Saturday, November 11, 2023



"Pogo: My everlovin' word!
Churchy: We's gone make our livin' as the newly revived dyin' folk singers!
Beauregard: Zam! Zam!
P: My land!
C: 'is your land'! Wanna be in the act?
B: We'll be bigger'n the four weevils ... get a load of this!
C and B (singing) {To the tune of Ma Graney's Cremation}:

We're going to blank some verse today
That has never been blunk before...
And every time we make a rhyme
It figures against the score.

Yeah, man! Yeah man! Yeah, yeah, and oog...

We'll think in terms both big and black
And blank and blankety tragic.
With staring eyes we'll ride the skies
In search of hophead magic.

What we say will be fair fraught
With a fright of utter meaning...
And near the night we'll dig the sight
Of the Pizza tourist Leaning...

We'll bring guitars, disdain cigars
And, sighing, eschew shoes.
We'll hit a string and numbly sing
Those big old blank verse blues.

{Churchy holds up a sign: 'Youth! How Sad!'}

We rise! We rise! To fall again,
Setting blazes in our hair...
To make a light for this, our night,
This swooning, sweet despair..."

Walt Kelly - from "Hijinks from the Horn of Plenty: The Complete Syndicated Comic Strips, Volume 8"



November 4, 2023

Étude in C Major, Op. 10 #7 - Frédéric Chopin - Garrick Ohlsson

busy street on fast-forward feet flying

Fantasiestück in F minor, Op. 12 #5 "In der Nacht" - Robert Schumann - Eric Le Sage

about time for a lyric tale
let's hope the roof stays on

Circus Band - Charles Ives - William Sharp, Stephen Blier

gung ho
Ivy League
life grabbing

Nice Work If You Can Get It - Thelonious Monk [from The Complete Blue-Note Recordings]

key strike
so that
the pitch bends
or perhaps
that's just time at Monk's command
rough runs
or we don't hear as quickly as he

Miss Ann (take 1) - Little Richard [from Here's Little Richard]

a complaint in blues

Mr. Record Man - Willie Nelson [from ...And The I Wrote]

sincerity cosplaying
it's just his manner in song

He Ain't Comin' Home No More - Nina Simone [from High Priestess of Soul]

but there is an edge to it
so watch your fingers

Seems Like I Gotta Do Wrong - Ray Charles [from A Message From The People]


Talk To Me - Joni Mitchell [from Don Juan's Reckless Daughter]

addressed to guitar
or other muse

Love and Passion - Sarah Vaughan [from Brazilian Romance]

a problem with albums
we think of them as containing a certain kind of thing
which colors our pre-conception
of what's about to happen
it anticipates experience

The Kicking Mule - Mike, Peggy, and Penny Seeger [from Animal Folk Songs for Children]

dance band novelty song

Killer Wants To  Go To College - Paul Simon [from Songs from The Capeman]

wandering point of view

The Fuse - Bruce Springsteen [from The Rising]

a deceptive muse
overblowing it is a problem

We Spun the Stars on a Summer Night - Steve Layton & Improv Friday [from Shared Circle]

left channel right channel effects
may not quite disappear
if you face them sideways
ear to the wind

why headphones bug me
I can't turn my head within the sound's space
it follows my head
clamped on 

we continue our slow sinking
this music rewards standing up and walking about inside it
to hear it properly

November 5, 2023

Golden Age - Star Anna [from Soundtrack]

tone poem
a long way yet to go

Meditation 4 - Sascia Pellegrini [from Meditations]

conducive of a state of being
named meditation
in which
one meditates
that is
one in which
one considers
ones state of being

a meditation
need not be meditative
one might have
im-meditative meditations 

to consider a state of being
difficult to consider

states of being
without motion
an oxymoron? 

is the pool responding to forces out of intention's control
or is it a being speaking?

We Wish You a Merry Christmas - The Philadelphia Brass Ensemble [from Festival of Carols in Brass]

Lightnin' Hopkins - REM [from Document]

music is a mode of experience
from the standpoint of anyone hearing it
that mode
is a state of being
a bubble
a distinguishable thing

The Voice Within - Christina Aguilera [from Stripped]

message from the sisterhood
vocal projection control
two voices in one
as though
singing it twice

let 'er rip
Ms. Christina!

