"Whereas in everyday speech we tend to use words and syntax more than we savor them, passing through language in order to communicate or glean a message, when we listen to music we tend to attend differently: individual moments, and successions and interactions among these moments, are what music is, they are why we listen."
- Dora A. Hanninen "Words, Musical Organization, and Boretz's 'Thesis'" Open Space Magazine issue 19/20 fall 2015/spring 2016
April 23, 2019
Sonata in G Major, K.2 - Domenico Scarlatti - Pieter-Jan Belder
short term
is a
to game
a cloak
for the large scale tricks to play beneath
jangleguitar and dead aim vocals
a bit of shaker
The Man I Love - Thelonious Monk [from The London Collection]
TM thinks like a singer
and that singer's ideal accompanist
:: to what extent
moment by moment ::
to let the chords carry the song
and exactly when and how precisely, to be sure the tune is played straight
From a Whisper to a Scream - Elvis Costello [from Trust]
flabs out
In Session at the Tintinabulary
April 22, 2019
Banned Rehearsal 980 - Karen Eisenbrey, Keith Eisenbrey, Steve Kennedy, Aaron Keyt, Neal Kosály-Meyer
doch klimmt sie in oben stand es binden
die drei zum felsen auch die jungfrau sprach
in dem soll herz wird munter er sterben
the numbers reduced irretrievably
to little dots that flash
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