make up stories in my head about reminiscing that would fit, but none of these words are remotely right, and that feels wrong also.

Banned Rehearsal 916 - Jenny Chung, Karen Eisenbrey, Keith Eisenbrey, Anna K, Steve Kennedy, Aaron Keyt, Neal Kosály-Meyer [August 2016]

(on the porch in a Summer evening)
texture: brocade of interruptions and overlays,
crud lovingly woven in excessively lively lay lay layers,
the upfront amplified scritchy scratch invites peering through,
scrub and sheer,
clucking p'cawing just at the radar's edge

the activity count is high this evening,
and subtly spiced.

July 25, 2019

Converge - Benjamin Boretz, Michael O'Brien, Lenore Epstein [1981?]

(Ben sent me a sound file from days of yore, and the text that prefaces this post.)




tense pliance
bare permeance

reach inside
with a leftward drift

having broken through,
spoken heretowith,

we glow
we glint.

(for keeps now let's get real)


(dense static vibrato textureharmony begets efficient transformation)

the least change to effect the biggest change

haunch shift
for engineered pressure

Dial up the inexorable.
Simultaneously resist and acquiesce.


We are solid vertebrates.
internally skeletaled.

In order to in-shed our carapaces
we dis-soften.

(The exoskeletal's other is the that
that we are hid from outside our shell.

The inoskeletal's other is the that
that hides its shell inside.)

We have pulled our carapaces into us,
to reach the other's.

In Session at the Tintinabulary

July 22, 2019
Banned Rehearsal 986 - Karen Eisenbrey, Keith Eisenbrey, Anna K, Steve Kennedy, Aaron Keyt, Neal Kosály-Meyer


accordingly he found his return
berghof building extracts carried most methods
down over the bill with that was my own

the stone
would draw thunder

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