22 - Taylor Swift [from Red]

going out dancing
as a dance

Prostrate Before a Periwinkle - Amy Denio [from The Big Embrace]

poly-duet of reeds
with light percussion

Shadow Man - David Bowie [from Toy]

an advice
concerned with
dealing with
a mode of being
Mr. Headtrip

Goin' Down the Road - Bob Dylan [from A Tree with Roots]

romanticizing the great American wanderer
freedom or misery
dressed up as heroic

Ave Maria - London Symphony Orchestra [from Songs for the Holidays]

the chord progression
of a performative piety
more of an Advent thing than a Christmas thing

When I Fall In Love - Glenn Tate [from Some of My Favorite Love Songs]

homogenous sound
all parts fit all parts
mode of mood

Point of Egress (Instrumental) - Chris Brokaw [from Stories]

a calling card
hello this is me
what I
can do
have done

Untitled - Red Ribbon [from Freaks Only]

simple means
brilliance results

Church Girl - Beyoncé [from Renaissance]

witness type
turns sour
what one says
must conform to the brand

November 6, 2023

I Am The Walrus - The Beatles [from Anthology]

just the song
without the psychedelic static
the lyrics are plenty

I Know Him So Well - Whitney Houston [from Whitney]

coming to a musical comedy ready self realization
in show closing anthem mode

Ghosts - The Jam [from The Sound of The Jam]

you've been blokesplained

Cave Dwellers - Red Ribbon [from Time Is Running Out]


Sparks Fly - Waxahatchee [from Out In The Storm]

band's echo space
close to our ears
but with a long narrow hall behind it
the melody is a solid
makes no concession to the words
which are strung out on it
one by one

I'm Gonna Lose Again - Robin Holcomb [from One Way Or Another]

art lounge

Rosamunde-Overture - Franz Schubert [from 100 Greatest Classics]

innocent charm may not avail
but will do for now
fashionable pit orchestra clichés

( ) - Greg Sinibaldi [from Frieze of Life]

slow seepage under pressure
advantage taken of seams
and inclusions of differing resistance
the tune bit that opens
less the skeleton key to decipherment
than a keyhole
through which entry is gained
methodical occupation
individuals set up shop
space allowed within
which lets the space
at the end
remain familiar
as though still within

Electroplate - Black Plastic Clouds [from Electroplate]

carrying a private argument
into the public sphere

There's No Pressure - Lures [from There's No Pressure]

but there is a weariness that weighs down

Love Blind - Robber's Roost [from Rage & Reason]

a letter
to disclose how one feels

November 7, 2023

Mir Stanke le - Bulgarian State Radio & TV Female Vocal Choir, Philip Koutev [from Le Mystere des Voix Bulgares]

vertical pitch stations
ornamented paths between

Canopy - Pete Comley [from Lost City Music Volume 2]

birdish twitters

Come To Me (Bjork) - Prom Queen [from Covers]

arachnid come-on
take care of all your problems
draped heavily over the background

Tear Shaped Bruise (Your Mother Should Know) - Dead Bars [from Dream Gig]

one of Neal's songs
making it big

Panel - Michael Bisio, Matthew Shipp [from Flow of Everything]

not a flat surface
as seems
from a special angle 

not easy
going in
or out 

quiet grove
at the heart of it

Mothers of the Disappeared - U2 [from The Joshua Tree]

pretentious fade in
so we know it's a meaning burdened event
swaying to the warm glow of moral thoughts

Guurmu - $.99 Dreams [from Brood of Bau]

cyclic as a background concept
without facts of its own on the surface
even where the surface assembles itself
in a cyclic image
it isn't the guiding cycle

Like I Do (feat. Josiah Johnson) - Shelby Earl  [from The Man Who Made Himself A Name]

halves of parallel dialogs
split screen
wildly massed strings

So Said Life - Doug Kolmar [from So Said Life]

a song speaking to a situation
might speak secretly
to another 

a sentimental sermon

Tears of God - Los Lobos [from By The Light of The Moon]

but to be fair
sermons are for congregants
broadcast message
for those who hear it
critiquing what you haven't heard
is pretense

Leaving - St. Paul de Vence [form St. Paul de Vence]

puppy dog eyes
I was wrong
poor me
soulfulness porn

Sometimes the Moon - Shallow Lenses [from War Poems]

and we want to say something worth saying
sometimes a sermon is worth saying
and Lord knows there's need for comfort

