Saturday, January 25, 2014


January 19, 2014
Keyboard Sonata in C-sharp minor Hob.XVI:36 - Haydn - Christine Schornsheim
As though cut into pieces and jumbled back together. Blown away by the tricky metrical scansion in the 3rd movement, we are knocked off our balance and led to the edge, where we remain.
Banned Rehearsal 56 - Keith Eisenbrey, Anna K, Karen Meyer, Neal Meyer - November 1985
In my Greenwood cottage, 1985
On occasion one of our less formally improvised sessions manages to succeed in some pretty amazing ways. The instant example is occupied mostly with a slide show and its attendant conversation. At that level it manages to be among our least smart-ass talky-tapes, and as a consequence is quite a fine snapshot of who we were and what we were like back in the day. On a family-business note this is particularly fun because it was made just a month or so before Karen and I made clear to each other our mutual smittenhood, and you can certainly sense more than a little flirtation in the air. But as Neal begins to layer in several other sessions, including the internally infamous Banned Rehearsal 12 and the less infamous Banned Rehearsal 44, with its own slide show and commentary, it becomes a wonderful study in the dynamics of recorded presence. In the end the dinosaurs swallow us all.
January 20, 2014
Foliage (live recording of playback) - Aaron Keyt
This electronic work opened our concert at the Chapel in November of 2010. The sound of it, as recorded in the space, is a pointedly immediate image of the tiny, the delicate, the close-focused, measured in millimeters from our ear. A tam-tam-y interlude at a great distance, across a chasm, marks out an extraordinarily specific stance of relative points in space. It is as though, with ear alone, we directly perceive the vector between them: concrete, immutable, impossibly precise.
Keyboard Sonata in D Major Hob.XVI:37 - Haydn - Christine Schornsheim
Eethoven - Tom Jajdu, Andrew Milburn, J. K. Randall - (from InterPlay)
big circles
muttered musical analysis clipped space radio chatter
freefloating atmosphog
back earthly metamorphosed
discourse :: continuity
moving alongness
sight-seeing examples pasted SPLAT!
"you can't put those next to a fughetta with an H in it!" (JKR)
In Session at the Tintinabulary
January 19, 2014
Banned Rehearsal 851 - Jenny Chung, Karen Eisenbrey, Keith Eisenbrey, Aaron Keyt, Neal Meyer
March 7, 2014 - 8 PM
Seattle Composers Salon
Chapel Performance Space, Good Shepherd Center, Seattle
I will be performing Aaron Keyt's Sonata (2012) for solo piano.
April 12, 2014 - 8 PM

A Cat's Life Returns Again - a recital by Keith Eisenbrey, piano, with special guest Olivia Sterne, narrator
Chapel Performance Space, Good Shepherd Center, Seattle
Attitude - Doug Palmer
Greek Nickel 2 - J. K Randall
Sonata (2012) - Aaron Keyt
A Cat's Life, a little opera for solo piano (1990) - Keith Eisenbrey
June 27, 2014 - 8 PM
Banned Rehearsal Celebrates 30 Years of Noise
Chapel Performance Space, Good Shepherd Center, Seattle

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