George N. Gianopoulos: An Autumn Sunset: I. “Leagured in fire...” - Stephani Lamprea [from Quaking Aspen]

all mad scene
all the time

Cyrano De Berger's Back - X [from See How We Are]

for theater buffs

Mother - Byron Au Yong [from Yiju]

culturally specific
several other sides of mother
than we are accustomed to

Be Cool - Three Fingers [from Stocking Stuffers]

another sermon
but pretty cool

Mesa & Plain - Steve Peters [from With My Back to The World]

a flexible membrane of cyclicity

Paid in Full (Mini Madness) - Eric B. & Rakim [from Paid in Full]

new dimensions
new values
it's so fresh

Skinhead - Cowgirls, The


Hey, Myla - Mud On My Bra [recorded live at The Sunset Tavern, Seattle, April 18, 2017]

let's go!
lots of cowbell

~~~-~~~~---~~~~~~---~~~~~~~~~(Rojahn Remix) - Lost Chocolate Lab [from (Previously) Clean]

we are being washed clean
inside and out

Another Part of Me - Michael Jackson [from Bad]

if you can
hearing his voice
without seeing him move
in your head 

a villain in their lair

Lightning Pass My Way - Low Hums [from Low Hums]

gots his glow on
perturbations signal articulation
beginnings of the end

Track 7 - Strange Like Us [recorded live at The Sunset Tavern, Seattle, April 18, 2017]

the recording doesn't do justice
to how well this group sounded live
their vocals mixed together live
into something new in the room
on the recording
they are more distinct than they were live 

and a toybox full of tricks at the end
I had forgotten

Straußmanöver (Ostrich-Maneuver) - Eric Nathan [from Missing Words]

is a collection of similars
what an album is
could it be a scrapbook
was it composed
as a set
or to be performed as a set
certainly to be performed
without regard to set inclusion
an illustrated list of each thing to be heard in its turn

Bye Bye Baby - Ramones [from Halfway to Sanity]

four Bs three ys two es and an a

Keep Your Heart Young - Brandi Carlile [from Bear Creek]

sisterly advice from the future
repeat till learned

Track 7 - Sun Dummy [recorded live at the Victory Lounge, Seattle, April 27, 2017]

such a weary voice

Part IX - Alex Anthony Faide [from Particles of The Infinite]

bright clean magic
sparkles moves like dream games
regions come and go so seamlessly here

Piano Concerto (last Movement) - Edvard Grieg [from 100 Greatest Classics]

has all the gestures of a piano concerto
a series of moments
and with flags waving
here's The National Pride Tune Bird
to inspire us all
with fervor and fire

Which Side Are You On - Ian Bell, John Teske [from Embers of Discontent (first mix)]

altar call
threat posture
or worse

Dream Gig - Alone in Dead Bars [recorded live at the Victory Lounge, Seattle, April 27, 2017]

keep on dreamin'

6 or 7 Miles After - Jostaberry [from Hello Turbine]

nice sounding drums
joined by electric Muppets
tune lost in words
words lost in turn

November 8, 2023

Violin Concerto in G minor, Op. 26 (2nd movement) - Max Bruch [from 100 Greatest Classics]

boor'zhwah sentiment
looks back at the mess they made
and assures themselves
it was all for the best 

lullaby lullaby
sweet dreams

Track 6 - Youth Rescue Mission [recorded live at The High Dive, Seattle, April 6, 2012]

a public service message about water
a song desires close attention
hard to do in venue
small sounds get lost

What The Hell - Chastity Belt [from I Used to Spend So Much Time Alone]

a recording allows the possibility
of designing a venue to the song

Labor of Love - Emily Stranger [from Labor of Love]

collected from the scenaria
of internal monologs

Elizabethan Serenade - Ronald Binge [from 100 Greatest Classics]

pray tell
is Elizabethan about this?
{NB: ah! Elizabeth the more recent!}
squarely in 19th or early 20th Century's light opera territory as best I can tell
bandstand favorite somewhere

Track 6 - The Tailenders [recorded live at The High Dive, Seattle, April 6, 2012]

many parts are present
but misbalanced
feedback issues
falls apart behind the hum

sCraps - Gaytheist [from Let's Jam Again Soon]

aggressively filling space
bring a snorkel

Departure of a Leaf  - Halla Steinunn Stefánsdóttir - Lương Huệ Trinh [from Strengur]

in telescoping waves
blooms in blooms
face to face
the ledge narrows

Symphony in A Major (2nd movement) - Ludwig van Beethoven [from 100 Greatest Classics]

theme and variations
as a dramatic procession
pulled back into line
round the corner
the full horror appears
turn back

Track 6 - Curtains For You [recorded live at The High Dive, Seattle, April 6, 2012]

is a method of vocal projection
so that one can be heard
at a distance
(not heard here)
seems loud
but carries less detail

Dream Fever - Charms [from Human Error]

when bands are led by gearheads
gear head
dead head

Aura - Benton Roark - Re:Naissance Opera [from Music from The Apocrypha Chronicles: Mycologue Imprints]

film scenes in an exhibition
the soundtrack tone-poem
all the literal ingredients

Forever In My Life - Prince [from Sign O' The Times]

texts and backing texts
begins to sound like a rehearsed line
two readings
dancing with each other

Peggy Loucura - Camarones Orquestra Guitarristica [from Live in Natal]

shake your head up
you'll feel better
medical discombobulation
by prescription only

Books and Pills - Porn Bloopers [from Blooper Reel]

for the physical release of it

Samantha and Steve - Tom Varner [from Sound Vespers]

human sized
human aware

much of that
is out on the lawn by this time
they fall back
in languorous liquidity
serenading the passersby
sweet song for slumber's solace
we trudge out into the planet
metallic jets become drumheads
and marbles
an aural phantasm of frogs forms
and speaks
lots to say
life in the bog
nobody knows the trouble I've been
a fresh crew approaches
chatting amiably
which voice to follow
attempt the voice less followed

Sweeping Through The City - Total Experience Gospel Choir, Pat Wright [from Bits and Pieces]

recorded right here
in a space in space
from a place
infectious accelerando to release

Wild Red Roses - Karin Blaine [from Modern Day Living]

in the form of a folk song

Lollipop (Ode to Jim) - Alvvays [from Antisocialites]

I'll be good daddy
suburban teeny pop
playing some of the same games as Ms Swift

Unresolved - James Falzone [from So Far Still]

fipple flute!
a melody worth following

Madrigali, "Six Fire Songs On Italian Renaissance Poems": V. Luci serene e chiare - Morten Lauridsen  - Polyphony, Stephen Layton

lines tumble over each other like kittens

HM Evolved - Tyrannosaurus Grace [from Much More Than a Story]

he might have used words in this song
but I could not make them out

Up The Flagpole - CEP [from Drawing The Target Around The Arrow]

a slow throb

Wyoming - Tom Swafford [from Rough Spaces]

problem with naming a piece Wyoming
is that I immediately think about the place
and the word
and forget what I'm here for 

tempo of a hog auctioneer

I Don't Let The Little Things Get Me Down - The Young Fresh Fellows [from The Men Who Loved Music]

backhanded blues

Give Myself To You - Specyphi

practiced guitar playing

Track 7 - Arbor Towers [recorded live at Victory Lounge, Seattle, July 15, 2017]

big sound to attract attention
mumble back into the sound
then big again
back to mumble

We Miss You And Wish You Well - Lori Goldston [from High and Low]

expressive changes upon a melodic idea
ways to extend a final
cycle back with new changes

November 9, 2023

Advance (12" vocal version) - Boogie Down Productions [from Criminal Minded]

projected toughness
an essential brand marker
a turnaround
on the fear of others
lines packed between strong beats
on one and four
patterns square up politely
in 2s 4s and 8s etc.
if they don't
start over

Out of Sight - Shannon Stephens [from Pull It Together]

self deceptions
from self help land
a hanger
to decorate with alternate readings

King of Viridia - Tomten [from Cremation Songs]

inside the psychedelic opening tone poem
we find a song
sounding vaguely 80s
or vaguely Doors-ish
with some piano pounding

Soundbox 1 - Marina Alberto, Omar Willey, Carlos Snaider, Leanna Keith, Heather Bentley [streamed January 29, 2022]

don't let this guy say grace at Thanksgiving
not arguing the facts of his case necessarily
but the stance from which they are spoken
it bugs me
pushes buttons
alarms sound

but enough of that
a pulse fabric is spread irregularly
a region with a pulse terrain
as it 

(disdain porn)
period applause pause 

ivories tickled
strings picked
a comfortable evening with close friends
drop on by anytime
leave when you must
or wish 

applause pause 

a new kind of plucked string sound
and light percussion
something with a bit of
across the pond
to it
and viola 

applause pause
turn the page 

this guy again
a hiccup away from wingnut conspiracy purveyance

applause pause 

harp or like instrument
an electric plucked string enters
we are in a lovingly tended garden 

applause pause 

poet dude and viola
disdain is not profundity
just close-mindedness 

applause pause 

poet dude again
playing the role of soloist
the other noisemakers
instantly accompanimentalized
why so acquiescent? 

conversation made futile
vastly better
every moment when loud guy isn't vocalizing
language casts a shadow on music 

applause pause
thanks guys

XAS - Xenakis - ST-X Ensemble, Charles Zachary Bornstein

a sunnier but harsher late Stravinsky
reeds being overtly reedy 

stochastic does not equal haphazard
it is a strict mathematical point of view
or place of hearing

our emotional states
have a star power problem
over enamored of big names
for their bignamesness alone
the field
even with the emotional range of inquiry
is huge
if sliced finely enough

Some Girls - Madonna [from MDNA]

Max Headroom's angry daughter
technoid carapace
using one's bully pulpit
(pussy pulpit?)
to open pop addled minds
just a little

Columbia Talkin' Blues - Carl Allen [from Roll Columbia]

Mr. Guthrie
writing Rooseveltian agitprop

Three Summer Pieces - Emily Doolittle - Laurel Swindon, Amanda Lowrey

instrument = character
that is
if and only if
not character
if and only if
character can be
of characters
or inside one
that is
a way to think of chamber music
as distinct from orchestral (massed) music
a theater of instruments
how many folks are on stage matters
suddenness at any time
is character-driven
how Nielsenish!

Fanfare for Double Brass Sextet - Milton Babbitt [from Erik Carlson - Slowly Expanding Milton Babbitt Album]

Siegfried's partisans
have taken to arguing nits and picking iotas
we do not mention the orangutan
the meager fare of fans
holding forth in their echoing circles

I'll Show You Mine - Rachel Harrington [from Makin' Our House a Honkytonk]

what temptation is about

What Is Mine - Ephrata [from Ephrata]

inventing a sound
as a style
for a brand
on the rack
at the music consumption store
for the soundtracks
of your life

A Long Awakening - Motoko Honda

where does music fit into folks' day-to-day today?
for this question
I can't go by my experience
as I am likely an outlier
this is
quite pretty
attention is paid to voices
and sheen
dreamy sparkle dust

In Session at The Tintinabulary

November 3, 2023

Sinfonia 7 (midi) - Keith Eisenbrey

when I workshopped this on clavichord I made quite a few amendments from my first draft
mostly cutting out unnecessaries

November 5, 2023

Brentford - Keith Eisenbrey

This week's devotional arrangement

November 6, 2023

Banned Rehearsal 1087 - Karen Eisenbrey, Keith Eisenbrey, Steve Kennedy, Aaron Keyt, Neal Kosály-Meyer

it was great to have all of the most active crew members in attendance
it seems like it has been a while

November 7, 2023

Sinfonia 7 (clavichord) - Keith Eisenbrey

and here it is on clavichord
piano is next



Keith Eisenbrey 6: 1984-1988

Working with narrative forms, both explicit and implicit, playing games with memory, and finding ways to set texts.

Keith Eisenbrey 5: 1984-1988

My first years back in the Puget Sound area, working with the experience of repetition and with relationships between the vertical and horizontal pitch realms.

Keith Eisenbrey 4: 1983-1984

Finishes up the music I wrote while I was in New York (state) under the ostensible supervision of the academic world.

Keith Eisenbrey 3: 1982-1983

Written in Red Hook, NY, and Malabar, FL, as I was beginning to think about thinking about music.

Keith Eisenbrey 2: 1981-1982

What occupied my time toward at the end of my undergrad days and in the year before I went east for a while.

Keith Eisenbrey 1: 1979-1981

Keyboard works I composed while an undergrad at the UW. 

All are free for download.

Skaldmud's Doodle Gallery

listening journal doodles from 2012

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